Season 1 - Part 5

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Today I was going at Elena's house. She and Bonnie have invited me for pedicure and manicure.

I hope that they don't make me feel like a third wheel.

But I thought it too soon. They were having a conversation again which I wasn't a part of. When I voiced that they both looked annoyed at me and started denying it they don't do that.

They would never admit their own faults but always ready to put blame on me. I suggested to talk to the ghost.

We started doing that using the board but something happened. The necklace was gone. Elena as usual started accusing me of taking the necklace and demanded that I return the necklace. I said that I didn't do it and I am done falling for your and Bonnie's tricks. I am going.

Elena tried to stop me but I left the house very hurt from the accusations and their treatment of me.

I cried all night and talked to Tina about it.

She consoled me and said that Elena and Bonnie are not worth it. They don't see who you truly are.

Few days later

There were preparations going on for miss mystic Falls in the community. I was volunteering and arranging the event.

Matt and I were painting and having fun together. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I was really excited and on cloud nine.

I said yes to him. I told Tina about this, she was really happy for me.

I even told Bonnie about it. We reconnected as she lost her grandma.
I thought to give her another chance.

Next day

He wasn't that open to romance in front of Elena. I felt that since Elena has moved on from him then why can't he move on from her. She doesn't care who he dates.

I wanted to show this to him that Elena has moved on from him and thought of doing a double date with Stefan and Elena.

With this idea, I immediately went to Stefan and told him about wanting to go on a double date with them.

Elena as usual started her drama that it would be too awkward. But I said that you have truly moved on from Matt and so had he. You guys were friends before you became boyfriend and girlfriend. It wouldn't be awkward.

Stefan said yes and he convinced Elena about it. I was so happy.

I told Matt about the double date and he wasn't looking forward for it and decided to go through for me I think or because he could meet Elena. I don't know.

Next day

I was driving to meet my father but my car stopped in between and the weather also wasn't that good. It was heavily raining. I tried to catch a signal on my phone but while doing that I began to fall off and was able to hold a branch. I thought it was a branch but it was the dead body of Vicki - Matt's sister.

I screamed and called for help. But nobody was there. Thankfully my father told my mom that I haven't reached yet. She did a search party for me and her team found me and Vicki.

I was terrified of seeing Vicki's dead body.

The officers took me back home and told my mom about Vicki too.

I went to Matt's house to comfort him. But he wasn't opening up to me but he had no trouble running into the arms of the Elena Gilbert.

I tried to control myself that it's about Matt and not about me. Don't create a scene over here. I still felt bad but I let it go as Matt needed us right now. It doesn't matter whether he was getting comfort from me or Elena.

After a week, everything went back to normal. Matt was happy that his mother has returned and decided to be there for him. I was happy for him. I tried to impress her and like me but nothing has worked till now. She still prefers Elena over me.

Matt didn't even defend me when his mother was belittling me and praising Elena. I felt so hurt and embarrassed and angry.

Her mother even said that I was a rebound for Matt and that I am fake like my mother.

When I confronted Matt about this he said you know how she is. Don't take her words to heart.

I was more hurt that he wasn't denying what she all said. He just said me to ignore what she said.

I have a feeling that tonight's double date is going to be a disaster.

We met up with Stefan and Elena at the grill. We were talking about past then Elena as usual had to make it about her. She started making me feel uncomfortable by talking about her and Matt's relationship. And Matt wasn't helping either.

I think Stefan noticed my discomfort, so I excused myself to go to the washroom.

I was trying to calm myself and not make a scene or cry or scream at Matt and Elena.

After few minutes, I saw Elena into the washroom, I decided to confront her on what she was doing. When I asked her she acted so innocent that I wished to slam her head into the mirror.

She very innocently said that she was making a conversation. I said tonight's not about her and Matt but about you with Stefan and I with Matt. Remember it.

I went after that leaving Elena alone in the washroom. When I came up to Stefan and Matt I was still very angry. Actually I was frustrated with everything that Matt's mom said and Elena and Matt pretending that she didn't say anything wrong or hurtful.

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