Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3

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Kuro Pov

The hands of the clock hanging above the blackboard, have already gone round three times.

Which means the homeroom lesson before going home has started. Accompanying the bell and entering the classroom was Tama-chani, who opened the attendance book and started to relay information.

A normal and unexciting scene. However, at present, Shido appears to be feeling tortured by an uncanny panic.

To give a reason why...

Kurumi: "......"

Kurumi took the chance when the teacher was not focused to turn towards Shido, making eye contact and lightly waving her hand.

Shido: "That, um."

Feeling that it would be rude to not respond, Shido gave a bitter smile and waved back.

Yeah he was being tortured by that vixen of a woman. Which is honestly amusing, it's not often I can see Shido squirm so uncomfortably. Am I a sadist for enjoying his discomfort?


Thoughts for later.

Tohka and Kuro: ""......""

As such Tohka  who was sitting beside Shido, not making any jokes, was using stares sharp enough to cause dermatitis to stare at Shido.

Tohka: "Sttaaaaarrrreeeeeee..."

Oh lord she's not even being subtle about it.

Shido: ".... What, what should I do?"

As Shido sighed in despair, Tama-chan closed the attendance booklet.

Tama: "That's all for homeroom today. Wait I was supposed to say one more thing... What was it again? Ah right! One more thing, recently in this district, there seems to be cases of disappearances happening. Everyone, please try to move in groups. Remember to go back home before dark, okay?"

Kuro: "..."

Shido: "..... Oh?"

In response to Tama-chan's words that seemed to be aiming at children, Shido slightly raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

Now that it was mentioned, the morning news seems to have also reported similar cases. As the name Tengu City came up, his attention was caught.

Meanwhile I began to plan a different route home when walking with Kotori.

It was okay if it was Shido walking back alone, but it could be worrisome for Kotori's case.

...Well, if it was my little sister, the number of things to worry about would probably be larger.

Namely the ensuing collateral I would certainly cause. No I am not a siscon.

Just as I was thinking about that, the call to stand at attention was announced. Shido and I got up from our seats and bowed. Apart from the clattering sounds made by the tables and chairs when we were standing up, chatting between students could also be heard.

It was after school. But I still had stuff to do.

Oh boy, I really hate this damn microphone bs they have.

Shido stretched out a hand holding said microphone earpiece as I begrudgingly shoved it in my own ear.

Very soon, an enthusiastic voice vibrated my eardrums. 

Kotori: "It's time. Are you ready, Kuro?"

Kuro: "Depends. Am I getting paid to wear this?"

Kotori: "No."

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