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As I finish blow drying my curly, tangled mess of hair into a straight, sleek blow out, I wonder what the potential new marketing intern will be like. He's probably just going to be some nerdy, Silicon Valley tech bro. I at least hope he's nice. That's all I really ask.

At exactly 9:50 a.m., ten minutes before his interview, Finn Wright walks into the building. Well, I'm assuming he's Finn Wright. There isn't really another reason for someone to be walking into this office. Finn is tall, he has brown hair that looks perfectly messy, the kind of messy that probably actually took him ten minutes to achieve in the mirror. He's wearing trendy glasses and an outfit that resembles something a young English professor, the one that all of the girls in the class would have a crush on, would be wearing. I can't see much through his clothes, but his body looks...toned. To say the least. He definitely doesn't look like the nerdy tech bro that I was expecting.

I watch him as he approaches the front desk and checks in for his interview with Heather, our receptionist. He says something that makes her laugh, he must be pretty charming. He's only been over there talking to her for about ten seconds. Heather points in my direction, well, the direction of Tyler's office, but that happens to be right behind me. Finn looks past me, towards Tyler's office, but then he averts his gaze straight into my eyes. Normally, I would look away when I get caught staring at someone, but something about his gaze holds me. We stare at each other for what feels like an hour, but it was most likely only a couple of seconds. A small smirk creeps onto his face as he looks back to Heather, thanks her, and sits down on the couch in the office's lobby. I can feel the blush spreading across my cheeks, knowing that he totally just caught me checking him out.

A few moments later, Tyler emerges from his office and walks past my desk, out to the lobby to fetch Finn. Tammy follows behind him shortly after. They must be doing the interview together, what a power couple. I watch as Finn gets up and shakes both Tyler and Tammy's hands. He's giving them both a big smile and somehow already has them both chuckling. What he could possibly say that's so damn funny? I chew on the end of my pen absentmindedly as I watch the three of them. Suddenly, they're walking back towards Tyler's office, which means straight towards me. I look away quickly, trying to make it seem like I wasn't blatantly staring. I can't help myself from looking up though, and then I make eye contact with Finn as he passes by me and he doesn't break it. His head turns a little bit as he passes by me and there's a smirk on his face. I feel my cheeks get hot again. What is this man doing to me?

About 20 minutes later, the three of them finally come out of Tyler's office.

"Thank you so much, both of you, for giving me this opportunity," Finn says behind my desk. "I really look forward to hearing from you."

"Thank you, Finn! We'll be in touch soon," Tammy says.

"Thanks, Finn. Nice talking with you today," Tyler says, the smile in his voice evident. He must have liked him.

I turn my head slightly and as soon as I do, Finn starts heading towards the door to leave. He looks down at me as he walks by again and gives me a small wave, that smirk still plastered on his face. All I can do is give him a small smile in return. He looks away, says thank you and goodbye to Heather as he passes by her desk, and then he's gone. Just like that. I need to see him again. I will go into Tyler's office and beg for him to hire Finn if I have to.

Thankfully, a couple hours later Tyler sends me an email letting me know that they've decided to go ahead with hiring Finn. They've already called him and given him the offer and he'll be back in the office tomorrow. That's so soon. Apparently, Finn asked if it would be okay if he could shadow Tyler for the next two days before his first official day on Monday. Wow, so he's a guy who knows exactly what he wants. My stomach flips a little bit knowing that I'll be seeing him again tomorrow. And then everyday after that for the unforeseeable future.

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