Chapter Five

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A-spen POV

After our sudden arrival to Seabrook, A-li, A-lan, and I were thrown into separate rooms with uninviting atmospheres. The room I was in had two green-haired boys who quickly started conversing with each other. One of them spoke a foreign language and the other quickly replied in English. "Bonzo, let's not deal with the alien invasion right now." Then, he turned to me. "I'm kind of in an impossible situation."

I nodded. "I understand. To get here, we developed interstellar flight, defeated space squids, traversed a carnivorous black hole, twice..."

"Uh, okay. Not that impossible. Because of you, I can't get into Mountain College. The recruiter quit and zombies can't apply."

"Zah." The other boy replied.

"Hmm..." I murmured while producing a pair of transparent glasses. Both boys screamed as I pushed a button and watched the glasses power on. "Mountain College. Downloading."

"What are they doing?" The boy in an 'impossible' situation whispered to his friend. After a few moments, I took off the glasses and powered them down.

"Too bad you are not exceptional." I sighed as the boys looked at each other. "The only way for you to get in is to prove that you are exceptional. Mountain College has a separate application for an exceptional-student scholarship and it does not specifically prohibit zombies."


(Izzy POV)

I was finally at my treehouse, my home since I was six. I climbed the ladder and stumbled to the kitchen, struggling to stay awake. I opened my fridge and took out a jalapeno and some milk. Without hesitation, I plopped the pepper on my tongue and started chewing. The seeds burned my tongue, but I ignored it until the entire pepper was swallowed. Once I ate the last seed, I drank a half-cup of milk and put everything away. Now fully awake, I hummed a song as I walked to my PC. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the trapdoor that the ladder led to. "Come in!" I hollered.

"Izzy!!" Leila shrieked. "My ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend are transferring here!"

"Wait, what?" I asked as Leila stormed into my room and sat on my bed. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend."

"Okay, then lemme give you a bit of backstory. Once upon a time, I lived in France because my dad had a job there. I had a boyfriend during that time and we were super happy together. Well, one day, my dad had to move here for his job, and on the day I left France, I found out my boyfriend was cheating on me and we broke up. The end."

"Dang." I commented. "That was a lot of Leila Lore that you packed into three sentences."

"Yeah, well now he's coming here with his girlfriend because of stupid foreign exchange programs!" Leila collapsed on my bed and exhaled angrily.

"Settle down, Tiger. What do you want me to do about it? I mean, I'm not even a student anymore."

"Wolf out on him or something."


"I still hate him! Duhsies!" Leila stood up abruptly and since she got up too fast, she almost knocked over my latest project because of her sudden dizziness.

"Ah! Be careful!" I dashed over to steady the item and put it back to its upright position.

"What is that?" Leila asked as she examined it closely. It was a full body mannequin with various markings and measurements scribbled on sticky notes that I placed all over it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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