White and Blue

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Angel, Tom, Maddie, and the farmer rush to see what the commotion is all about in the town square when Robotnik cackles loudly and takes off his flight goggles. Looking over, she could see the lifeless bundle of blue fur.

"You're an astonishing little creature. It'll be fun to take you back to the lab for a litany of invasive exploratory procedures," Robotnik said as he hovered over him.

Sonic struggled to move but he was too weak. He slumped over, lifeless. Angel then notices the bag on the ground that Sonic had dropped. There were only two rings left. Stealthly, she motions Tom to use it. With the ring portal opened, Tom jumped though and onto the aircraft.

Robotnik didn't even notice him coming from behind. "I don't have to tell you how many scientific breakthroughs have been made possible by animal testing. You're being very selfish."

"Going my way?" Tom suggested.

He punches Robotnik, knocking his flight glasses off his head, and the two start fighting inside the Eggpod. Robotnik grabs Tom by his shirt.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"I'm the Donut Lord, you-"

Tom gets elbowed by Robotnik and he is thrown off the Eggpod when Robotnik jerks the steering yoke and Tom lands on the ground. He puts his flight goggles on as Maddie and Angel rushed to Tom.

"Why? Why would you throw your life away for this...thing?" the mad scientist yelled. "That's why I don't have friends. Next thing you know, you're somebody's best man, they want to have the wedding out of town... Like nobody has anything better to do! Anyway, where were we? Oh, yes, you were about to die."

A bullet bounces hard off the Eggpod and Angel turns to see an army of Green Hills citizens and sees Wade who fired his gun.

"That's our sheriff you're messing with," he warned.

"And our Blue Devil, who, as everyone can see, is a very real creature and not at all invented by me!" Carl cried, holding his chainsaw.

"Careful," Wade warned, gently pushing the chainsaw away so he won't cut someone by accident. "Just put it away."

"Tom?" Maddie whimpered, noticing Sonic unconscious.

Tom and Angel looked over and saw the weakened hedgehog on the street. He wasn't breathing or even opening his eyes. Horrified, Angel gasped and ran up to him. "Sonic!" She picked him up carefully and held him close. "Sonic... Sonic! Wake up! Wake up!"

He didn't even flinch or talk back to her. He just laid there, motionless. The young girl's eyes were wide and she started to sob, burying her face into his fur. She lost her only friend. Tom and Maddie watched her cry as she held him close. All that she went through when she first met him in the shed, she thought it was a forest creature or a devil but that creature given her hope. He was something to her. Even though she tried so hard to protect him, she just couldn't do it.

"I don't mean to be indelicate here, but someone should get some ice, keep the body fresh," Robotnik sneered, interrupting her somber. "He's just a silly little alien. He didn't belong here and that girl does not love him!"

Angel looked up at Robotnik again, and then back at Sonic's body.

"That little alien knew more about being human than you ever will," Tom said, stepping up. "His name was Sonic. This was his home... and he was my friend."

Angel held Sonic close to her chest and pressed his head to hers. She can't lose him. Her eyes were so focused on him and not letting him go. "Please, come back," she sobbed. "I love you..." She slowly put her lips to his mouth and pressed them gently.

The Angel and the Blue Devil [3 movies in one]Where stories live. Discover now