Dusty Grand Prix: Jaded By the Green Eyed Monster

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Punch It: Dusty Grand Prix
Part 1: Jaded by the Green-Eyed Monster

As spring turned into midsummer, there was an arcade that Velocity and Rowan had been meeting up at constantly to hide from the heat. It was styled after the early 2000’s and was packed full of that good old Y2K nostalgia. It allowed for tickets won from those good old arcade games and cheap prizes that cost way too much when it was purchased for so little. 90s to 00s anime and cartoons played on the TVs. Rooms could be rented to play the Wii and other older consoles that supported multiplayer. The speakers blasted electronic pop music from back in the day including the likes of MTC by s3rl. It was a nice stress reliever to re-live their nostalgia. Turns out they liked many of the same anime and things growing up.

“Remember when I said people assumed I was uptight as a kid?” Velocity began as she popped in coins for a first-person shooter.

Rowan placed some coins in for the player two role. “Yeah?”

“I was also an annoying kid. Always trying to butt my way in conversations. I would learn so many random facts in hopes of impressing others. I also was a teacher’s pet and would snitch on people, ha. Long story short. I didn’t have many friends.” Velocity sighed as she looked up on the screen.

She then began to shoot the zombies that appeared on the screen. “I would go to arcades, libraries, or stay at home on the internet; and I would just lose myself in anime and video games. Just wanting to escape loneliness. Felt like they were my friends. I mean… I do have friends. Two of them. They moved away in the middle of high school. I really miss them. We would enjoy this together.”

Rowan shot a zombie that was running up to him. “I get that. I did the exact thing.” He chuffed, shaking his head. “If it makes you feel better, I recently became friends with my ragtag group only about less than 5 years combined.”

“How did you meet them by the way?” Velocity gently pushed into him to get his side of the zombie as he reloaded.

Rowan smiled as he thought about it. “You know… oddly enough it was Isaac. He just started hanging out with me at work. Then he wanted to hang out after work. And he was just so cool, introducing me to Ruth and Matthew. There was his brother, Rudolph, sometimes, but he’s more introverted and tired all the time. And one more girl, a number cruncher, but I forgot her name. She just disappeared and no one heard from her again.”

Velocity ended up dying and put up her gun. "I hope she's ok…"

"Me too… maybe we'll meet someday. She's not a field cog, she could still be alive. She always made the best nacho dip. She made the best… everything!" Rowan ended up dying as well and replacing his gun.

The two went down to the cafe for some grub. As they were eating Velocity almost choked on her tater-tots.

"ROWAN! LOOK!" She pointed to the TV.

Rowan turned to see an anime where the protagonist was a rather busty blue rabbit toon, the same aqua blue as Velocity. She was dressed in a white ballet outfit with pink lace and trim. Like Velocity she had pink ribbons wrapped up around her arms and thighs. Her ears were super long with turquoise highlights and curly bangs to match. They flowed and swayed as the character pirouette and danced on the screen. The character's eyes changed from blue to pink as she transformed from her normal clothes to the magical girl suit. The character did flips and spins and incorporated it as fighting moves. Even using a ribbon as a whip. Her power source came from her necklace.

"Starlight Dancer! With Akira! The princess of the moon!" Velocity swooned.

"I can see how she influenced you big time…" Rowan said.

Velocity looked at her outfit. "Yeah...  She was stunning. I remember I begged dad to let me try dance lessons, but I got kicked out. I had this one bully that wouldn't leave me alone in school and she also happened to be in ballet too. So, I used my dance moves on her. Her dad was so mad, apparently, he was super rich and was a major benefactor to the school. So…"

Rowan scoffed in disbelief. "You tried to beat up a girl with ballet moves?"

"Hey, I was a stupid kid! A really stupid one! I wanted to be the tough badass heroine who wouldn't take shit from no one. Just like her…"

Akira on the screen was feisty and aggressive. The girl power undertones were strong. She bravely jumped in front of danger to save a civilian. Without thinking she dove into the ocean to save a puppy.

Rowan raised an eyebrow. "Her outfit is very…"

"Sexy? Yeah. I never really looked at her like that. She was always fashionable and cool. She didn't care what anyone thought. Just… she's so confident and strong.
Oh my gosh, keep watching. This anime has her wear a multitude of outfits! It changes almost every episode. Some outfits return and some are only seen once. But for general design that outfit right there is what she always wears each episode. The designs for the magical girl suit varied for specific functions like if she's dealing with a villain in the sea, or in the air, etc. My favorite one was the series finale where she was adorned in rainbows and sparkles. Oh, it's a kid's dream!"

Rowan kept watching the show on the screen. "It seems pretty good. Like it can still be enjoyed by adults."

"As in… You wanna watch it with me?!" Velocity's eyes went big and had sparkles.

"Yeah, I bet you have the complete series! Seems like a fun time." Rowan smirked.


Rowan smiled. "H-hey…"

"Yeah?" Her mouth was full of tater-tots and chili dogs.

"Um… you look really cute when you… Um, I mean. It's nice to see you get excited about something that's not 'work' related."

Velocity blushed as she swallowed. "... Thanks, Rowan. No one ever told me I was cute before."

Both of their eyes shifted.

Rowan pulled up his tickets. "I, yeah, uhhh ready to cash these in?"

Velocity nods and pulls out hers. "Yeah…"

As they walked to Velocity's home Rowan put on his glow in the dark shutter shades he bought as his prize. Velocity was happy with her light up bow barrette.

She looked up at him. "Hey, Rowan? Why do you always wear a suit when you're around me? I mean, you have other clothes right, especially from your mom?"

"I've been hanging out with Bleu more often. It's to help hide our tracks and Bleu's suspicion is eased. He thinks I'm becoming a better cog." He sniffs. "Obviously not. Frankly, I'm starting to get sick of it. Even doing it as a front at the bare minimum is driving me insane. I miss working with mom. Think I'll take a break and hang around her shop. It'll be nice to ditch the wig for a bit."

"You can ditch it around me… Now I like seeing your hair and all, but… your haircut is really nice. And it looks natural." She got nervous. "Not trying to insult your wig! I… I know big wigs are sensitive to that."

