Jimin is too much

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In the dorm sitting room

 "Jimin." Cried Taehyung.

 "Oh my god what's wrong TaeTae?" Asked Jimin.

Jimin started making a fuss of Taehyung.

 "Greez Jimin, I go from not being able to fool Hyungs and then to you." Said Taehyung.

"Wait, were you faking?" Said Jimin.

"Yeah." Said Taehyung.

Jimin hit Taehyung.

 "Oww, why do you do that?" Asked Taehyung.

 "Don't make me worry like that?" Said Jimin.

"Sorry hehehe." Said Taehyung.

At the studio

"Jiminie can you rub my legs?" Asked Taehyung,

 "Of course Taehyung." Said Jimin.

Jimin rubbed Taehyung's legs.

"Oww." Whined Taehyung.

 "It's okay." Said Jimin.

Taehyung Shaked his shoulders.

 "Does it hurt bad don't cry." Said Jimin.

"Jimin, ask him to face you." Said Yoongi.

"Why?" Asked Jimin.

"Just do it." Said Yoongi.

"Taehyung look at me please?" Asked Jimin.

Taehyung lifted his face and it is clean.

 "Ya I though I asked you to stop that." Yelled Jimin.

"Sorry." Said Taehyung.

3 days later in the evening.

In the Bedroom

 "Jiminie." Whined Taehyung.

 "What Tae?" Asked Jimin.

 "I had a nightmare can I sleep with you?" Asked Taehyung.

Yeah sure." Said Jimin.

Hoseok turned the light on.

 "Why did you turn the light on Hyung?" Asked Jimin.

"Taehyung look at me." Said Hoseok.

Taehyung looked at Hoseok.

" Not again get out." Said Jimin.

 "Yeah maybe this wasn't the best time." Said Taehyung.

Taehyung went back to his room.

One whole week later.

In the Sitting room

"Jimin, I don't feel well." Said Taehyung.

"Oh no let me take care of you." Said Jimin.

Jimin made a fuss of Taehyung for 2 hours and Taehyung  had enough.

"Jimin, stop fussing please I was faking I'm not sick even if I was your too much." Confessed Taehyung.

 "I know I did it on purpose to get you to confess." Said Jimin.

"You knew?" Asked Taehyung.

"It gets obvious after a while. Said Jimin.

"Oh okay." Said Taehyung.

Taehyung's Fake CryingWhere stories live. Discover now