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Present time

Beyonce POV...

I decided to get up this a little earlier this morning, I was careful to place my pillow in spot of were I was so that Onika wouldn't wake up. I grabbed everything I needed hopping in the shower, being handicapped is a little hard sometimes not being able to have the same ability I did a couple years ago. losing some of my muscle ability forced me to retire from being in the army after almost 15 years it has now been 5 years later and here we are

not to long after me and my wife got married I was deployed back in the iranian war my goal was to capture hostages back and safely bring them to the camp but my hopes of succeeding were slimmer than I thought...

Nov 16 2010, Beyonce In Iraq Flashback

it was about 53 of our recruits at first and now were down to 15 of us. we split up into teams. Myself,Taylor, Solange, Kasen, and five other recruits were paired while the other groups were either down or spread out.

"ju come in over" Solange called me in "unit 1 will meet at the western point over" We moved western over to where Solange and Kasen were. I took the night goggles over hugging my little siblings, we've lost many recruits along the way I'm grateful to hug them one more time. I feel bad for the ones we've lost... there families...

"we should stop here for the night, were gonna have to divide and conquer. four us will have to stay up and keep a look out, we will take turns, till the morning will continue until checkpoint I will be one of the first to keep watch John-"

"I'll be second to do the first round" Solange stated

"me and Solange will be watching out Johnson and Tatum work on radars first shift everyone else rest... Taylor and Kasen will be next watch out while The king brothers work on radars" Everyone gave a slight nod reporting to where they needed to be...

after sitting for a while I spoke up: "I was gonna let you sleep solo"

"I know that's why I went against you keep you company," she said grabbing a granola bar out of her bag and breaking off a piece for me

"How does it feel to be married now and finally joining the team" she said and my best friend Taylor had been married for about two years now I was a little weary about them at first but after a while I grew to love them tremendously.

" it feels good I haven't spoken to her in a while tho I miss her..." that's the bad part about being in the military being away from loved ones.

" I know that's hard for you... it's hard for me and my wife is here, sometimes I get worried us both being deployed together anything could happen out here not trying to be negative or anything-"

" no I get it you just never know in the army, but it'll be okay you two will be okay why don't you spend some time with her while everyone's resting" I suggested winking at her she wasted no time setting her bag down making her way to her wife

I rolled my eyes chuckling to myself as she and Taylor snuck away for a little "Bb you should rest we don't have long until departure from camp I'll take your place" Kasen said grabbing the Binoculars from my hands "Thank you buddy grab me if you need me" I rose placing a slight peck on his cheek I see


"JU.... JU WAKE UP" the pinging of bullets were flying through the air as Taylor shook me out my slumber "SHIT WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE" I shot up grabbing my gear "we gotta spilt up we have no choice"

"splitting up is stupid we stick as a team" I said "ju we have three expectants already imagine how many more will have if we stick together owe should divide and conquer" Solange said grabbing her gun

"shit...okay split up Kasen and the king brother stay with the three injured everyone else divide and conquer" we all reported to our spots preparing for battle

I handed solange the m16 riffle " the jammin jimmy" she said with the biggest smile on her face...crazy ass, I grabbed her shoulder " be safe solange"

"don't worry ju we got this" she said jogging away

the recruits lined up in position...

A lot of that day I don't remember. I can't seem to pull myself to Remember whether I wanted to or not. But things finally caught up to me after I shot, the bullet hit a certain nerve bringing a paralyzing sensation to my body, which later made me lose the ability to fully walk. the doctor told me that it would take a while for me to fully walk again.

My therapist has been pushing for me to recall some memory from being deployed. But I just can't remember. She claims it's best for me to begin to heal before that trauma catches up to me.

its about 8:30 in the morning, I just finished fixing breakfast for my wife and kids. "have a seat at the table, do y'all want to watch paw portal, bluey, or SpongeBob?"

"Spongebob mama" I slightly nodded cutting on SpongeBob before grabbing my wife's plate and bringing it to her. I was in a slight bit of pain this morning so I used the elevator

I opened the blinds bringing some light into the room, she likes the room to be dark when she sleeps. it concerned me at first I mean pitch black wow "onika" I shook her slightly trying to get her up, she's a heavy sleeper...

" baby wake up I got your food" I felt her kick me on the side making me laugh "onika baby it's gonna get cold come on" I felt her finally sit up rubbing her eyes

"Here you go madam pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, and fruit for a queen" I handed her the plate gaining a grin in the process "your so good to me" she said taking a mean ass bite out of her food

I wanted her to relax before family got here. Knowing them they'll get her stressed in a heartbeat especially since a lot of them are coming this year.

" I fixed you a bath for when you finish eating, you can relax and I'll get the kids ready I'll come get you when the family is almost here"
I was feeling a little better so I grabbed my cane this time

" okay baby thank you" she said blowing me a kiss , i gave her a wink in return while exiting the room. When i got downstairs i seen the kids were done "set hut" i do this a way of getting my kids together " you know the drill mini recruits fall back to hygiene camp" i seen them gather in a line as we made our back upstairs to there bathrooms.

I got my youngest ready while we waited for everyone else. " Sargent mama I am in uniform i repeat I am in uniform" i heard making me laugh " excellent mini recruits return downstairs to the lobby" they made there way downstairs while I finished getting ready.

" excuse me sarge" I felt kisses run down my neck. damn I married a fine woman, I turned to see Nicki wear a tight pink body suit with some thick blue sweatpants since it was cold outside. "I like these chains on you Sargent" i enjoyed the feeling of her finger running thru my chain

" stop, or I can't be held accountable" kissing her. Things began to get heated, you would've thought it had been years.


we sighed " we'll make a for it later baby" I nodded kissing her forehead
" hey my baby" my mom embraced me in a hug. " hey mama" It had been a minute since I've seen my parents. " Lieutenant Knowles" I turned to salute my father. " Sargent Knowles" he returned the greeting saluting me off.  Before anything else could be said the kids took over.

I felt a little woozy but nothing serious I was grabbed by onika, "you okay" she looked at me with concerned "yes ma'am I'm fine"

"Beyoncé if something wrong tell-"

"Giselle why don't you come show us around" my father said "yes sir... I'm fine baby I promise" I gave her a kiss of reassurance

"Okay" was the last thing I heard from my wife before walking away

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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