chapter 1 The Incident

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So what happened was that I was working on a fanfic of my own no anime crossover and everything will be my own idea. So the date I had planned to release it I found out the previous chapters got corrupted. So here I am writing a new one. But I may take techniques of other anime

If we focus on hurt it will only bring us pain and sadness but if we focus on the lesson we could improve ourselves.

Ren who woke in children playground on his fifth birthday. He asked someone nearby.

Ren: Sir, what time it is now?

Unknown person: it's 5:00 pm as of now

Ren: Mom said to be home before 6:00 pm.

As he started to leave the playground to. After reaching the half the distance he heard a faint scream from a nearby ailly way. Being a 5 year old child who is filled with curiosity to the brim when to check it out not knowing it would be his worst decision.

From here this chapter would  contain things related to murder, self harm, bullying and some other forms of abuse so read it at your own risk.

As Ren crossed two aillies the screams got louder and louder after which he looked from one corner of the lane to see a person standing infront of girl who's cloth were torn apart. After 15 minutes the person let.

(Comment section be a bit pure okay?)

As Ren moved forward towards the girl who was breathing her last breathe. As Ren started to cry. Trying to say something while his voice was breaking down. Not knowing what to do he was crying as the girl started to try and somewhat comfort him. As Ren stopped crying and somewhat calm down. The girl told him to leave her here and go to his home (as the girl started cough blood). Ren got scared and the girl asked him to leave her alone as part of her last wish. He did as he was told but as he was about to exit the lane he heard a glass bottle scatter as he turned around to see that the girl had scatter a glass bottle and had stabbed herself with the scatter glass bottle. As Ren came towards running as he asked why

Ren: Why did you do this? U could have lived I was going to call for help When I got outside (in a shaky and breaking voice)

Unknown girl: It's okay Ren.

(He had told her name and she did to. I have no name for if any of u can suggest one pls do.)

I know I can't hold on until you called for help and even if you called for help I don't want to live with this shame. So pls don't ask for anymore. Leave for your home and don't tell anyone about what happened here okay?

Ren: Okay I won't.

Unknown girl: Promise? (As she put her finger infront of him)

Ren: I promise (He said this while he was in tears. As he held her tight.)

As the girl who saw this gesture had a small smile on her face. As she stopped breathing and closed her eyes for one final time. As her finger lost her grip as it fell down. As Ren stood up hs hairs shadowed his eyes as streams of tears where coming down his face. As he move towards the exit of the lane. As the sky darkened it started to rain heavily as Ren ran away from there as the rain washed away the scent of what just took place there.

Scene shift

As he reached his home all drenched up and wet as he tried open the door only to find that the door was locked. As he took out the other spare key from under the door matress as he opened the door and moved inside the house calling members of his family only to find that no one was there. As he changed his clothes he sat down in his room wondering where his parents went on his birthday. As he was wondering the memories of the incident came flashing before his eyes. He didn't knew what to do as he just lay in his bed. As he drifted into sleep.

As he was awoken by the nightmare of the incident. He find that it was 9pm as he went down he heard his parents.

He expected them that they would be preparing for his birthday and were going to wake him up for a surprise birthday party. But they didn't as he find them doing nothing but resting like they been out for sometime and were tired as he saw his twin brother who was all happy and was enjoying his presents. As then it clicked they had forgotten his birthday for his brother's birthday. As he stood by the door to the room after sometime he went to his room. He sat down on his bed wondering what he had done to deserve like this to happen with him. He started to have a mental breakdown he couldn't think as he decided to go to sleep with a empty stomach. Not knowing that he would have to this more often in near future.


Well this timeskip would have a summary of what had happened with Ren till age of 25.

As Ren woke up the next day why his parents forgot about his birthday completely forgeting about the incident that had taken place yesterday. He couldn't think of  anything so he decided that he would get there attention by being better than his brother in everything. First would be his academic.

As such he started to study hard and doing any and everything. Soon the results of his hard work came out he was the first in his class. But his parents instead of being happy for him they're consuling his brother who had gotten somewhat of bad grades.

He didn't thought much of it thinking that it was right for his parents to do this. After some year it continued no matter if his brother had bad grades or anything it just seem like they weren't paying any attention to him.

He decided to study harder This made him neglect his physical condition which was take m advantage by other schoolmate as they bullied him and made him force to do their work. At this point he had no faith in his parents. So he can't do anything one time he decided that enough was enough he fought back this rather had not so good effect he got punished instead not knowing that he had tried to inform many people in his school but nobody listened.

Soon it was over when he comepleted his school he starter doing a part time job to earn for himself and sustain himself. On his 25th birthday all the memories of past resurfaced the 'incident' and all others he wonder why it all happened to him for all of these 20 years.

Soon he lays on his bed and closed his eyes falling into the oblivion and into a dark space which seem to have no end to itself.

Then he woke up by a jolt he found himself lying on the ground he looked around find his body is lot smaller. He founded a fountain he went their to look and found himself in his body but not exactly his. Altho it was his body it was five years old.

He soon founded a person he asked for time and the person told him it was ***. He found that that in his back 20 years in the past. On that same date on which that 'incident' happened.

Author's note: Damn I don't know why I decided to put that kind of sence in just the starting panel. But whatever.

I know the chapter is short pls put with it. For this ch

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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