{°•~^(chapter two)^~•°}

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Yoon bum's POV:

I quickly pulled open the door and rushed inside before closing the as i could finally breath out the air i didn't know i was holding.

'huff.. I almost got caught!.. Thank god i made it..' i thought to myself in relief since i got inside before the police could've got me.. I then turned my head to looked around only to gasp loudly in shock after noticing a white-haired boy down on the floor just few meters away fromiwqweqT me while he was staring up at me in horror.

"w-what..? W-who.. Are you?" i asked with an shaky voice as my breath hitched a little 'W-WHO IS HE?!'













M/n's POV:

'ha.. yoon bum.. Fuck.. I know this chapter!!' i thought to myself as i then quickly stood up

"y-you.." i muttered at bum while walking up to him as i noticed him nervously back up closer to the wall

'i need to get out of here! ' once i was finlly close to bum i then placed my hands on his shoulders "w-what's the password on the door...?!"









Yoonbum's POV:

I then flinched a little once the white-haired boy who was just a little taller than me placed his hands over my shoulder's 'h-huh..? what..? Password?' confusion then filled my head

The paper i used to write and figure out the password on the door earlier for the code was still on my grip so i then hesitantly showed him the paper Where i scribled the code while my arm slightly trembled "i-it's here.." i muttered

The white-haired boy then slowly turned his head to look at the paper as he slowly let go of my shoulders before taking the paper, staring at it for a moment before looking back at me "u-um.. Who a-are you..?" i asked him again

"you don't know me and forget that you saw me, don't tell anyone else about me and i won't tell sangwoo about you coming here" the white-haired boy said while putting the door's password on the door

Confusion filled my head about this boy.. 'W-what..? Just who is he? What was he doing here? And... He seems to know sangwoo'

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