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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 eight



Something about Ginny, and Abby didn't know what.

But she did know that it made her hate herself.

Almost everything about Virginia Miller made Abby hate herself more and more.

And the girl was everywhere.

Even while she and Solange walked around Fallfest she heard some people around her talking about the video of Hunter performing Ginny's song. How cute Ginny was, good she looked in her clothes that day, how perfect her face was—and no matter how much she wanted to be in the moment with Solange, she couldn't help but getting caught up in her head.

The other girl asked her about it once. "Hey Princess, you good?"

Was Abby okay? Was she jealous of her friend, did she hate her? Had she always been jealous of her, or was it just because of that stupid fucking song giving Ginny confidence that Abby wished she had?

Solange briefly touched the back of Abby's hand. "Yeah, just a little distracted."

When Abby arrived at Brody's house for the party, all the people upstairs who'd yet to migrate to the basement could whisper about was Ginny.

Everybody in MANG was in a trench coat to hide their costumes until the big reveal—that'd been Abby's idea, yet Ginny and only Ginny was shrouded in mystery. In a brief moment of self awareness, Abby wondered if she really needed the attention that she wasn't being given.

Her phone vibrated from inside her pocket. She took it out eagerly, Solange must've finally messaged her back.

Abby 🌝
[image attached]

Sammy 👾
you look great
it's britney bitch

The message brought up Abby's mood and restored some of the confidence that she'd lost since entering Brodie's house. She reacted to it with a heart, and just as she was about to sleep her phone back she received another message.

Sammy 👾
[image attached]

i'm downstairs watching a horror movie

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i'm downstairs watching a horror movie

Abby 🌝
Which one?

Sammy 👾
nightmare on elm street

Abby 🌝
Kinda wish I was home watching a movie

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