Chapter 2

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When the morning came, I went to shower. I put on a Batman shirt and some black skinny jeans with my all black converse.
I got into my car and arrived at the mall. I clocked in at "Spencers" and started. I organized the shelfs, and put some items on the shelfs. Towards the end of my shift, I was greeting at the door, until I was done.

As I was driving home from work, at a stop sign there were a paper attached to the pole of the sign. It was bleeding from the rain, last night. It had the picture of the cat, that I picked up yesterday. There was a car behind me, so I pulled into a parking lot at sonic, and walked across the street.
The cat is named Crow. I took a strip of paper that had the owners number on it then headed back home.

I changed the liter box and gave them more food and clean water. I freshned up and ate some food, while watching another episode of "Parks and Recreation". Once I finished two episodes, I called the owner of Crow.

After a few rings they picked up. "Hello?"

"Hello, I think I might of found your cat."

"Oh, thank you! I have been looking everywhere."

"I can bring him to you, if that's alright."

"Yea! Here I'll give you my address. *Gives address*"

"I'll come right over with Crow."

Ooo! Cliffhanger! Haha. Sorry this chapter was short. I'll try and make them longer. <3

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