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Present time... Onika's POV

It was the first of November and it was already cold as hell outside. My family loves seeing the snow falling from each cloud in the sky. It gave them a sense of joy healing their inner child as I know it does mine. But I still love my heater and my blankets that keep me warm it's too cold for me. Especially living in Colorado in a cabin...

Beyonce has always wanted to live in a cabin/ranch-style home and after living in a condo for a couple of years I finally gave my baby what she wanted she deserves it and I'd give her everything and more. the love of my life... plus the house isn't bad it's pretty big, everything works, and it's not boring. It checks off this list for me.

it was 5:20 when I got home from running around the city. it usually takes 20-25 minutes to get home but the closer we get to Thanksgiving and Christmas the more people wanna be in these streets. So it took me about 30-35 minutes to get home since we live more in the countryside of Colorado. Walking through the door I took in the smell of soft vanilla and teakwood my BB put around the house.

It was a little too quiet for my liking nobody was in the living room area or the kitchen and no sound came from upstairs. I walked further into the house finally coming across my babies by the backdoor. "MOMMY MOMMY LOOK IT BAMBI NUMBER ONE AND BAMBI NUMBER TWO AND THREE AND FOUR" I don't know why he couldn't just see deers but I get the message...

"I see them baby there looking at you," I said and he waved to them making them scurry away. scary ass deers. " hi Mommy I missed you" he climbed out of Beyonce's lap running to me. " I missed you more my love were you good for Mama?"


I laughed to myself trailing behind my wife as she rolled into the living room. sitting herself on the couch she pulled me into her getting comfortable. " hi beautiful" she whispered in my ear leaving chills down my back "Hi baby" I gave in return turning to face her in the process. "seems like y'all had a productive day" I said rubbing her hair she was looking too good right now.

" yea your son is a trip" I grabbed the remote that was behind me "Our son we made that knucklehead together " Brett looked like me but had a mixture of both of our attitudes "You are right my love" she turned me to face the tv as we watched a run of Bernie Mac stand up comedy this man is a fool. Call us sappy but if you knew the stuff me a BB have been through you would understand. All I know is that we are together that's what matters. "Brett has been gone for a minute I'm gonna go check on him"

I got up and went to his room to see him play out on the floor. I laughed to myself picking up his crayons and toys off the floor before placing him in bed. I'll bathe him in the morning since the family is coming to stay for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We decided to do something different this year the whole family is staying here for the next three holidays. We have of course the Knowles family, The Russell family, and also Kelly and Jenna.

Crazy I know but there are levels to our home so everyone would have their rooms and bathroom to stay in and it won't interfere with us. Plus they each pitch in on food and other things two so we're not paying for everything. "everything okay?"

"Yeah he fell asleep on the floor lol I wonder where he gets that one from" Looking at her smile knowing she knew the answer "I remember I used to do that all that the time and you would find me after work on the floor sleep and sometimes you make me go lay down other day you would lay with me... I think those days you were exhausted" she said making me laugh, there was no lie in that.

"Sometimes we would lay on the floor and just talk like we didn't have things to do the next day lol"

"yea... I can't do that anymore lol you might think something was wrong" she said and I looked over my shoulder at her. "BB what did we talk about baby just because you're in a wheelchair doesn't mean you're incapable of things" After Beyonce came back from employment she started having really bad trauma and muscle pains in her body and after we took her to the doctor they ran the test and found out something was going on in the muscle tissue. So now she has to use her wheelchair the majority of the time sometimes I catch her walking without it but that doesn't usually last long.

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