{Day 2}

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Next day
I was sleeping when I felt a hand on my shoulder.I shot up to see Dale with a warm smile on his face "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you but it's time to get up,Andrea left you a hairbrush and some clothes incase you don't have any" he spoke quietly like if he was too loud we would all die.I returned a smile as he left before getting up and stretching my legs.Dale had let me stay in the Rv,All my stuff was just thrown on a chair near the bed,on top of my bag was a blouse and some light blue gray ish jeans and a pink hairbrush,I threw the jeans to the side before picking up the blouse and my gray shorts,The jeans were nice but they looked a bit tight.I slipped on my clothes before picking up the hairbrush and a toothbrush.When I finished up I slipped on my black boots and went outside.I saw Amy,Andrea,Glenn,Dale and a boy I didn't know but he looked gross.
"Ah Bambi,Nice for you to join us" Glenn remarked with a sarcastic tone to which i replied with a scoff.

Merles pov
I woke up early today,So early that no one was awake not even my brother Daryl.I decided that I would meet the new people who came last night.Id been sat down for ages when I heard Andrea walk over "Hey doll face" I looked at her she didn't reply just sat down,One by one everyone started waking up,Amy had started making food for us all when Dale got up and announced that he was going to wake Bambi,Bambi what a beautiful name. I heard voices and then footsteps as Dale came back and sat down,After a while Bambi walked out "Ah Bambi,nice for you to join us" The boy who I thinks called Glenn said looking at her,She didn't reply just scoffed before her eyes looked at me.she looked at me for a split second before walking off.

Bambis pov
I walked off to the creek,I needed to clear my head it was all too much.First I was just working,then these things appear,then my parents die and now I'm here,here with these people who I don't know and I don't want to know them,I wasn't sure if I even wanted to stay but I knew Glenn wanted to stay,I could tell.
I'd be sat at the creek for ages when Glenn started walking towards me "There's a bunch of new people,Come meet them" great even more new people I have to get to know before we all die,which will happen.I walked up the creek to see about 3 family's and a few people stood alone,I hated seeing the Family's it reminded me off when my parents were alive and we were all a happy family,Well not happy but a family.

Author's note
Sorry for the shit chapter,I'm not too good at this writing thing.🤣
But what do we think of Bambi so far?
Next chapter will be all about Bambis life before the world went to shit

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