Season 7: Part 2

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At my home

Mom sees us coming in and asks what's the matter sweetheart?

I say please sit to my mom and Stefan. Listen to the full story and no interruptions please.

Both said ok, having no other choice.

I begin the story

I say 3 days ago I was at the grill and I heard Finn talking to Kol over the phone that some random girl is pregnant with Gemini coven twins and she has to find it.

I asked Finn how she was so sure of that. Finn said the spell Gemini coven did till their last breath was to impregnate a woman with the Gemini coven leader's twins. They weren't sending Kai to the prison world as he thought. They were instead creating a next generation of the Gemini coven twins.

Finn was doing the spell to find out the woman. I was with her when she was performing the spell. The spell indicated that I was pregnant with the Gemini coven twins but I didn't believe it.

I was feeling hungry all the time and I puked also but still I didn't believe Finn. Then Finn visited me 2 days ago and told me something which convinced me to get myself checked into the hospital.

We went to Richmond hospital and find out in the scan that I was really pregnant with Kai's twins. At first, nothing was shown in the scan as the twins were cloaked but Finn did the uncloaking spell and the scan showed twins. I am going to be a mother.

Both Stefan and my mom were in shock and didn't say anything.

I say I want to keep them. They are my responsibility and my babies. It doesn't matter to me how I got pregnant. They are mine.

My mom breaks the silence and says oh I am going to be a grandmother and hugs me having happy tears in her eyes. I hug her back.

Then I look at Stefan and he says that I am not leaving you or going anywhere. This doesn't change the fact that I am in love with you. And I would want to be a father figure in their lives that is if you allow it Caroline.

I say of course and hugs him and say thank you Stefan for not leaving me.

In return Stefan kisses my forehead.

Finn says now it's turn for my story.

Stefan you remember that there were markings on our foreheads. Me and Kol later found out what those were for.

Stefan says what were those for?

Finn says Silas wanted his bloodline to flourish but that wasn't possible. So he did the one thing he could do. He performed a spell on both of us as you were his doppleganger and I bore his curse. He impregnated me with your children.

Stefan says my children?

Finn say triplets to be precise. You are a father to 3 children Stefan. Neither I nor Kol have said anything bad about you to them. They would want to meet you and be a part of their lives.

Stefan says why didn't you tell me before?

Finn says that they needed protection. Besides aunt Dahlia was coming to get the child who bore Silas' curse and I had a feeling it would be one of our children.

Stefan says aunt Dahlia? Why you had a feeling that it would be one of our children?

Finn says my mother was barren and to have children she made a bargain with her sister. She bargained each child who would bear Silas' curse till the bloodline shall last. I was able to save myself from the clutches of aunt Dahlia but I was unable to save Freya my other sister. She was taken although she didn't bear Silas' curse. Klaus and Hayley have a daughter. She was the first born of next generation. My siblings, mother thought she is the only child in the next generation so would bear Silas' curse.

Stefan says it's a lot to process in. But I want to be a part of their lives. I always wanted to be a father.

Finn says of course but you can't tell anyone not even your brother.

I say yes Stefan even I don't want others to know about my pregnancy especially Elena. She would spread negativity and I don't want that for my kids.

Stefan says okay. I won't tell this to anyone. My mom also says me too.

Finn says Kol and our children are in Dallas, Texas

I say that's great, I am also in college of Dallas, Texas. The kids can grow up together.

Stefan says I will take leave now I have a lot to process.

Finn says of course. I would be leaving for Dallas tonight. Let me know when you are planning to visit. Here let me add mine and Kol's number to your phone.

Me and Stefan gives our phone to Finn and Finn also takes Stefan's number and my number.

I say I will leave for college tomorrow.

My mom said okay.

Stefan said that he will come with me to be with me and and be their for his children.

My mom said that it's a miracle that I am going to be a grandmother.

We all smile hearing that.

Finn and Stefan leave and go to their home while me and my mom discussed my pregnancy.

She was telling about her own experience with me.

After a lot talking I slept on my mom's lap. To think that now I would have children who would sleep in my lap.

Next day

I and Stefan were saying goodbye to Damon, Alaric, Matt, Tyler, Bonnie and Elena. Although Elena commented that I am a vampire and college life is not for me.

I sharply reply that it's my choice and I want to experience it one time at least. Besides I don't agree with your thinking Elena. Try to respect my choices.

Before Elena could say something else Bonnie jumps in and say of course it's your choice Caroline, everyone have their own preferences. Isn't it Elena?

Elena begrudgingly replies yes.

I was shocked that Bonnie defended. She is a lot different than what she was since she returned from the prison world. She is being sweet to me and defending me in front of Elena.

After saying goodbye we left for the Richmond airport for our flight.

In my dorm room

After reaching my dorm room Stefan immediately called Finn. They set up a meeting to meet tomorrow at Kol and Finn's house. Finn texted the address. And also Finn and Kol would help me with the pregnancy and delivery of the twins.

I could see the smile on Stefan's face. It was a different kind of a smile. He was excited and nervous to meet his children and about me being pregnant with twins.

I started talking to him whether his children were boys or girls and what about our children Stefan?

I could see that he was touched when I said mine and Kai's children were his too.

He says he doesn't know and doesn't care. He just wants to be there for them.

Then we both slept and have dreams of our children.

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