Rowan shrugged and pulled it off. He shoved it in his suit pocket. "Only the uptight ones. Funny enough, more and more of the younger ones are abandoning it and opting for hair implants. Like Isaac, Rudolph, and me. But I didn't like styling it every day, so I just had it cut to this. But the people upstairs didn't like that, so I had to wear a wig."

"Does Bleu wear a wig?"

"Nope, implants…"

Velocity stared at Rowan. His hair looked nice and shiny compared to his frizzy wig.
"It looks so good, honest…"

"Thank you… you're too kind." Rowan smiled and ran his hand through it. Felt nice to feel the wind on it.

"So… If you weren't a cog, I mean being a lawyer. What do you really wanna do?" Velocity asked.

"...Manga artist. I know it's an arts profession, and you know how society treats art, but I love doing it. I love drawing and writing."

"I think it's a lovely dream. Perhaps… if we take down the chairman, you can do it!" Velocity smiled.

Rowan sharply turns to her and rips off his shades. "Woah woah woah! You wanna take down the chairman?! Your top toon force hasn't tried that let alone succeeded. And let me let you in on a little open secret. There are multiple chairmen. What makes you think we can, even with our friends?"

Velocity shrugged and began to skip and try to look cute. "I dunno, we can try?"

"Need I remind you the past little endeavors we did were all based on pure luck?! We should not be alive right now!" He folded his arms.

"Sometimes you need a lil’ faith… just saying. It's not impossible." Velocity smirked.

"Maybe some things are… even with faith." Rowan muttered.

Velocity sighed. "... One can dream. But that's where all the good ideas start."

She then looked at a poster and began to read it. She noticed the same poster was all over the place.

"That's odd…" Velocity stated sternly.

"What's Odd?" Rowan stopped and read the poster with her.

"I do not remember dad talking about this or any permits filed recently about this." Velocity traced her finger as she read.

"Dusty Grand Prix. Super race throughout Toontown. Sponsored by the Etaine Jade foundation." Velocity grit her teeth. "I heard that name before. Didn't the syndicate have a Madame Etaine or something?"

"Yeah… and the fact that dust is mentioned with grand prix all over Toontown?" Rowan scoffed.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Velocity smiled.

Rowan sighed. "Back to work…"

"Yeah! Let's Punch It!" She exclaimed. Raising her hand for a fist bump.

Rowan just stood there, not as excited to put his life on the line, yet again.

"Come-on Rowan, don't leave me hanging! Especially with your special punches!" Velocity giggled.

One side of Rowan's lips curled, and he took a long deep breath giving Velocity a weak fist bump.
Velocity made explosion noises and proceeded to pirouette with a spin. She began humming what Rowan believed to be the Starlight Dancer theme song.

"First things first… We gotta figure out what HQ she's a leader in?" Rowan said, putting up his new shades.

"Uhhh, Isaac would know, right?" Velocity stopped dancing.

"He would… so I'll ask him real quick." Rowan pulled out his phone and began typing.

Velocity ripped a poster down. "I'll take this to dad and see what he thinks. Maybe we can get it shut down before it happens."

"Are you gonna use your Momentum Rushingsky persona?" Rowan began to see Isaac's typing bubble appear.

"... Would it be too obvious since the Inflated economy incident?"

"... Maybe… Greenbucks may be on the lookout for you… And I don't know whether he figured it out or would seek your employment again."

"... I've been checking my cog email. He's been asking if I’m ok. I sent back that I've suffered great injuries and I must resign because of them. Haven't heard back since, but I'm sure he's devastated he can't have free labor anymore." She folds her arms.

"... We can use this to our advantage. Perhaps if Momentum had a sister. A sister who wants a name drop. Perhaps we can rehash the previous plan?" Rowan felt his phone buzz and looked down.

"Hmm… we'll have to see. Security may be getting tighter."

Rowan began to read Isaac's message.

[Isaac: She's a higher up of Sellbot HQ. I sensed she's Aromantic, so I didn't even bother trying to seduce her. She is a total bitch to work with. She will step on anyone to get ahead even for the smallest things. She starts bitch fights with anyone and everyone. The biggest one being with Miss Vanity. She's so jealous and so afraid of being outshined. I don't know how you're gonna get close to her. There's not much networking I can set up for you because she burns every fucking bridge she touches.

Why do you ask? Are you gonna raise some hell?! I want in! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧ ]

Rowan sighed. "Well, that makes our job harder."

"But not impossible!" Velocity began to think. "We probably can go with the plan you just mentioned. But in a different way… I think I have an idea. Quick! What are some easy ways to climb the ladder of sellbot HQ?"

"Selling stuff… not trying to be sarcastic. I'm serious…" Rowan shrugs.

He looks down. Isaac began to call his phone.

Rowan picked up. "Yeah…"

"Is the kitty girl there with you?" Isaac said while panting heavily.

"Yeah? Isaac what's wrong?!"

"Both of you, get to my apartment! Tout suite!" Isaac then hung up.

Rowan sighed. "...we gotta go to Isaac's. He wants something I suppose."

Velocity hopped into Rowan's arms and the two flew off to meet Isaac.

Isaac lived next to Rudolph. The entrance to Rudolph's apartment was covered in sigils and had a swinging lantern as an apartment light. Next door Isaac's door was swanky with pretty plants outside. A smooth metallic door and a fancy door knocker. Oddly enough. They were the only ones with unique doors outside.

Rowan Knocked on the door to which Isaac opened it and swiftly pulled the pair in.

His apartment was purely bimbocore. It was absolutely adorned with pink, black, and white colors. Zebra print rugs, black and white striped accent walls, and bedazzled everything. Very nice furniture, appliances, and electronics. Posters of Isaac and various models of both toons and cogs in expensive clothes covered the walls. He was living like a bratz doll with a Barbie color scheme. Sleek yet stylish.

Velocity was in pure awe. "Your house is fabulous, and I mean FABULOUS! I am so jealous!"

Isaac turned around and blew her a kiss. "Awww… thank you! Rudolph thinks it's too gaudy!"

"Cause it is!" Rudolph called out. "Lamont thinks so too! Why is there glitter everywhere?!" Rudolph called out from a pink bean bag. He was drinking pink tea with edible glitter out of a bedazzled mug.

