day 4 (part 2)

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"Yeah yeah that was also unforgettable" namjoon said" Namjoon said.

Flashback :-

"Let's take a break now for some minutes" their choreographer said to all them.

As choreographer said all them, they sit tiredly and drink water to calm down their breath.

"Hyung can you bring some dumplings I am really hungry and I didn't eat anything from long time" taehyung said to his manager.

"Sure taehyung wait for sometime I will bring" his manager said and went to buy dumplings.

After sometimes his manager come and give him dumplings, a boxy smile appear on his face.

"Thank you hyung" taehyung said politely.

"Enjoy taehyung" his manager said to him.

"You want some hyung" taehyung said.

"No no you enjoyed" his manager said while patting his hair.

Taehyung offer dumplings other members too but they all had their breakfast.

"Taehyung you had your breakfast and now you are eating this, we had practice Don't you know" jimin said loudly almost shouted at him.

"You get me wrong jimin" taehyung try to explain but jimin didn't listen him.

"Taehyung it's not time to eat, put aside this dumplings and focus on practice" jimin said.

All members are too stunned to speak anything in between them.

"But ---" again jimin cut his words.

"I didn't want to listen anything"jimin said.


Flashback end:-


"Taehyungaa sorry for that I don't know that was you didn't eat anything" jimin said with sad voice.

"Ahh jiminaaaa forget that" taehyung said.

"But still I didn't have to shouted at you like this" jimin said and hug taehyung.

Taehyung smiled and hug him back. All members smile at them.

"You both were too much fight in our old days" yoongi said while laughing.

As they countinue their talk for hours, they spent 3 hours to talk about their past days and it was not boring for them actually it was really more memorable for them.

Talking about past and their old days are just too fun for them.

"We practice alot like our life depends on that" jinu said while admiring the stars.

"Yeah we did lots of struggle" joon said.

"That's why we are here in this position" hobi said.

They all hummed in response.

They all know it was all their efforts behind their success.

"We do everything for this present" kook said while smiling.

"Of course this made BTS" jimin added.

"And we will do everything to countinue BTS" taehyung said and looking at all of them.

They all are nodded in agreement. Of course they have to countinue BTS in future.

"We are here because of our army" yoongi said.

They all again smile know when no one there for them, there was army to support them.

"We started our journey with only 32 fans" joon said with Chuckled.

"Yeah and remember we give concert tickets in free to peoples" Kook said while laughing.

They all laugh and remember how they sell their tickets in free and how they struggle in old days.

"And whole day was packed schedule" hobi said.

"We didn't have even time to eat properly" jimin added in hobi's sentence.

All the staff were filming them, they are just listening their conversation, no one wants to interrupt in their conversation, how they seven are forgotten about all cameras and talking about their struggle, their efforts, their sadness and about their all memories which they suffer in past or talk about happiness memories in their old days.

"All things are good but....." Namjoon said but stop in middle.

All members staring at namjoon in confusion but soon their confusion drop from on their face after reading Joon's facial expressions.

"But now we have to go in military soon...." Yoongi complete the sentence while again looking at sky.

The sad sign left from their lips.

"It's okay everyone!! We will do our best in military too" hobi said cheerfully and try to light up everyone mood.

They give a small smile to hobi.

"Hobi hyung is right we will do our best" taehyung said and cover his face with boxy smile.


Hello guys here is new chapter sorry for late post....

Sorry 😔😔

Enjoy I am missing them so much...

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