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(Ps: this is an old book which I didn't published before so I'll publish it now lol)

*3rd persons pov*


The latter groaned throwing the pillow at the other, "JENO ITS NOT END OF THE WOLRD! AND THE CONCERT IS IN THREEE HOURS"

Jeno raised his eyebrows, "Don't you like to see mark?"

He dramatically shook his head putting a hand on his heart, "No! He broke my heart"

"Too late for that! We already bought our tickets no backing up" He smiled dragging the other who tried to get out of his grip but failed

"STOP MOVING! I tryna see my man"


"Okay! We're here are you ready?" Jeno excitedly stated entering the room where they paid a whole dozens of money just to meet their idol

"There they are" they pointed at the male, "go hyuck there's mark hyung"

The latter nodded as he walked to the Canadian, "H-hi i was wondering if I could get your autograph?"

"Sure"nHe smiled taking a pen as donghyuck showed his arm to be signed by mark

"NA JAEMIN IM A REALLY BIG FAN OF YOURS! c-can h have your autograph?" Jeno excitedly shouted. Making jaemin grinned, "Sure cutie"

"Here's also my number call me sometimes" he winked while donghyuck patiently wait for mark to be finished

"Here's you are" Mark stated putting the marker down, "t-thank you you very much" he shyly whispered bowing about to left but stopped, "Wait Hold on"

He looked back seeeing mark taking off his jacket and walked towards him, "Wear this your shievering"

"It's fine-"

"I don't want u cutie to have a cold"he smiled placing his jacket on the matters shoulder making him blushed

"Thank you-you" he quickly bowed and pulled his friend out of the room

"What a cuties"

"Seems like someone caught your heart"

"Oh shut up"

Unexpectedly dated an Idol (markhyuck)Where stories live. Discover now