Velocity took her time to explore his house. She walked past a wall of Isaac with his friends that he printed out and posted on his wall. She saw a few polaroids of him and Rowan at a few bars.
The picture frames of some were either fur covered or bedazzled. Hearts drawn on his friends and mostly on what she presumed to be his best lover.
Isaac seemed genuine, perhaps she could trust him.

Isaac was bickering with his brother and Rowan over his house.

"This apartment is fit for a baddie such as myself!"

"It looks like Y2K came here to die, Isaac." Rudolph said. "I don't need my ring to see how dead this place is."

Rowan gestured to the photo of the Eiffel tower. "Why do you have so many references to Paris here? You've never been!"

Isaac dramatically flipped his hair. "Because I want to someday, ok! One day I'll show up in the glitteriest of light pink suits with a mini skirt and glittery high heeled shoes to match. Not just any shoes… stilettos!"

Velocity then brought her attention to Isaac's bookshelf. It was filled with knick knacks and romance novels or manga. She noticed a few figures and leaned closer to see each one.

Ruth came from the bathroom and Matthew emerged from a guest room nearby. He looked as if he'd been crying. Isaac continued to monologue about his dream.

"I'll drive in a fancy vintage car and I'm going to eat a goddamn real croissant with some real fucking French coffee. Not the fucking fake shit I have in my Keurig! I will tour Versailles! See a fashion show! And I'm going to bang the brains out of my boyfriend after I get drunk off the finest pink champagne and strawberries!!!"
He points at Rowan's chest. "And you best believe I am going to live my best bimbo life and be damned proud of it!"

Rowan just stared at him blankly for a few seconds. "Can I have a bottle of water…"

"Yeah sure…" Isaac giggled as he pointed to his fridge. "You know where it's at!"


Isaac squealed with her. "OMG, another fan of the sexiest magic girl of all time?! Fucking finally!"

Both eeeeeed and then began doing a ballet-like dance and began singing the anime theme song.

"No matter who you are,
You're a shining star,
So, reach within, breathe it in and dance!
Enter the ballroom, they're all watching you, ready to see what you can do.
Though you're illuminated by the silver moonlight.
You're there to dance for you and you alone.

Your beauty knows no bounds.
You're perfect as you are.
Rose with the sharpest thorns.
Right foot, left foot, stretch!
Take your position,
Show the world your true power within!

You're the starlight dancer, now.
You're the prince of the sun.
Princess of the moon.
Or a Ruler of cosmos.
See how your audience swoons."

Isaac and Velocity began to giggle.
Rowan smiled, happy that she's getting along with his friends.

Rowan then thought about the time. Velocity may have to leave soon.
"Hey Isaac! Velocity does have a curfew. What's the meeting about?"

"Oh shit, right! Thanks! OMG, I was about to pull out my switch! And Like, I totally would've forgotten." Isaac then stood in front of everyone.
"Ok… I called you here. Because Rowan asked about Madame Etaine. Meaning he and this lovely cat over here, is about to raise some hell. And I want in. And we should work together…"

"Why are you so eager to help?" Rowan shrugged.

Isaac sighed. "...guess now is as good a time as any…"

The lights then flickered. Everyone except Rudolph was shocked.
Isaac slowly grew giant black devil horns on his head, his nails grew sharp and long, he grew fangs that showed as he grunted from the pain, his already tall height grew much taller, and a heart shaped purple devil's tail sprouted.
His green eyes were now magenta, and the lights stopped flickering.

He began to smile and quickly told his story. Slowly getting angrier with each sentence."... So, the Chief justice is my dad. So is Rudolph. Dear old dad… sold my fucking soul because I am one of his first born 'sons' and because I am not very cog like and 'TrOuBlEsOme'. Then someone chased me down some stairs. I broke every bone and died. Then I went to hell without a judgment because that's how the contract works. Then I made a deal with the devil to get incubus\succubus powers so I can take my fucking soul back, meaning fucking kill him. And the devil could make use of my smoking hot body to do the job and do demon work.
So, I am probably royally pissed off and maybe… just maybe… I want to burn every cog HQ to the ground AND take out pigs who only want my body, but… it's not enough. I want more. I want to crush the entire establishment."

One eye began to twitch as he nervously chuckled.

Velocity got excited. "Holy shit! Fuck yeah! Let's fucking burn it all down!"

Issac smirked. "Oh yeah. She gets it."

The rest of the cog friends nodded and murmured in agreement.

Matthew pointed. "That explains a lot about your behavior now."

"Yeah, this is what your Ex was so desperate to expose. But I took you away from him! And now we're best friends! Greatest revenge is living well…" Isaac giggled.

Rowan held up his watch. "Guys… on topic…"

"Oh shit, right… ok… anybody got any ideas?" Isaac smiled sheepishly.

Ruth raised her hand. "She needs to work under sellbot HQ."

Velocity nodded. "I'm working on a new persona."

"I can hook her up with a sellbot outfit." Matthew said.

"But what can she sell to remotely make it up top to attempt to get close, though?" Rowan stated. "Velocity, have you sold stuff before?"

"Toon scout cookies… but… that didn't go well." She closed her eyes and shuttered.

She paused. She looked up. "I can write business models and proposals. Yeah… dad sucks at them so he asks me. I kinda have sold things before. Tourism properties and plans for infrastructure."

"Real estate? Is there any cog real estate." Isaac shrugged.

Rudolph chimed in. "Lamont brought up a good point. You need a license for that."

"Who?" Ruth raised an eyebrow.

Isaac waved her off. "A ghost that follows Rudolph around. He can see ghosts and supernatural shit. Yeah, yeah. But anywho… what the fuck can she sell?"

Ruth pulled out her lip balm and tried to use it. "Ah shit… I'm out. Anyone have lip balm?"

No one said anything. Matthew sighed. "Not on me, sorry."

Isaac went to his room and grabbed some for her. Velocity gasped. She had an idea.

"See a need, fill a need. Ruth… sellbots are very male dominated, right? All cog headquarters are very male dominated, right?"


"How many places are there to get makeup within Cog nation? I bet it's hard having to order it from the good guys, huh?" Velocity smiled.

"... fucking… GENIUS!" Ruth exclaimed.


What makes good makeup? That's what Velocity was thinking. Great… Well, we need supplies. Great. More money to spend. The regular trips to the arcade from earlier did not help. So, Velocity just spent the entire week and weekend playing games to earn jelly beans. The Grand Prix is about a few weeks away and she needs to figure out how to stop this fast.

