Meet Mother!

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DJ Kate bugs daffy Lola and Rory followed mother to her own lab

Mother: So little to do so much time.

Kate: You're going to put him back right? I can't go back to LA with duck soup

Lola: who knows it could be an impoverishment

Daffy: very funny

Mother: We do have the facilities to reconstitute the body. The mind though will remain a gooey mess

Rory: don't worry daffy's mind was always that way

Daffy: great nows there's two of them

DJ: So about my father?

Mother: All in due time

Bugs: So this is Area 51 right?

Mother: No.

Bugs: The secret military base

Mother: no!

Bugs: where they keep the aliens?

Mother: no

Rory: are you preparing for a zombie apocalypse?

Mother: No

Lola: what about an alien invasion?

Mother: no Area 51 is actually a paranoid fantasy we concocted to hide the true identity of this facility.

DJ: Which is?

Mother: Area 52 but don't quote me on that

Bugs: Oh right. Area 52

Bugs held a sign that said 'screw ball' and Rory laughed

DJ: So uh Mother-

Mother: Call me 'Mom'

DJ: Mom what is it that you do here exactly anyway?

Mother: Creation, transubstantiation, destruction. It's stressful. All kinds of things

Rory: can I see whatever you built? Imagine all the buttons I'll press!

Mother: that depends are you clumsy?

Rory: Haha! Me? Clumsy? Yes

Mother: so anyway this is the 'I can't tell you what room' Robert can you take care of that please?

Mother gave the suction bulb daffy was in to a robot

Robert: Yes madam

Bugs: Doc when you bring Daffy back could you make him 20% funnier?

Daffy: I heard that

Rory: also 10% more entertaining

Daffy: I heard that to

Lola: maybe 5% less sarcastic

Daffy: oh come on!

The robot walked away to fix daffy

Mother: now what were we discussing? This isn't about the giant ants is it?

Kate: Giant ants?

Mother: Because they're not really ants anymore

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