One More Ending!

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Pound walked away and Lola ran up to Bugs

Rory thinking: this is it!

Lola: Bugs! Are you okay?

Bugs was still a little dizzy

Bugs: Me? Oh yeah I'm fine. Are you okay?

Lola: yes thanks to you

Bugs: Oh it was nothing

Lola: that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me

Lola kissed bugs and walked away. He just sat there blushing

Rory thinking: Yes!

Then Michael called a timeout and Rory ran up to bugs to helped him stand up

Bugs: R-Rosie can you pinch me to make sure I'm not dreaming?

Rory: Oh sure!

Rory pinched bugs in the arm

Bugs: Ow! Hey this isn't a dream! Lola really did kiss me! Now I really do love her!

Rory: this is really romantic believe me but we still have a game to win

Bugs: oh right!

They both sat down on the bench with the rest of the team and mostly everyone was badly hurt

Daffy: Hey coach listen. You got any more of that secret stuff? think it's starting to wear off.

Michael: It didn't wear off. It was just water. You guys had that special stuff inside of you all along

Daffy: Yeah yeah I knew that but listen you got anymore?

Porky: c-can I have some too?

Rory: Ew... uh I'm good!

Michael saw there was only 10 seconds left on the clock

Michael: Ten seconds ago? Thanks for telling me...doc

Rory thinking: wait didn't Bill Murray show up to help us out? Wait he was only here to be the fifth player but since I'm here we have five players!

Rory: Michael put me in!

Michael: you think you can handle this?

Rory: yep!

Michael: alright you're on defense!

Rory: defense?! Fine...

Michael: here's the plan somebody steal the ball give it to me and I'll score before the time runs out

Rory: Yeah! Don't lose that confidence!

Everyone walked back onto the court

Rory: hey Daffy you pound over there?

Rory pointed to pound standing next to Lola

Daffy: yep

Rory whispered something in Daffy's ear

Daffy: Uh huh that's good yes!

Rory: let's do it!

The game started again and pound got the ball but daffy ran headfirst right into his stomach. Pound dropped the ball and Rory picked it up

Rory: I'll be taking this thank you!

Rory passed the ball to Micheal who passed it to Lola who passed it to bugs who passed it back to Micheal

Pound: that's mine!

Micheal made his way his way to the hoop but all the monstars held him back. Then his arm stretched long enough to throw the ball into the hoop

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