Flippy took notice of her activity. "Hey Puppycat! You've been playing so many games lately. Trying to beat a high score?"

"Oh uh… no I just need that summer money." She chuckled nervously.

"Ah… hanging out with your new 'friend' can get expensive." Flippy teased.

"Ha ha… Hey dad! Have you heard about the grand prix?" Velocity said sketching out logos for her makeup brand.

"Yeah, I signed off on that a few days ago. The goofy speedway is an underrated part of Toontown and I think this is a great way to get some people interested. We got one cog racer. The rest are toons. And even the famous Etaine Jade from another country! It's going to be grand."

"What about safety? The evil side patrolling in the streets?"

"I sent the flyers to the HQs and said your call if you want flattened workers. They actually asked if they could have it broadcasted. I didn't see the harm so, why not." Flippy shrugged.

"Are you sure everything is safe?"

"Pretty rich coming from you, Ms. Speed Demon. I remember when you had a phase when you would race at the speedway often. All because of that racing special of that ballerina cartoon you loved so much. You were good. But such a sore winner."

"It was the only way I had power and could feel superior over others. I've calmed down since then. Oh yeah. I remember I called my car a carriage. I named it Pumpkin and painted it light blue because of Cinderella. And wore that god awful dress too, then after every race I threw glitter on myself or whoever won." Velocity cringed as she giggled.

"Well if you want to tune up Pumpkin she's out in the shed. We do have one more room for a racer if you want." Flippy slurped a soda.

"I'll think about it." Velocity smiled.

"I was being sarcastic. Don't race, Puppycat!"

Velocity then got a call from an unknown number. She went to another room and took it. "Hello?"

"Hi, Velocity? It's me, M-matthew. I wanna talk about your makeup line." He sounded timid, but still excited.

"Oh yeah. I did disappear, didn't I? Yeah, I was making some Beans for the cost of materials. I made a business model and I'm designing a simple logo." She said running off further away from Flippy.

"I can help with many things. See, I'm into fashion and I've been wanting a makeup line for a while, so I bought the equipment and the PPE to make it. We just need the materials for the makeup and some logo stickers. Oh, we should make business cards. Those are sooo important. Have you figured out a persona, yet?"

"I haven't gotten around to the look, just the name. I put lots of emphasis into hair and makeup to look different. Then I need a suit… ah man…"

"... Can you come to Lawbot HQ? Like now?"

Velocity paused. She bit her lip at the thought of having to head down there with few gags. It was a few hours before her curfew. She could try it on her own without Rowan escorting her.

She went and packed a pink suitcase full of some things she'll need. It looked kind of like a briefcase as well. A giant pink leather suitcase with glittery hot pink hearts in the center of it.  She pushed it out the window and crossed her fingers. It fell into the bushes.

Did Flippy notice? Nope doesn't seem like it. He's on the phone talking mayorly stuff.

Velocity walked past him down the stairs. Mouthed that she's out and her goodbyes. He waved back. None the wiser of her activity.

Velocity used her portal to go to the Brrrgh, shivering in her t-shirt she rolled her suitcase to lawbot HQ.

She got a few looks as she entered the cogs' space, and she tried to navigate the streets. I guess the suitcase threw them off, thinking she was a new recruit.

She pulled out her phone. She texted the number. "Ummm Matthew? Where do you want to meet?"

He texted back. "There's a small building past a field house way in the back. On 2nd and 3rd street. It has a display window for some suits. That's where I work."

Velocity scurried her way around and slowly made her way counting the street numbers. Cogs sure do love numbers. 5th street, 4th street, 3rd Street… make the corner and there it is. All she has to do is not bump into anyone and-…


She bumped into a bigwig with bright blue eyes and a ponytail. He had blue glasses and looked like an older version of Rowan. Oh no, it's Bleu.

He eyed her as she scrambled up. His arms folded and he sneered. 
Velocity stammered.
"H-hello fellow co-worker, pardon my intrusion. I was just looking for… a clothing shop. Yep! That one over there! Gotta gets suited for work! I start tomorrow! Nice to meet you, goodbye!"

Bleu scoffed. "Be careful, Toon. I almost began a battle, go, and get a suit on pronto!"

"Sir yes, sir!" Velocity saluted as she quickly ran inside the shop. It was a small store with a simple minimalist interior. Trying to give off a sleek style but with a low budget.

"Matthew?!" Velocity said with a panicked tone.

Matthew came out from the back. He was not in a suit but in a dress. It looked rather nice on him.

"Hey you made it! Everything ok?" He said closing the store front.

"I ran into Bleu. But I lied my way out. Don't like that he now knows my face and hair. But maybe it was in passing. I'm sure I'll be fine." She sighed in relief. "Should've worn my suit but. I didn't have another wig to wear. So, it would've been useless."

Matthew tilted his head. "I can help. Follow me."

He took her to the back where there was stock for the main store, but he had his own space to design and create. There were sketches of models. Some included Isaac and Ruth depending on the body type needed.

She looked down to see a sketch of herself in a more stylish form of the sell bot suit tailored to her form. The meter/insignia was sewn in on the side instead of the center. The shirt was replaced by a black sleeveless turtleneck and the suit was tailored to fit her form and the sleeves cut 3\4 of the way. The pants were a slim cut and last but not least a 3-strand chain necklace with bronze, silver, and gold per strand.

Velocity was in awe. "This is beautiful…"

Matthew blushed. "T-thank you. I'll only need a few hours to sew it! A-and about the wig."

He pulled out a long silky-smooth wig. It had perfect curls and lots of volume. It was a rich purple that faded into a magenta ombre at the ends of the hair.

"Perfect!" She exclaimed. "Thank you so much! Ready to see my business model."

For being a lawbot, even Matthew couldn’t keep up with her very detailed well thought out plan. He was programmed for business, but Velocity was on another level. She was amazing!

“Our value proposition is for cogs and toons to have a safe easy place to get makeup. We can set up shop here. Does your boss allow you to sell things other than clothes?"

Matthew smiles. "He does, because he's me! Isaac and I… um… did a thing to have this store. So far it's been decent; I sell the basic things, but I dream of selling my own fashions here."

