- 8: To keep in my pocket -

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Katsuki didn't know what he expected, but this was definitely better than whatever his mind could come up with. He figured Deku would be clingier and more annoying, and sure, he's those things no matter what he does, but in this way, it was... bearable. He lets Katsuki bite and suck on his skin when they make out, and he would be lying if he said if he didn't somewhat like the way he looked like that. But the even better part is that asshole is completely out of the picture.

He doesn't see them talking anymore, not even exchanging glances. Deku waits at the front of the school for him in the mornings, and always looks at him with a huge ass smile on his face, and they don't even sit next to each other in class unless they have to. It's clear that the bastard has some problems with it, but Deku not even looking at him doesn't give him a chance to do anything about it. 

Deku doesn't complain at all when Katsuki drags him off somewhere whenever he wants, only if it's out of the way. The only thing that Katsuki can really say is a complaint is that Deku calls him his boyfriend in any secretive way he can and takes him on dates every single second. Despite that though, it always ends with Katsuki winning more than him. 


Deku whispers in his ear, his whole side pressed against him. The two of them are taking the train after going home and changing out of their school uniforms. To say it is crowded would be an understatement. There are people pushing and talking over each other, the train cart full to the brim like all the others on the train. Deku had begged him to go on a date with him to an aquarium that was popular with couples during this time of year. 

And, because Deku is a sneaky little bastard, he brought up the point that they wouldn't know anyone there, since it was so far from home. When Katsuki tried to get out of it by saying they would be out way too fucking late, he brought up that it was not a school night and he already asked both of their parents if it would be okay, and they said it would. He even got them their tickets, which he got on a discount for going with Katsuki, his boyfriend (Deku turned bright fucking red when he so much as uttered the word) 

"What Deku."

The nerd glances at him then away, squirming slightly. They are in the middle of the cart, which means they have the worst of it, caged by people on all sides. Katsuki has one earbud in his ear, and the other one is in Deku's. He had decided to give him a little mercy since Deku had promised he'd make this trip up to him in any way he could. Deku turns red, green eyes looking back at him with that nervous gleam in them. 

His white shirt with the words 'Date shirt' had pissed Katsuki off the first time he saw it, but he guesses it's... not as annoying as other things he could be doing.

"C-Can we hold hands? I'm a little nervous..."

Katsuki glares at him, rolling his eyes. He was always a nervous wreck during the first part of their dates, but he always eased into it once Katsuki let him talk for a while. He is about to object, but his eyes land on someone behind Deku, who is just staring down at the green haired boy. He's got a gross look in his eyes that pisses Katsuki off so suddenly that he acts before he thinks. He grips Deku's hand on his own and pulls him close.

"Ka-Kacchan what are you-!?"

"Just shut the hell up Deku. And don't even think about letting go or I'm kicking your ass."

Katsuki glares at the creep, and the man quickly turns away. Deku is looking at him like he's about to pass out, his face so red he can feel the heat coming off of it in waves. The rest of the train ride is uneventful, and they get off at their stop, still holding hands. Deku brightens up even more, his smile never leaving his face. 

"Okay! It's this way kacchan, I checked the map a thousand times yesterday!"

Katsuki lets him guide, the two of them walking past street signs and buildings and people. He scans the crowd's faces, trying to see if he recognizes someone. They stop at a building with a shit ton of water animals, demonstrating the aquarium's exhibits. It looks really nice, and they walk up the stairs. There are a lot of couples around, holding hands and whispering to each other, all in their own little world. 

He looks at Deku, who has his eyes up ahead. He doesn't realize that he holds his hand tighter. They get past the front desks no problem, already having their tickets and not having to wait in line for some. There are three floors, the walls glass looking into the tanks. There are colorful fishes all around, and Katsuki spots a dark hallway with a sign above it reading 'Jellyfish Room.' There is a gift shop with tons of stuffed animals like jellyfish, squids, and huge fishes. 

"Which one do you want to see first Kacchan? There's the jellyfish and- Look at those colorful ones!" 

He's being pulled before he even knows it, all the way to a colorful fish tank with a thousand little fishes swimming. The water is changed into different colors of the rainbow thanks to the lights inside. Deku is close to the glass, his eyes reflecting the colors in the tank. Katsuki guesses he doesn't look... ugly. But he would never say that shit out loud. So instead, he leans over and kisses his cheek.

Deku grins at him, his face red. Green eyes flicker to the jellyfish room, then back at him. His eyes linger for a moment, but that's all Katsuki needs to get the message. He pulls him over, seeing no other people around. The room is filled with tiny tanks in the walls, showing all kinds of different jellyfish. It's dark, the only light being from the tanks. Deku kisses him, and he kisses back. The rest of the date goes smoothly, and Katsuki has a pretty okay time. 

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