𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝙩𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝞶𝒆

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"They've got to be some of the biggest idiots on the planet." Juliette shut her book with a shake of her head.

"I just don't understand why they'd want to do this." Pandora said, grabbing another book from the shelf.

The two girls had been in the restricted section of the library for the past hour trying to find everything that they could on animagi. Juliette being a prefect made it easy for them to get access, unlike James who'd had to sneak it.

"Or why they're clearly doing this without Remus. I mean, he'd scold them for sure, but I don't think he'd tell Dumbledore."

Pandora set the book she had just opened down on the table next to them and began flipping through its table of contents.

"They probably don't want to risk it. This isn't just some silly prank, it's illegal." Pandora said.

"Maybe. I still don't think he'd turn them in."

"Jules, look!" Pandora said excitedly.

Juliette crossed over to her side of the table and Pandora pointed out a passage in the book she'd been reading. 

...carry a single mandrake leaf in your mouth from full moon to full moon...

"That's why they were in the greenhouse!" Pandora said. 

"They must be planning to start next full moon." Juliette said.


The two girls continued on reading until they had created an extensive list of every noted ingredient for the animagus potion. They kept looking in book after book until they felt confident that they knew every step in the animagus process

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Juliette asked, looking up at her friend.

"If you're thinking that we should become animagi then yes." Pandora grinned.

Juliette wasn't one to take risks, or one to gamble with her life. But after spending their entire Sunday reading up on animagi, she was convinced they could do it. She knew they could do it.

Juliette smiled. "I think we should."


That day, the two girls stayed late after Charms class.

"Er, Professor Flitwick, could we ask you a question?" Juliette started.

He was still tidying up the classroom from the earlier lesson he taught that day on the reductor curse. 

"Ah, Miss Potter, Miss Malfoy. What can I help you with?"

"Well, I know it's on the curriculum for later in the year, but we were wondering more about the disillusionment charm."

He raised an eyebrow with excitement. 

"Ah yes!" He smiled, putting down the broom he had been holding. "What is it that you'd like to know?"


The following Saturday was the first Hogsmeade weekend. And while they'd be able to go to Hogsmeade for the third year now, Juliette and her friends couldn't help but be excited. 

It was a chilly autumn morning and the excitement could be felt in the air as the girls made their way through Hogsmeade. Some third year Gryffindor boys were testing out their new Zonko's toys while several of the quidditch players were lined up outside the quidditch shop looking at their new display.

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