Say Cheese and Die!

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 People always talk about how this town is haunted by the past. But. It's not just the  town. Lily is also haunted by her past. She hates it. She hates the guilt. She has tried over the past four years to try and talk to Lucas, and he always tell her to fuck off, she couldn't even explain herself. He wouldn't hear it. She knows deep down that she hurt him. It's all because she wanted to be fucking popular. She got what she wanted. But now she doesn't want it She started hanging out with Isaiah. And James There are her best friends now. She became friends with them because of his girlfriend Alison. Alison is the one that wanted her to be in the popular friend group in freshman year. Allison was the one who made that prank up. So, in lily mind. It was. Alison 's fault. But she stayed friends with her anyway. Because she had nobody. So now she's happy that she has the Two friends' real friends.

It was Isaiah and Jamie's favourite part of the day. Heading to Nora. Cafe. That is right next to this beautiful lake. I normally stay in the car. Because Nora. Is Lucas. Mother. And she does not like me at all. But today? I needed to eat. So, I headed into the cafe. With the other two.

"Good morning, Nora. My favourite person. How are you? Isaiah. Told Nora as he put his elbow on the desk.

Nora turned around. She knew I was there but didn't look my way. I felt very uncomfortable in that place. Knowing that the person I hurt the most is upstairs in his room.

"Good morning, John. How are you?" Nora said as she turned around to face us.

"I want a bacon burrito." "And I want a waffle. With that butter." The boys were saying as I was keeping quiet in the corner.

Then Nora, stop them.

"The machines are down. But you can use cash." She said to us.

"You do realise we live in a cashless city, right?" James said.

"Well, then you can have crackers." Nora also said to the boys.

"And they aren't there for like, Soup or something." James also said.

"They are." She said as she basically kicked it out of the store.

We all turned around and we're walking out the store. Until I heard my name.

"Lily." No, I said. I turned around to face her, and the guys were behind me, also turning round.

" You, OK?" She asked me. I'm surprised she was so nice about it.

"I am. Thank you." I said to her as I turned around. We walked out of the cafe or walking to the car.

"They're not bad". Isaiah. said to James.

James was about to say something. Then all of a sudden, we heard someone say Watch your back. We all turned around. Then we saw. Lucas. On his skateboard, jumping off the roof. He is still a daredevil. Courses. He looks up to his dad. His dad was a big daredevil. I put my hands on my face. Try not to look.

He landed right on his. Stomach. He looked up his head and  blood  is coming from his mouth. Isaiah. Asked if he was OK. Then Lucas said he's chilling. Then I ran up to him." Lucas, are you OK?" I said to him as I Kneeled. down. Put my hand on his back. He pushed. Himself back up? I'm whacked my hand away. From him. And he said his classic line to me.

"Fuck off lily" he said to me in a very angrily tone. And I did just that. I got up. And I went back to the boys when Nora came out. Basically, saying to Lucas, I told you not to do that again. And I was just laughing.

I got back into the car. And I sat in the back seat in the middle.

"He still hasn't forgiven you of what happened." James said to me. As he put his hands on the steering wheel.

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