Be proud father.

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Every since I was born
I had to make my father proud
to keep the name I've always worn
my mother left a big wound
when she left us here
but me and my father made a bound
so we wouldn't fear

He's the strongest man I know
the only in my life for now
once he told me "you don't love me"
how can I not?
you're all I got
you're the reason I'm alive
but the reason that I cried...

I used to be scared of him
I used to cut my skin
but the scars I have
are even on my calve
they show how weak I am
the blood I lost in every gram

But now tell me father
why should I bother?
should I try to make you proud
when all I see is a crowd
a crowd of disappointed people

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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