Sick At The Grammy's- JJK 🖤

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It was nearly time for one of the biggest worldwide music award shows, the Grammy's! Something every singer has ever dreamed of.
    BTS has had a long flight to be able to attend such a big show, they have had time to explore whilst making sure to keep in contact with army. They have been in the US for a few weeks now and everything was great.
     Today the members started waking up quite early, all crowding into NamJin's hotel room to discuss their plans for the day. Soon enough 6 members were in the room fully awake and dressed laughing and giggling. That soon stopped when they heard the door creak open and their stood the maknae, his bed head making him look adorable and a small pout von his lips making his red cheeks look puffy and an evident pillow mark on his face from his sleep. He waddled over to the bed and laid down burying his head into taehyung's knee.

"Morning bub, sleep good?" Taehyung softly spoke whilst ruffling his hair. Jungkook just nodded and let his eyelids fall shut again as he let out a small yawn, the truth was, jungkook had woken up in the middle of the night with a small headache, nothing that he was overly worried about but it did keep him up for a while and only allowed him to have a light slumber for the rest of the night.

The group had a nice breakfast before making starting to get ready for the day, they had a few discussions about their performance and by this time it had already skipped to lunch, with there only being 1 makeup artist and 1 stylist avaliable to travel with the group, they had to start getting ready much earlier but it helped them feel a little more prepared. They decided the order that they were going to go in, the other members helping themselves to food whilst they wait and it soon was Jungkook's turn.
It wasnt a challenge to notice the maknae looked a shade paler than usually, but nobody spoke about it. Once he got his makeup on he looked a little more put together, the hair stylist was deciding what to do with his hair.

"Whatever you do looks amazing, do whatever you think." Jungkook mumbled closing his eyes, he slowly fell asleep from the heat of the hair dryer. After hours of the group getting ready they were all finally getting into the cars and making their way to the event. Namjoon and Jungkook were sharing a car and it was a comfortable silence as Namjoon was going through his speech. Jungkook on the other hand feels a gigantic headache coming on starting just behind his eye. But he tries to hide it as it isn't excruciating just yet. When getting to the red carpet, cameras were flashing everywhere around them and screams and chants were heard from either side. Jungkook managed to get through the carpet whilst trying to seem somewhat normal. The group made it to their table and the grammy's had officially begun.

Around halfway through the event, Jungkook was struggling even more to focus, he couldnt hear a single thing that was being said, he felt heat rushing through his body as his hands shook. He quietly snuck out of the room but still a massive group of fans were able to see him leaving and they could have easily gussed that he wasnt in a good condition.
The golden maknae made it towards the dressing rooms and he couldnt walk anymore he collapsed against the wall and put his heavy head inbetween his knees.

He wasnt there for long until he heard a friendly voice.
"Jungkookie? Is that you? Are you okay..?" The female sat down next to the maknae, the younger looked up slowly to see Taylor Swift sat down next to him, the maknae wasnt sure what to say but i think Taylor could gather what was going on.

"Do you feel like you are going to pass out sweetie?" She softly whispered to which the younger nodded and whined. "Okay sweetheart ive got you." Taylor brought Jungkook to her lap and layed him down.
"Is there anyone i can call for you?"

Jungkook picked up his phone in his shaking hand squinting at the screen before clicking on a number he was about to pass it over when the maknae suddenly lost consciousness and his body became heavier.

Taylor soon clicked call on the phone and shouted down the hall at a staff member to grab a medic.

"Hello? Koo?"

"Hey harry its Taylor, can you come to the changing rooms on stage right? Jungkook really isnt well..."

Jungkook's best friend immediately got up from his seat and ran out the door, looking at BTS's table before leaving. All the members were confused until they looked back and saw an empty chair where their little one was sitting just 10 minutes ago, trying not to cause a fuss, Taehyung slowly stood up followed by namjoon and they both followed harry out the door.

"Is he okay? What happened?" Harry said lifting Jungkook's upper half and trying to shake him awake.

"He's a bit warm haz, im not really sure what happened."

By the time namjoon and tae got there the medic had already arrived, the slight on the medic and a figure laying on the floor made taehyung run even quicker.

"W-whats going on?! What happened to him?!" Taehyung said collapsing to the floor holding his hand tightly "kookie.. baby whats wrong?"

The youngers eyes were starting to flutter open as he turned even more paler. He sat in taehyungs arms for a bit with his eyes closed, holding hands with harry whilst Namjoon spoke to the medic.

"Its just syncope, he will be okay, he has a slight fever and hes a bit pale so im assuming its an oncoming illness. Is your manager here? Id rather him be with someone" The medic said whilst checking the last of his stuff.

Namjoon called his manager and he came running down the hall in worry.
"You alright little man?" He said running a hand through his hair. Jungkook slowly nodded and he took Jungkook in his arms and decided to stay with him in one of the dressing rooms to avoid trying to get him out and home safely.

Namjoon and taehyung thanks taylor and harry and walked back with him before separating and going to their own tables. The pair explained what happened to their maknae and everyone was worried until namjoon reassured them which made them feel a bit better.

*at home*

Bts take jungkook home and put him straight to bed after giving him something to eat, they decided to do a quick vlive to reassure army that he was okay.

"Also a massive thanks to Taylor and harry for helping us out we love you guys!" Namjoon said with a dimple smile.

Sick At The Grammys- JJK 🖤Where stories live. Discover now