"We can start with this makeup thing, and you can introduce your fashions here more and more." Velocity smiled.

The two went out and bought simple makeup vials and canisters with a simple black top.

"Simple and professional. And we can make sticker labels. I don’t know what to put for a logo. Because I want it to stand out and look fancy when we know it's not." Velocity pondered.

Matthew blushed and looked up. "... Edelweiss."


Matthew smiled. "Edelweiss… it's a white flower that is supposed to look good no matter what even when dried. I think it's endangered. It's just a pretty nice smelling flower."

"... Edelweiss… has a lovely ring to it! Edelweiss it is."

Velocity and Matthew began talking about the business more.
Matthew, being a cog had insight into popular shades and what was in style right now.

"Red is always a classic, can't go wrong with red. I say we need to design a shade of red and market the hell out of it. And it needs a pretty name to make it stand out. Like… for toons, Candy Baddie has a signature red!"

Velocity pulled out a lip balm tint from her pocket. "Cherry Bomb!"

"Exactly! Look at the design. I love that cherry Bomb print around the tube! And how the tube is heart shaped too."

"What's easiest to make or use: roll up or with a lip wand?"

"I have the machines to make both. We can sell both. Let's start off small and follow a few shades I already have."

"I want those shades right there. They seem to have the best shades to fit the pink and purple skin tones of the Minglers and Name Droppers. I want to call Ruth as a test subject."

"Then it's settled. 3 lip balms, 3 lip glosses, 3 matte lipsticks, one eye shadow palette, 3 blushes, and… what else. I don't have the stuff to make a foundation unfortunately."


"Perfume? W-why perfume?"

"You said Edelweiss has a lovely smell. That can be part of that!"

"But it's en… put a pin on that. I think I know a guy… but It's not going to be easy." Matthew looked sad.

"It's not your ex, is it? I've been told he is a mad scientist by Rowan. Really scary. I'm not going to put you in harm's way for that! It's an idea!"

"... Y-yeah… but… never mind. You're right."

Velocity hugged Matthew. "You totally don't need him anymore! I'll help make your dreams come true. I'll do my very best with Edelweiss! I promise!"

Matthew smiled sheepishly. "Thank you, Velocity. You're the first toon, that was really kind to me."



1st Toon and Cog co-founded Makeup Brand.

‘A descendant of the house of Antoinette Fallington and the Ghast Chateau from the country of Mirafae. Inertia Rushingsky has teamed up with Matthew Watts to bring this simple yet luxurious brand to the make-up users of cog nation.’

Signature color… Thermodynamic.
Velocity came up with a name inspired by what she learned in her physics courses. It sounds cool and cog like, it's perfect.

Matthew was busy mixing up test shades in the background. It's a good thing he had most of that part ready. Makes deploying the brand much easier.

Velocity scurried up behind him, he was deep into focus in mixing.

She didn't want to scare him. "H-hey Matthew?" she said gently.

Matthew didn't jump or act as nervous when talking to her. A good sign. "O-oh? Yeah, Ve-Velocity?"

She showed a picture of the logo she made.
It was a pastel blue background and, in the middle, a grand filigree portrait of a white flower in the middle.
“What do you think?” she said sheepishly.

Matthew took a moment and smiled. “Simple. Elegant. Perfect!”

With a clear label printer, they printed labels with white text onto a sheet that they wrapped around the bottles and containers of their make-up brand.

To make a long story short there were some hiccups as the two had to learn the basics from complete scratch. Lots of spilled and ruined products, but the two had fun learning from their mistakes. They didn’t realize how fast time went as it went into the late hours of the night. There were some fun names they came up with too; like Dusty Rust, Gleam, and Chrome Touch, to name a few. Finally, after much testing, their arms and lips stained with various shades of red, they created it: Thermodynamic. A bright red with a cool blue undertone gloss that had different levels of shadowing and shimmers in certain angles of light.

“That looks good on you!” Velocity exclaimed.

“THAT LOOKS GOOD ON YOU!” Matthew pointed. “This is it! Our signature red shade!”

The two squealed as they stamped their feet. Without delay they created a batch and filled the lipstick molds.

“Maybe if we become successful, I would love to see a flower and vine pattern on here.” Matthew said holding up the completed lipstick product.

“We can make the flower a white balm core like the flower…” Velocity smiled.

“You’re a genius, Velocity.” Matthew smiled; he breathed a sigh of content. “Thanks for taking this seriously. It’s been my dream to make this beauty line. I always assumed I would be alone in making it too. You’re good friend.”

Velocity took a moment to process what she just heard. “Y-you think so?... I mean… thank you… I’m glad I could help! I’ll do my best to sell the hell out of this! Not just to get close to Etaine, but to see you flourish, you deserve it!” She pounded her fist into her palms and got serious. She beamed with her usual feisty pride.

She checked her phone. “Bruh… how is it 2:00am, already? I’m so grounded again…”

Matthew got worried. “Oh um… I’m sorry, is there anything…”

Velocity texted Flippy. “I’m alive. I just fell asleep while watching TV. Can I just spend the rest of the night here?”

She sighed. “I got only one phone call from him around 9pm so... maybe I can… ah, he texted back. He said I’m fine. I better just spend the night here to be safe. I’m an… adult now. Seeing my ‘friend’ made him realize that? UGH!”

Matthew giggled softly. “Does he mean Rowan?”

“Unfortunately, but we’re just friends. No more! Ok!” Velocity’s eyes narrowed.

Matthew hummed. “Ok… if you say so.”

“What does that mean?!” Velocity turned her head sharply.

“Nothing… follow me! You can spend the night with me and Isaac.”

The next day she came home and washed off all the make up off. When she woke up Matthew had sewn her sellbot uniform for her. She was grateful and excited. She pressed it and spruced up the wig she had. When she got out the shower Ruth texted her that she filled out and placed in an application to the sellbot ranks.

“Matthew told me your new persona name, so I falsified a resume for you based on the stuff you said last night. I hope it brings you up the ranks a little more. They probably won’t check, they usually don’t… but I’m sure you can make something up.”

“Thanks Ruth, how would you like to be our walking advertisement of Edelweiss your new make-up brand?”

“Would I? Sure, why not!”

