Chapter 19 Twelve Moons!?

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"Hahaha! This is too fun to watch!"  Li Yue laughed at seeing the pitiful of the Wen siblings. 

"Look at you two being all miserable and regretful even though I haven't killed you yet"

"You should be honored to be killed by me one of the Twelve Moons" immediately Lan Sizhui perked up at the girl's the mention of 'Twelve Moons'. It was the title given to Wen Ruohan's closes subordinates, those who shared the highest concentration of Wen Ruohan's blood! With this information in mind, Lan Sizhui felt ecstatic but a sense of fear also accompanied it. Could he really defeat her with the level he was at now? There was simply no way to tell.

Soon enough Lan Sizhui's anxiety was lifted when he heard Li Yue laughing manically again, catching his attention to the front. But it wasn't even a second before Lan Sizhui quickly turned his head to the side, the girl after finishing her speech was tearing down her hanfu to the ground! Shameless! Lan Sizhui couldn't help but screamed in his head.

It was only when he heard sound of flesh tearing apart that Lan Sizhui turned back to face Li Yue again. To his relief and surprise, relief because the girl was wearing bandages to cover her chest and surprise because the girl had grew extra limps! 

'Six arms!' Lan Sizhui thought, dumbstruck by the sight. The girl continued on laughing, each of her arms extending out with more cuju balls appearing out of her hands. The boy's eyes were glued to the six cuju balls in the demon's hand, preparing himself for the girl's attacks.

And as each cuju ball left her hands, Lan Sizhui was met with multiple projectiles flying around the room, each barely scraping his tender flesh as the boy moved to dodge. While the attacks were seemingly precise and was calculated at places that would not leave a fatal blow, the same could not be said for the others in the room. 

Wen Ning and Wen Qing moved around the room to dodge the balls bouncing everywhere, each blow more deadlier than the rest. Following them like a shadow was Lan Wangji, using his body and tall stature to protect the Wen siblings as they moved. Lan Sizhui had even almost missed a step when Lan Wangji had seemingly been too close to be hit by one of the attacking balls.

'Focus' Lan Sizhui thought to himself, mentally slapping himself for his slip up. His father was a demon now, he could handle himself, there was no need to fear for fatal wounds. He needs to concentrate on his own fight while his father handles his.

Lan Sizhui had to evade each oncoming blows from cuju balls with lightning fast speed, even the slightest slip up could cause the boy to plummet to the ground. In between his dodges he had tried to make room for his sword to strike, but even when the cuju balls were sliced into pieces, successfully slowing their momentum, they still manage slip between his gasp and hit him.

Every time Lan Sizhui tried to forward to confront the two demons, the cuju balls would push him further and further into the room, making it impossible for the boy to focus on anything but dodging. It was entirely truly frustrating! More so the fact that he hasn't even moved past his previous position!

He was like a small frail rabbit ensnared in a perfectly made trap, wasting away his energy to escape it but ultimately tire and get captured. If he doesn't find a way out of this soon Lan Sizhui doesn't know how long he will last before succumbing to fatigue.

"L-Lan gongzi!" Wen Ning screamed, catching Lan Sizhui's off guard. Regaining his composure, Lan Sizhui continuously dodged the cuju balls while Wen Ning rambles on.

"The d-demon is using arrows to c-control the balls. Look a-at where the arrows g-go!" 

"The arrows?" Lan Sizhui asked in confusion. For as far as the boy could see there were no obvious arrows in his line of sight. How was he suppose to follow something he couldn't see!?

"A-ning he can't see them! You need to use your blood demon art" Wen Qing instructed her brother. Following her instructions, Wen Ning swiftly rummaged through his robes, raising up a piece of talisman paper to his eye level. Lan Sizhui witness in fascination as the talisman glowed a faint red light in between Wen Ning's fingers.

"L-Lan gongzi u-use this!" Wen Ning said, throwing the talisman across the room to reach Lan Sizhui. The talisman gently flew in Lan Sizhui's direction, before landing gracefully on the boy's head with a dim glow. Mysteriously, runes had appeared along the surface of the previously blank talisman.

When the talisman touched the skin of the boy's forehead, he had felt a strange sensation of warmth in his eyes. Looking to his front, Lan Sizhui's eyes widen in disbelief as a series of arrows appeared before him, passing through and guiding the cuju balls in their trajectory.

"You have my gratitude Wen Xiansheng. I can finally see the arrows now!" Lan Sizhui thanked Wen Ning who was stumbling in his words from the boy's gratitude. Not wasting a second, Lan Sizhui quickly devised a plan.

"A-Die I'll distract the girl.Go get the demon controlling the cuju balls. He must be close by" Lan Sizhui stated, baiting the cuju balls towards himeslf while Lan Wangji went out from the room. How had he not realized before? A demon usually couldn't performed abilities outside of their designated blood art.

Judging from Li Yue's movements during battle, she did not seem to be in control of the cuju balls. She had made no unnecessary movements that would indicate it,thus it was more logical to assume the demon that was beside her when she attacked them was the culprit. And if Lan Sizhui's assumption was correct then Cheng Ming should be hidden somewhere near to see the battle unfold.

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