{°•~^(chapter ten)^~•°}

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??? POV:

I stared down at this white-haired boy  with my arms crossed together and my side leaning against my apartment's door


(example photo only, that's not him)

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(example photo only, that's not him)

"YOU!" He yelled while angrily pointing at me with his cheeks completely flushed probably from anger and embarassment

"what?" i muttered as i watched him stomp his way towards me and stopped to stand infront of me just a few meter away from me

"i don't really like you and what you said to me and i want you to take it back!" he fumed while staring up at me

"and what if i don't want to?" i said while slowly lowering down my face towards his " what are you gonna do about it, huh?"











°Moments later•°




"jeez.. Your not just stupid, blind and deaf.. Your also clumsy" i mumble while handing him an ice pack

"shut up that was your fault.." he scoffed while taking the ice pack and brought it down to his bruised forehead

'seriously?' i thought to myself as i then sighed "my fault? really? I didn't tell to slip and fall on your face, plus your lucky i let enter my place and even gave you an ice pack"

"whatever.. Thank you i guess.." he mumbled with taht annoying tone "but i still want you to take back what you said!"

I just sughed again about what he said, he was clearly not gonna get over it "fine if that whats gonna shut you up, i take back all what i said, there happy now?"

"yes, thank you" he scoffed with that annoying face causing me to just scratch my next in frustation

"ugh.. Just... Get the hell out of my place now if that's all what you want" i said in annoyance while walking towards the other couch to sit myself there

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