mom, why are you crying?

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I WAS IN MY BEDROOM, scrolling on TikTok. I still couldn't believe it. This is what I get in return? I gave her my all just for her to cheat.

"Wanna!" Jaden called out, I had no energy to reply so I stayed quiet.

It was silent until he spoke again, "Wanna stop ignoring me!" I sighed in frustration and got up from my bed to open the door.

I groaned, "What do you want Jay?" Jaden lifted his arms in defense. "I just wanna talk—"

"Wait for me! I wanna join!" Jayla cried out, running towards my room. "No, I don't want to talk right now." I disagreed, closing the door on them, only for it to be stopped by Jayla.

She looked worried, "Wanna, are you okay?" I nodded repeatedly, not wanting to talk about it.

"Talk to us, you're obviously not okay."

I groaned in frustration, 'Why can't they just leave me alone'

"It's not that serious," I answered, walking back to my bed and plopping onto it.

My siblings followed my actions and sat next to me. "Do you know what happened?" Jayla asked Jaden, looking at him.

"Vivien happened." He replied, making me grumble in annoyance

"Dude!" I hissed

Jayla looked at me then back to Jaden, "The nice one? What'd she do?"

Jaden was going to answer but I gave him a look. He stayed quiet, leaving Jayla's question unanswered. "Come on, tell her Wanna," Jaden said as he tilted his head and looked at me

I huffed then sat up, "She cheated on me. Well, I— we're not even dating but we had something you know?" Jayla looked at me with a raised brow.

"But then turns out she still has feelings for her ex" I added, laying back down. Jayla looked at Jaden and then at me. Her eyes flickered between the both of us. "When?"

"At Sophia's birthday party."

"Ew Sophia," Jayla said with disgust, making Jaden chuckle. "Did you find out she's been texting him or something?"

I shook my head, "We went through each other's phones before, she had him blocked on everything but I saw them kiss."

Jayla's mouth made an 'o' shape as she nodded, "So they just kissed out of nowhere without any communication?" She questioned, making me slowly nod.

"Well, that's weird.."


"I mean, why would she just kiss someone she doesn't talk to?"

"I don't know, maybe it's cause she got tired of me?" I shrugged

Jayla hummed as she got up from the bed. "Do you guys wanna work out to clear our minds?" She smirked. I looked up and nodded, turning to look at Jaden to see if he would agree, which he did.

Jayla and Jaden walked out of my room, leaving me.

"Wanna you coming?"

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