Chapter 10

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We walked through the door. "Hey, what's up!" Andy yelled. We followed him in.

"Hey, Sam!" They all waved, except for CC. He ran and picked me up, spinning me in circles.

"Sam!" He put me down, his hands on my shoulders. "It was so boring! But not anymore!" He turned. "Who's your friend, Sam?"

"She is my Bestfriend and roommate. The girl I was telling you about." I nudged him in the side. "CC, this is Louna. Louna, this is CC. Or Christian Coma." I brought them closer. Then patted both their backs and winked, before walking away.

Lounas POV

I cannot believe that I am meeting the real Christian Coma. I am freaking out right now.


Louna is really pretty. She seems shy. That is totally about to change.

Sam's POV

Louna and CC went to sat down on the other couch across the room. I poked Andy and made him look over there.


"So how was CC?" I asked after we got home.

"Great! He is amazing! I think we really hit it off too." She blushed at the thought. "He gave me his number!"

"No way! I don't even have his number! Give it to me. I'll bug him!!"


Whoop! Chapters!! <3 Louna in media box.!

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