“I’ll be down sometime today around sellbot HQ, I already have my uniform.”

“You’re going to start selling today?”

“Might as well, make some new friends early.” She began to put on the outfit and apply some of the make-up herself making sure to wear ‘Thermodynamic’.

Shoving her product in the suitcase again, she stepped out to sell her merchandise.

She rushed to Sellbot HQ to see lots of name droppers and minglers walking around. She realized just selling stuff out of the blue would be a little awkward. Maybe she could break the ice.

She rolled her suitcase up to a name dropper checking her phone. “Excuse me…” she asked politely.

“You’re excused…” The name dropper scoffed, not even looking up from her phone.

Velocity got angry, not wanting to take this abuse lying down, she simply moved her suitcase next to her. “Thanks! Say, I like the color of your lipstick, where did you get it?”

The name dropper glanced down at Velocity opening her case. “What?”

“Nice lips, where’d you get it?” Velocity placed her hands on her hips and smugly looked up at the name dropper.

The name dropper had on a very dark red lipstick, it was hard to tell if it was a matte texture or extremely dry. It didn’t suit her at all. Bingo. Velocity’s lipstick was bright, vibrant, and shiny.

The name dropper looked to the side. “Um… I got it off of toonmu.com…”

“Really?! I get it. I’m on a budget too…” Velocity said softly. “I hope to change that soon.”

“Well, where did you get yours?”

“I made it… with some friends to help with production, I am a co-owner to a new brand called: Edelweiss. I’m hoping to sell to the cog nation and make a brand that is high quality and affordable.”

“How affordable?”

“Like 6 to 12 bucks a stick, depending on the texture and gloss. Like the one I’m wearing is water resistant, glossy, and also moisturizing. Its about 12 bucks. Its our signature color, Thermodynamic.”

“Humph…” the name dropper folds her arms. “Interesting, little toon. I suppose your little business venture could go somewhere.”

Velocity reached into a side pocket in the suitcase flap and pulled out a very small bottle.
“Free sample?” she smiled.

The name dropper took the vial and looked at it. A simple clear vial with a black top. A white flower Edelweiss logo around it.
She sheepishly put the vial in her pocket saying nothing.

Velocity reached out her hand to her. “Name’s Inertia… Inertia Rushingsky… I’m new here and I’m hoping grow big.”

The name dropper firmly shook her hand while avoiding her gaze. “Bianca…”

Velocity waved and walked away. She made her way to Ruth who was more than happy for some free make-up. Thermodynamic looked great on her. Velocity did her makeup with a smokey red eyeshadow and black eyeliner, using the new palettes she made.

Ruth beamed. “Wow, you are really good! Reds, pinks, and purples are going to sell really well here. I’m so excited for you and Matthew."

“Thanks for your help, too!” Velocity smiled. “You’re our walking advertisement! Now… lets so grab some coffee. I saw a new café full of folks!”

They went down together proudly showing off their make-up. Many heads began to turn and hushed whispers between lots of make-up wearing people stirred while the ladies waited in line.

A mingler raised an eyebrow. No way, was Ruth and some nobody came out looking so fabulous today.
Our two girls got their drinks and sat down in the middle of the shop. Where it had the best lighting and the most aesthetically pleasing view.

The mingler couldn’t take it anymore. She scurried out of line and ran up to the two. “Excuse me, what brand of make up are you wearing?”

Velocity stopped sipping her drink, she pulled the straw from her mouth. Not a single smudge. The mingler's eyes widened as Velocity gave a smug smile.

Hook. Line. Sinker.

[One Week Later]

Velocity’s first week at sellbot HQ was a rousing success. The brightness and blue vibrancy of Thermodynamic was perfect for the summer. It ended up blowing up on social media. Now Velocity was getting orders and requests from all Cog HQs all over toontown.

Now instead of going straight home after work, she made her way to Matthew’s shop to work on making more products. It was hard work. She was selling out almost everyday.

Matthew couldn’t believe it. Was it her confidence? Her swagger? Her own beauty? How was she able to sell so quickly?

“I’m j-jealous, Velocity. How are you able to just… talk to people.” He asked.

Velocity turned around after pulling off her disguise and wiping her make up off. She looked distressed.
“I’m not as confident as I look! I don’t know what am I doing! I just highlight the most important parts or target people with really shitty make up! To be honest with you! I don’t like wearing make-up! I like to sleep in!”

Matthew felt so bad. “Velly… I’m so sorry. If you want to sto-"

“I just need to decompress… that’s all.”

Matthew ran to her and used a make up wipe on her fur. “Yeah! Hey I’ve been working on the display here! We can start sending people here to shop. Take some of the load off here. The money we’re getting now is also good. We can probably think about looking into 3rd party companies to make our products for us too! We’re a legit company now too! I wanna start a company, but I don’t know any legal stuff. Is Rowan a contract lawyer, you know?”

“Rowan…? ROWAN!” I haven’t spoken to him since meeting at Isaac’s house! W-what is he up to?” Velocity raised an eyebrow.

“It’s Friday, lets take the night off and go see him!” Matthew almost began wiping her eyeshadow but stopped.

He smirked and decided to freshen up her look instead. He used a new eyeshadow palette with dark glittery pinks and a shiny clear lip gloss on her. This looks more like Velocity’s kind of look.

“Here, Isaac has been re-watching that magical girl anime I saw you fangirl about. So I took some inspiration.” He smiled.

Velocity looked in the mirror. “It’s light and pretty! Thanks!”

So what was Rowan doing during all of this?
If you thought Corporate Espionage, then give yourself a cookie or something because that’s exactly what he’s doing.

Now, I didn’t say he’s doing it well. He’s no where near getting any plans or intel about anything. He’s just mingling, making painful small talk with Mr. Hollywoods and going against his usual introverted nature.
He figured like last time, If he messed around with the higher ups then he’ll get near Madame Etaine the same way it worked for Vanity and Greenbucks. But alas, his concerns were apparent to him yet again; that the last attempts were based on pure fucking luck.

But something in him made him have more faith. Was it Velocity’s words and hard work? Maybe, perhaps he feels he’ll never know unless he tried.

As Rowan tried to talk to another cog with painful small talk. Isaac swooped in and perked the conversation right up. This Mr. Hollywood was particularly friendly and the conversation about hobbies came up. This Mr. Hollywood was named Mike and he like fitness.

