Chapter 1

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“Brooklyn! Come downstairs for a minute, honey! Me and your mother have something exciting to tell you!” her father yelled.

Curious as to whatever ‘exciting’ something her parents are going to tell her, she yelled out a “Coming, dad!” before quickly fixing her hair and going down.

Once she was seated at the sofa in their living room, she raised a curious eyebrow. Her father’s grin was so wide it almost looked permanently plastered on his face. Her mother kept fiddling with her clothes and giggled every five seconds. It was almost comical if she wasn’t so intent on finding out what they were going to tell her.

“Well? What was that exciting news you’re gonna tell me?” she asked warily.

As if snapped out of his cheerful reverie, his grin toned down into a smile.

“Oh yes! Well you see, for our summer vacation this year, I wanted us to stay at our lake house!” he told her enthusiastically.

Her brows knitted together in confusion. That was it? What’s so exciting in visiting our lake house?

“Uh, dad? No offense, but what’s so exciting about that?” she asked, wondering for the first time ever at her dad’s sanity.

“What’s exciting, Brook, is that the Wood family accepted our invitation and is living with us for the remainder of our stay there!” her mother answered, smiling happily.

“WHAT?!” Brooklyn yelled, dread quickly filling her stomach. She couldn’t believe that this was actually happening! What was her parents thinking?!

“Oh don’t be like that, sweetie! You’ll get to see Blake again!” her father reassured her, completely misunderstanding everything. Again.

“That’s the part I don’t like! I don’t wanna see his ugly face and stupid smirk–”

“Brooklyn Antoinette Campbell! Don’t talk about Blake that way! He is a handsome young man, as well as polite and courteous, not to mention a gentleman…” her mother reprimanded before rambling on and on about Blake’s good qualities.

From the way you’re going and on, mother, it seems as if you’re the one in love with the bastard.

She sighed before shaking her head.  Her father looked at his wife in awe, probably due to the hundreds of adjectives she could say in one breath.

“… and that’s why he absolutely makes the perfect match for you, Brook!” her mother finally finished.

“Of course, mother,” she said with a light tone of annoyance.

“Well go on upstairs and pack, princess. We’re leaving tomorrow at exactly seven in the morning,” her dad said.

Brooklyn panicked. She tried to find an excuse not to come and possibly have the worst summer ever. Her eyes suddenly lit up as she thought of something.

“Daddy, can I please not come with you guys tomorrow? You see, uh, Charlotte’s coming over!” she said, praying that they’ll buy her lie. Charlotte was her best friend ever since she started high school. She was older than her, and she always made sure to take care of Brooklyn first before herself. Charlotte was also extremely beautiful, and with an offer of a modelling career in France, she couldn’t let the chance slip by. But despite her probably busy schedule, she never forgot to call or e-mail her. Anyways, back to the matter at hand.

Unfortunately, they didn’t.

“But isn’t Charlotte in France? Modelling?” her mother asked suspiciously.

Brooklyn inwardly cursed. How her mother even knew that, she’ll never know. Still, she tried to cover up her lie with another one.

“She came back?” she answered weakly, smiling a bit for effect.

Her mother narrowed her eyes and grabbed her daughter by the arm and tried to force her upstairs.

“Mom! I don’t wanna go! I really don’t want to see Blake!” Brook whined unhappily as she tried to push her mother back.

“Don’t give me that excuse, young lady! You are to march to your room right now and pack all of your things or else I will confiscate your iPhone as well as your laptop!”

“Ugh, fine! But don’t expect me to talk to him, okay!” she cried in exasperation before begrudgingly dragging her feet up the stairs.

She could feel her mother’s triumphant gaze on her retreating back and felt a surge of frustration run through her.

“Stupid vacation. Stupid mom. Stupid Blake…” she muttered darkly.

“Don’t forget to bring those lingeries I bought you from Victoria’s Secret! And if you have some condoms there, bring them too!”

She turned to look at her mother with her jaw hanging.

“MOTHER!” she screamed out, blushing furiously. The nerve of her mother to actually… actually state such a thing!

The last thing she heard was her mother giggling before she slammed the door shut, groaning loudly as she did so.

Tomorrow is going to be hell.

How is living and sharing a room with a self-centered jerk a turn-on?!Where stories live. Discover now