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"Good morning, Lara," my boss Tyler greets me as he walks past my desk into his office. God, he's gorgeous.

"Good morning!" I smile at him even though he isn't even looking in my direction anymore. The complete truth is, I've had a massive crush on Tyler since I started working at this job. When I saw the listing on Indeed for an assistant for the CMO, I had no idea the CMO would be one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen in my life. When I walked into the into the interview and saw him sitting there, it's a miracle my jaw didn't drop and fall off its hinges onto the floor. Somehow I nailed the interview and started the following Monday. It's almost a year later, and my hopeless crush on Tyler still remains. I know nothing will ever happen. I'm only 23 and he's 30. He's my BOSS, for Christ's sake. It would be incredibly inappropriate...but also quite thrilling. Oh. He's also dating one of the HR women in the office, Tammy. And as much as I hate to admit it, they're fucking adorable. So yeah, emphasis on the word hopeless. But that doesn't mean I can't still stare at him and fantasize about him. Sorry Tammy.

At lunch time, I walk into Tyler's office to let him know I'm heading out for lunch. I was in the middle of working on something for him so I figured I would give him a head's up. I lightly knock on the door frame of his office. He looks up from his computer and smiles at me. "Hey, Lara," he says.

"Hi, I'm going to head out for lunch, okay?" I say, smiling back at him.

"Of course. Have a good lunch," he says. He quickly gets back to working on his computer. As I'm turning around to walk out he says, "Oh, by the way," I turn around. "I'm not sure if you heard, but we have some interviews lined up for a marketing intern. We want to get someone in here who's working on their master's degree. So, there's going to be a new face in here pretty soon."

A marketing intern...interesting. This company has started growing at an incredibly fast pace. There's been a ton of new hires recently, especially interns. The marketing department is literally just Tyler and I. It'll be weird to have another person to work closely with. "Okay! Sounds good," I say. "See you after lunch."

I walk out of the office building and head across the street to the quaint little café that's hidden amongst the huge skyscrapers of San Francisco. Despite it being a sunny day, the air has a slight chill to it, the breeze whipping around my legs. I picked the wrong day to wear a skirt. I wrap my cardigan tighter around me and continue across the street.

The 5:00 hour is quickly approaching and everyone in the office is starting to gather their things, getting ready to go home. Tyler walks past my desk on his way out and says, "Goodnight, Lara." He's smiling that beautiful smile at me again. "We have someone coming in for an interview tomorrow. His name is Finn, impressive resume. I have a good feeling about him."

"That's awesome, I'm looking forward to meeting him." I say to Tyler. "Have a good night!" Tyler waves and walks over to the annex, that's where Tammy sits. I watch as he walks over to her and waits for her to put her coat on. He puts his hand on Tammy's lower back and leads her to the front doors. I let out a sigh. I would do anything for a man that beautiful to look at me the way Tyler looks at Tammy.

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