chapter one

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Do you ever have a dream that you're actually enjoying, but all of a sudden you start to hear a faint buzzing in the background of what's occurring in your sleep filled mind? I was dreaming of playing in the position of Amanda Bynes in She's The Man, one of my favorite movies of all time, and having access to the wonderful, sexy, chiseled man-statue of Channing Tatum. Just as we were fooling around on the soccer field and he "accidentally" knocked me to the ground and landed on top of me, lips inches away from lips, I hear a buzzing sound and my mind slowly starts its decent back to the real world. All of what could have been the best dream of my life was slowly fading away due to my fücking alarm on my phone that wakes me up at the oh so lovely time of 8am. Yeah, doesn't sound too bad, but when you spend just about every night staying up until 3am studying, and by studying I mean binge watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix, you'd be feeling quite rough as well.

I'm pissed my dream was ruined, but I'm somewhat happy it's Friday. Somewhat because I still have to shower and get ready for work before my classes of that day. But although I'm just pushing my plush comforter off my legs, not even out of bed yet, I'm already looking forward to coming back home to it and cradling my macbook like my baby, it is my baby, and venturing back to my other baby, Netflix. Actually, I'd consider Netflix my significant other. Always there for me, never leaves me, comforts me, kind of unfortunate it cannot cuddle me. Oh well. Body pillows have multiple purposes...

After stretching my arms over my head and making the sounds some humans only thought pterodactyls were capable of making, I stand up to make my way over to the bathroom. Too busy trying to wipe the boogers from my eyes, I almost fall on my face yet again from catching my foot on my white shag rug. I try to add a little pizazz to my room and this is what I get? Eh. I'm clumsy as hell any way.

Just as I'm stripping off my over-sized shirt and panties I always sleep in because I have a die-hard hatred for pants, yeah even yoga pants although they make my ass look decent, I hear my phone go off yet again. First it ruins my dream and now it ruins my opportunity to rid myself of all these goose bumps. Jeesh.

As I make my way back over to my bedside table where my phone still sits, on its charger, I see the caller is the last person I want to be speaking with. The last time I even spoke with them was when they tried to make amends with me over the huge mistake they made. Well you should want to apologize for abandoning your family out of nowhere, leaving us practically homeless and scarred, and then try to come back to apologize for it after five years expecting an immediate apology? Fück that.

Incoming Call...

Father Dearest

(sense the sarcasm, it drips from my pores like no other)

Hiiii. Yeah, I apologize for like never posting an actual chapter. College and online summer courses are a biiiiich. But here this is and I hope you enjoy the road ahead ;) xox

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