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Mason Walsh-played by ki Hong Lee

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Mason Walsh-played by ki Hong Lee

Bambi pov
I was pulled out of my thoughts when a voice that sounded so familiar yet so strange spoke up "Bambi?" It was Mason,The same Bastard who left me with a baby on the way. I looked up seeing his confused gaze as he glanced around,I couldn't speak to him id end up screaming so I just walked away.I had no clue where I was going and I didn't care,I just needed to be away from him,It was then I heard footsteps following,Stalking my every move

Masons pov
My Uncle Shane,me,Lori and Carl was brought to this group with lots of people.My eyes landed on a familiar face Bambi.
It was Bambi,but they was no kid around.Had she lied to me? "Bambi?" I questioned that's when she looked up with a face that screamed anger,She looked at me before turning on her heels and walking away.I followed.

She stopped after a while before turning "What do you want?" The words rolled off her tongue like venom. I didn't know what to say until the words just slipped out "Where's your kid?" She didn't say anything,just looked down.That's when it hit me,Our kid was dead,What type of Mother would let her Kid die? That's when I realised she was walking away "I don't love you anymore Bambi" I shouted hoping she would hear.She did,As she stopped I heard her say "I didn't know you ever did Mason" lowly,My name sounded so strange when she spoke,It sounded like it was poison or something.She was far away now,She didn't know I ever was? What did that mean? Didn't I do everything for her? I did,I know I did she was just a selfish little brat who only cared about herself.

Bambi's pov
He told me he didn't love me anymore,but did he ever? If he did he didn't show it.God his ego was too big for his own good,He was like an infection that keeps coming back why did he always find a way to come back? I could feel my breathing getting harder,Like my lungs were closing up and my system was shutting down,I could feel the tears forming in my eyes at the mention of my Lilith,my baby girl.I couldn't save her. If I couldn't save my own daughter,how would I keep Glenn safe?All these thoughts were running through my head,My breathing was getting worse.Where my lungs closing up? I could feel the tears starting to fall as my knees gave in causing me to collapse.

Authors note
I hate mason! Anyways what do we think of this chapter? Too short too long?

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