“Hey Rowan, do you work out? You look really strong.”

Rowan stammered. “Uhh… no! I don’t, I read as my hobby.”

“You should try it! I bet you could get some serious gains!” Mike gave a thumbs up. “In fact I’m bout to hit the gym, I have one guest pass.”

Isaac smiled. “Yeah! Working out feels great and keeps you fit. You should keep. Up. Your. Fitness. Rowan! Get a… punching bag and practice your karate.”

Rowan eyed him. “Karate keeps me calm and its about the mind, not the power!”

Mike swooned. “No way, dude! You know… Karaty?”

Rowan raised a finger. “It’s pronounded ‘ka ra teh'. And yes, I do bu-"

Isaac nudged Rowan. “You should go with him. Mike goes to a really swanky gym, you can get all the equipment and meet NEW people! Come on Rowan, try something new.”

“Yeah bro! Come on!”

Rowan agreed and showed up to a really spacious gym with Mike. Purple glass walls and a modern interior. Lots of high profile cogs were there working on their muscles.

Now Cogs really don’t have a way to gain weight or muscle, but in a way its like a form of enrichment. Something to do off the clock.
Rowan didn’t have any workout clothes but the facility was happy to provide a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers for him. He removed his wig showing off his silky short hair.
Many cogs more fit than him were sizing him up and laughing at him as Rowan sheepishly entered the part of the gym with a track.

Mike taught him a few stretches. “Let’s warm up with a quick run. Two times around the track, eh?”

“Sure! Sounds easy!” Rowan smiled

“Yeah don’t let those guys psyche you out, I remember when I was a cold caller. Start off small, bro and you will start seeing results over time.”

They took off running on the track. Rowan took off running quickly, easily running faster than Mike.

In no time he was done with his two laps without breaking a sweat. Mike was out of breath when he caught up.

“I wasn’t too fast, was I?” Rowan asked.

“I was gonna say so, until I saw you. You’re fine. No sweat or gasping.” Mike exclaimed.

The other cogs looked uneasy. Impressive.

Rowan was somehow doing extremely well for himself in the gym. He could lift about 120 pounds without strain. On the bench press he easily did 350 pounds. Mike was speechless. The other cogs now showing respect or sheepishly

“No way you didn’t go a gym beforehand, man! You’re a natural.” Mike exclaimed excitedly.

Rowan rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks, but the only exercise I have is working in a manga store and karate lessons my mo-... erm… friend… taught me.”

Mike gave him a high five. “Cool man! Imagine what can you do with a regular work out routine?! Hey you should check out Ed! He’s a Corporate Raider that is everyone’s favorite personal trainer. I’m sure he’d be happy to hang out with you!”

“Wow, thanks Mike! When is he here?”

“Now, I think. Come on follow me.”

Rowan managed to hit it off with Ed. They talked about fitness and the best foods to eat during it. Then the topic shifted to cars.

Ed rested on a bench. “Aye, me maties are talking about upgrading their car. They got some top tier connections to Madame Etaine's team.”

“Oh? Madame Etaine's team? What does her team do with cars? Sell them?”

“Oh no me matey, have ye heard of the Grand Prix, well we cogs are sponsoring it, arrgh. The toons won’t know what hit them.” Ed got up to stretch.

“Oh I see, so we’re going to race in it and Etaine is building a super car for it.”

“Yep! It’s going to specially designed to defeat the toons and traitors once and for all.”

Rowan gulped. This sounds more complicated to stop. The only thing to do is to stop it beforehand so that no dust can be spewed out. But how to get close? He’s not going to get anywhere near Etaine to steal her plans right from under her. This may be solely a job for Velocity.

Or will it?

Ed rubbed his hands. “Madamé! Its so good to see you again! Ready for your training?”

Rowan turned to see her; green bear, long hair with straight cut bangs, sullen face always in a scowl at everything, and her signature hands on hips indignant pose. That’s her alright.

She wore a black sports bra and shorts set with black sneakers. She eyed Rowan.

“Is he new here as well?” she asked.

“Aye, he be just a guest. This is his first time here.”

Etaine looked up and down at him. “Humph… well, If you were to train him. He’d have a long way to go to look like his stud bigwig counterparts.”

“Aye, and you have quickly come along yourself as you just came here a few months ago.” Ed nodded.

Rowan said nothing, trying not to let his anger show. His eyes turned a little magenta, but he kept his cool. He quite likes his slender form.

Ed took her hand. “Let’s warm you up, milady. Are ya well hydrated?”

“I am… Let’s begin.”

Rowan just sat there drinking water watching her work out like a beast. She was fast and aggressive. She was focused on lifting more and more weight. Ed had to constantly ensure she wouldn’t overdo it.

She noticed him staring at her and smirked as she lifted each dumbbell.
Basking in her superiority over a ‘scrawny’ cog.

Mike came over to grab Rowan. “Hey dude, I’m almost done for today! I want to show you one last thing though. Wanna try deadlifting?”

Rowan looks at Etaine and smiled. “Yeah… I can do just one more…”

He was making small talk about lifting and learning how the other cogs got their gains. Rowan, playing up the humble newbie here to start his weightlifting journey. He looked at each cog deadlift 300 pounds. He looked at their techniques and asked questions. They were more than happy to oblige.

Then came Rowan's turn. “… I think I can do…. 500.”

“But you’re a newbie…” went one cog.

“Oh man, let him! I believe in him, dude! He’s so strong!” Mike said as he began adding weight.

Rowan got up to the extremely heavy dumbbell in front of him.

He looked up to where Etaine was training. She was watching from the balcony over him ready to watch this new scrawny cog make a fool of himself.

Rowan took a deep breath and got into position.
“Am I right? Do not move my shins? Yeah, please instruct me! I want to learn!”

Then when he was ready. With barely any strain deadlifted the barbell and held it, then gently lowered it down in the correct technique. He barely gasped or broke any sweat. The other cogs losing their minds.

He looked at Etaine who was just staring back at him. Her eyes were wide with small pupils, her nose flared, her lips were strewn up tightly, and he swore he saw her shaking in anger.


He looked to Mike. “Say, how much is a membership here?”

