Night at the Bar

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As night fell, Angel looked over as the sun fell on the horizon. She sure wished they would get to California in the morning and meet up with her mom. In the evening, when Tom stopped at a remote filling station for gas and to call Wade from an untraceable pay phone, he turned to Angel.

"All right, I'm gonna go check in with Wade, see if he knows what's going on," he told her.

"What was that gonna do?" Angel asked, leaning her head outside.

"It's mostly for drug dealers and fugitives from the law, which is us. Stay in the car. I don't want anybody seeing you with the creature."

"Ugh, fine," she groaned, annoyed.

Angel could not take it anymore. She is getting tired of being told and she is getting bossed around like some child. Her eyes saw the allure of civilization in a bright neon sign that read the Piston Pit. It sounded loud and amazing. Before she knew it, she sped over to the roadhouse through a fleet of motorcycles parked out front.

Meanwhile, Tom is on the phone with Wade. "Hello. Green Hills Police Department."

"Wade, it's me."

"Hi. I'm so glad that you called. Uh, so, some guys came in asking some questions," Wade answered. "Uh, they're a little creepy. Kind of reminded me of, uh, the guys from Men in Black, but not as likable or, uh, charming as Will Smith."

"Wait, what kind of questions?" the cop asked.

"Um, questions about... terrorism?" Wade guessed. "Heh, I told them that I've gone ice fishing with Tom. He doesn't know how to make a bomb! He can't even make, like, bait in the cold!"

Tom knew that he had to warn him fast. "All right, Wade, listen to me. This is really important. Don't tell them that we talked, okay?"

"You know, I think they already know. "

Suddenly, he heard someone punch and then a familiar voice. "Mr. Wachowski."

Tom groaned. It was that insane doctor from the house.

"I want you to know that the only person who ever punched me in the face was the school bully. He hit me in the cafeteria, causing a blunt-force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone. Humiliated me in front of the entire school! And you know what I did in response?"

"Uh, I'm assuming that you reported him to the principal's office 'cause, you know, that kind of behavior is really unacceptable," Tom said.

"No, I examined the inefficiency of a world where brawn trumped brain, and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency. The boy ate his meals through a straw for a year. And I have never lost a fight... until today."

"Hey, hooray for me then, huh?"

"No, because you're about to become the bully with the straw! I'm coming for you, Mr. Wachowski," Robotnik snarled. "And when I catch you, I'll- "

Tom hung up. He knew that Robotnik was after them and he had to warn Maddie fast. He went back to the car. Soon, he began to order a fast food meal for Angel to eat.

"Okay, not exactly the healthiest meal, but..." He didn't see Angel in there. All that was left was the bundle where the creature was in. "Angel?"

Inside, Angel was at a table in the middle of the commotion of a loud biker bar. She wore a cowboy hat, a flannel shirt and a pair of sunglasses that she borrowed from the various parking lot vehicles. She kicked her feet up on the table as Tom barged in after her.

"Come on, Ange. We're leaving."

"But there's a ZZ Top cover band."

"You're gonna have to catch 'em some other time. Let's go! Get up!"

The Angel and the Blue Devil [3 movies in one]Where stories live. Discover now