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Maki sighs as Mishima hands her a bag of things shes tediously pick out for the green haired girl. Maki took the bag while sighing as she watched the the taller girl drink her iced coffee.

"This is great and all but I don't need you buying me all this stuff." Maki asserts trying to push the fact that her affection can't be bought.

Mishima perks her ears as she turns towards the girl. The two start walking out the small shop, Mishima holding the door open for her counter part.

"I thought spending a lot of money is how you get people to like you?" Maki side eyes her as they walk.

"So you think you can buy me?" Mishima tilts her head and stares after hearing the word 'buy'. She couldn't lie, it hurt her feelings.

"Watch your mouth. Investing money into a friendship isn't the same as forcing a person into something using money..." Mishima tries not to look frustrated as Maki stares at her while trying to soften the harshness of her next words.

"Is that why the others hang out with you?"

"I hope not but then again I don't really mind if that is the reason." Maki gets slightly more frustrated with her words.

"So what about real friendship?"

"I don't know, to me it doesn't actually matter. I like her and want her around so if the way to keep her is money than I better keep the cash flowing..." Mishima stares back and forth searching for Kirara in the shopping mall courtyard.

Maki couldn't lie that was a perceptive she didn't really think about. "Well if that's the plan for our friendship it won't work."

Mishima raises her eyebrows but the confusion doesn't appear in her face besides that. "Hey Rara, let's go before you're late for your appointment..."

"We're just snacking, I got you guys some too." Kirara prances over to the two with Hikari in tow.

Mishima turns away and says she not hungry but Kirara forces it into her hands anyway. "Come in, don't let it go to waste. I'll eat with you." Mishima averts $$dx and allows Kirara to feed her.

"Stop she can eat by herself! Don't baby her..!" she moves Kiraras hand and she turns her eyebrows in response.

"I actually can but thank you." Mishima smiles at Kirara before continuing to walk past the group.

Maki scratches her head while sighing. As much as she wants to remain annoyed with the long haired woman a single glimpse of her face makes her back down just slightly.


Maki didn't know that the day would extend this long but she didn't really mind. Over the day they went to a tattoo shop to get Kirara a couple piercings and then they made wishes on a bridge. Finally once it got dark they thought it'd be nice to catch some fireworks.

So the group all settled in a park where Maki and Mishima were promptly left to their own devices. Maki scratches the back her head while sitting beside Mishima. "Are you gonna get expelled?" Mishima lifted her eyes after being zoned out for some seconds and sigh stared at the side of Maki's head.

"I'm not sure, but I hope not though... I'd miss you guys." Mishima tilts her head while still staring at her face.

"Why'd you even join in on something so ridiculous?"

Mishima features softened as she took time to think of her answer. "In a strange way, I thought he was doing it for me..."

Maki stares at her as she speaks. "Hakari is probably my best friend and if he's in trouble at least he's not alone." Mishima didn't intend to sound so sentimental but Hakari is one of the only one of her friends who knows that part of her past and for Gakuganji to so casually blame her for that trauma was beyond disrespectful. He couldn't let that slide.

"How are we supposed to become friends if you're not around, huh?" Maki asks turning her nose in irritation.

"Hey don't get mad at me again... I don't regret backing him up and it's not like I'll never see you again. It just means we'll have to put in a little more effort." Mishima chuckles while leaning back onto her hands and crossing her legs.

Maki snapped her head back over to give a response but when she's met with sharp eyes staring directly at her she pauses to stare back. Mishima is beautiful in a way that sometimes surprises the other girl. Her long hair frames her face and her beauty marks enhanced her features. Maki huffs deeply while meeting her stare.

"Whatever, I'm not mad let alone about that. I just expected you to stay around to make it up to us." Maki says quiet as her head drifts to the side to prevent eye contact.

"I don't desire to do that."

"Are you serious?"

"I just wanted to become friends with you guys but I won't grovel on my knees." Maki can feel the blood rush to her face as she sighs. She understands her so much more now than she did days before so she can't get frustrated with her. To Maki, Mishima finally makes sense.

"Okay, then we'll stay in contact even if you get expelled." Maki crosses her arms and leans to the side as Mishima fights a smile.

"I'm glad you're saying that and thanks for hanging out with me today, even though you don't like me." the wind briskly rolls through their hair.

"I already told you that I don't dislike you." Maki grumbles in frustration.

"You've never told me you liked me though, and I won't ignore your pity." Mishimas voice turns serious as she stares at Maki head on causing a chill to run up her spin.

"Usually when you tell a person you like them it's not in a friendship way." Maki sighs out her explanation.

"So? You scared or something?" Mishima isn't able to hide the smirk on her face as the heat raises back to Maki's. "I like you, Maki."

Maki swallows thickly while staring at her. She wants to speak but her voice is caught in her throat due to the fact that she's never seen the girl in front of her smile at all. It was strange to see just hard she was trying to hide it without being overly obvious. Her hand slightly over her mouth as the muscles if her face tense to stop herself.

Maki could only find the interaction strangely frustrating. Why is she hiding?

Right as Maki opens her mouth to speak a fire cracker streeches through the sky and explodes.

"Mishima... I like you too." Maki says without making an effort to hide her smile but she says it so quietly she's not sure Mishima could hear it at all

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