“Same as every gym of the level in cog nation! You pay for one here, you can visit any location at any HQ, bro! You get a discount if you used a guest pass, come on, let’s go!”

30 minutes later…

Well, as he expected for a swanky gym, it was Hella expensive to get a membership, but thankfully because he’s a bigwig nothing he can’t afford. The cog bucks has to go to something, he suppose.

He walked out the gym as Etaine kept staring at him from the distance. He waved goodbye making sure the membership card was in his hand.

She quickly darted away to the next corner.


Now… how maybe, he could use her envious ways to his advantage. Perhaps an intense sporting injury could send her to the hospital, rendering the grand prix safe? Yeah, that sounds like a good sinker to him. Maybe Velocity won’t do this alone. All based on pure luck…

This thought made him have some faith, he smiled as he began to walk home. Hand towel draped over his shoulders.

“Rowan?” someone called out.

Rowan turned to see Velocity running up to him.

She looked stunning with her make up.

Rowan stammered over his words. “oh uh, Velocity! Nice to see you here!”

“Y-yeah its been awhile, how have you been?” Velocity pushed her wig hair away from her face.

Matthew made sure to back away and let the two chat. He wasn’t expecting to see Rowan so quickly, but it was a nice surprise.

The two then to speak the same thing over each other. “I have to tell you… oh sorry. I… I’ve been. Its about the grand prix…”

Rowan nods to Velocity. “You first…”

“Well… business is booming. Promotions are coming soon, and we’ll see if I played all my cards right? You?”

“Well… I found out our Madamé is exercising here, so… ya boy’s gotta gym pass. And I’m going to see if we can… beat her to the finish. I’ll explain in detail later In the group chat!” Rowan said smugly.

Velocity smiled. “You look great already. I bet she thinks you’re handsome.”

“More like strong. I can lift heavy stuff and its setting her off!” Rowan gripped his towel by the ends.

“That’s great! We can use that, yeah…”

There was an awkward silence between the two.

Rowan blinked. “You wanna get something to eat?”

“Sure… it’s been awhile. I’m craving a poke bowl…”

“We can go to the Eagle’s Chrysanthemum?”

“Yeah! Sounds good! Matthew was he-… where did he go?”

She looked to see Matthew running off giggling like mad.

Oh son of a bi-


Rowan pinched his brow. “Our friends keep shipping us man… why? Whatever let’s go…”

You’d think they’d get a break at their favorite restaurant but no not even that happened. Haru kept giving Rowan glares as she looked at his outfit compared to Velocity’s look.

“You smell. Worse than fish. Disgraceful. Clean up next time.” She said as she took their order.

Rowan couldn’t get a word in as he tried to explain.

Dave looked down at the two as he served their meal. He placed a hand on his shoulder. “We need to talk…”

“We’re not dating!” Rowan said held his head and groaned.

“Of course you aren’t, look at you.” Dave scoffed as he walked away.

Velocity leaned forward. “Ignore them. I quite like your post work out musk. Its very manly…” she rolled her eyes as Rowan blushed hard.

His eyes and cheeks flushed a glowing pink.

Next day came for promotions. A name dropper stepped up to the front of the cubicles and cleared her throat.

“Ok everyone! Sales report came in! And its time for promotions. The only time where its exciting to clean your desk! So listen up!”

Everyone including Velocity stood up to listen in.

“Cubicles 46 to 59, y’all moving up a level! Congrats! Cubicles 1 to 32 are moving up to the next cog tier! Maintenance is ready to upgrade your bodies to the next level! For toons, just bring your keycards so they can grant you the proper access! Congrats! And now we have one special promotion for a special toon!”

Velocity’s ears perked up.

The name dropper presented her face and beamed with pride. She was wearing red smoky eyes with a very vibrant red lipstick with blue undertones.
“As y'all know we recently came into contact with new business where we can safely and easily acquire affordable makeup. And with her and her co-founder opening a store at Lawbot HQ its safe to say that she’s absolutely killing it. Therefore… Inertia Rushingsky  is jumping up the ladder all the way to the elite toons floor!”

The floor ended up breaking out in cheers and claps as Velocity bowed and repeated thank you to everyone.

“We hope you can keep cog nation prettier, girl!”

Velocity moved into her own personal office. It was entirely in pink. Sellbots really like pink, or is it because she was a girl? She moved her desk supplies in and stepped back. This looks bland. This could use…

She pulled out a photo of Rowan she took of him from the arcade. She wasn’t in the photo, but he was doing a funny face. She reminisced why she wasn’t there she was trying to grab another prop but ran out of time. So Rowan did one alone.  Worth it, in her opinion. She should do one where he doesn’t wear that stupid wig.

She walked out to get a drink when she walked past a large office that was painted green.

Then Madamé stepped out…

They stopped and locked eyes with each other.  Her cold green eyes stared deeply into Velocity’s purple eyes. She was almost expecting Etaine to storm over and rip her wig off exposing her.

But no, Etaine just began to circle her. Looking at her up and down.
“Look here, kitty cat… I am the top dog around here. You will answer to me and you will not make a fool of me. You may have beaten my early sales records, but I assure you its only a lucky break. You will not dethrone me so easily…”

She stepped away from her and began to walk away. Velocity smiled.

“Yes ma’am, I look forward to working under you. I looked up to you, ma’am and I still do to thi-…”

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Cat. You’ll find that the fast lane is nonexistent here.” Etaine said as she entered her office.

“Once you’re done settling in, I want files A thru Z sorted and reported, and on my desk by tomorrow at 3, do you understand me?”

Velocity felt a surge of anger shot through her. How is she going to get close to her plans or something. Anything to stop the grand prix.


“Oh, uh… yes, Ms. Etaine.”

“That’s Madame Etaine to you… Make yourself useful and brew me a cup of coffee!” she then shut her door.

Velocity took a deep breath and made her way into the break room.

Ah shit, here we go again…

End of part 1

AN:Hey guys, Imma be honest. Life happened. See im a young adult freshly graduated and trying to start out. I don’t want to overshare but know that I finally am becoming stable and happy. I am no where near completely stable but am better than where I was since my last update. New job too!  Worked on this little by little and I didn’t take 3 fucking years! Thanks so much for the support and let me know what you think of the chapter.

Thank you and yall stay warm out there!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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