Chapter 8:The mission

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The three groups each stepped into their respective Camerachoppers and took a seat, Cameraman#437 and Speakerwoman were sitting opposite to TVman#658 and Cameraman#423. As the the door slowly started to rise up hey could feel the chopper start to take off.

It was silent in the chopper for awhile until Speakerwoman Leaned over to 437 and said "I saw you talking to those girls, do you know them?", 437 just nodded his head and said "y-yeah, I'm guessing you have heard of Camerawoman and TVwoman...yeah I know them". Speakerwoman nodded her head and replied "yeah I think I have hear of them, what were you and them talking about though?", Cameraman#437 just tensed up immediently from the question and said "just...stuff". Speakerwoman noticed that he seemed a bit uneasy about it so she decided to change the subject, "you any good at fighting?". 437 thought for a second before shrugging his shoulders and saying "you could at least say I'm moderate", this gets a cute little giggle out of her. Immediently, 437 gets whisked away from the real world and into the unknown as he just stares at her for a brief moment. He snaps out of his trance when she snaps her fingers at him, "you good?" She asks. "Y-yeah...I'm good" he says nodding head.

After a long wait the team finally felt the chopper land as the big metal door opened to reveal a beautiful town, unfortunately it was about to get invaded with monsters from ohio. The team step out of the vehicle and watch as the other 2 choppers land in different locations in the town, they then turn back to see their chopper door close and the Camerachopper fly away. "Alright team!" Speakerwoman says, "we need to find a place to get ready to protect and fortify because thoes toilets aren't just gonna wait for us to get ready!". The three boys followed the Speakerwoman as she started to move towards near the center of town, "is it just me or was that kind of inspiring?" TVman#658 says to the other two as they just nod in response. The team finally made it to their destination as Speakerwoman says "this is where we will defend!", the boys start to set up camp as Speakerwoman keeps a lookout.

Next thing you know the boys immediently drop everything their holding as they hear Speakerwoman shout "TOILETS APPROACHING!", they ready themselves as they hear the sound of the Skibidi's dreadful song nearing to their location. Speakerwoman immediently blasts herself away from where she was standing with her supersonic blast as where she used to be standing burst into smithereens. "HOLY SHIT!" Cameraman#423 screams as they see a bunch of toilets flooding into their base camp,"wait but...who blew up that wal- 437 got cut off as he sees a massive toilet with a camo coloured toilet with rocket launchers strapped to the side of him. TVman#658 immediently unsheathes his blade hand as his screen starts to glow i bright purple, the 2 Cameramen raise their stun guns and Speakerwoman pulls out 2 knives from her belt and gets in a ready position.

"SKIBIDI!" The massive camo toilet cries as all the toilets surrounding the squad start to charge towards them, Speakerwoman was the first one to make a move as she quickly soundboasted some toilets back before launching herself towards them and ending their lives with a quick stab in the head. TVman#658 aims his purple beams at the toilets, which results in them freezing on the spot making them easy pickings. As 658 was stabbing them all in the head, 437 and 423 were back to back and firing their guns like mad men since that was basically their only option. Everyone seemed to forget about the big camo toilet and he didn't seem to like that either, he noticed the two cameramen taking out most of his forces so he aimed his rocket launchers at them. They didn't seem to notice until the last second and 437 shouted "LOOK OUT!" Pointing at the camo toilet, he fired his rockets at them and since they didn't have much time to react they were blown into different directions by the blast. Thankfully they weren't hit directly and was only hit by the blast so the stayed in one piece, now they were just in writhing pain.

Cameraman#437 slowly picked himself off the ground and held his right arm in pain since it was the arm he landed on. His vision was all blurry and glitchy thanks to the camo toilet, speaking of him, he noticed 437 stand up and moved over in front of him and aimed his rocket launchers at him. 437 jus accepted him fate as he just stood there and let him have the shot, suddenly the loud bang of a gunshot could be heard as 437 noticed the toilet go limp. 437 looks o where the sound came from to see Camerawoman standing there with her red screen switching to a blue one and her gun returning back down on her back. She looks over to the damaged Cameraman#437 and waves, before he could return the gesture 2 flying toilets with rocket launchers attached to them came into view and aimed their rockets at him. Before they obliterated him a TV head flew right in front of them and an orange glow emerged from the screen, the toilets lit up in flames as they crashed into one another and fell to the ground with an explosion. 437 watches as the TV head flies back to the headless body of TVwoman who is standing on top of a crumbling building, she looks at him and does a >w< face. Speakerwoman walks up to the busted up cameraman and puts a hand on his shoulder, he gives her a thumbs up to tell her that he's ok.

437 immediently remembers 423 but when he looks to see if he's ok but 658 is already helping him up, the 2 other girls join them down where they are and ask if everyone's ok. Once everyone gets settled 437 hears a beeping in one of his coat pockets as everyone turns to him, he reaches into the buzzing coat pocket to pull out a tablet with a cracked screen but freezes once he sees what's on it. Everyone else becomes confused and concerned from his silence and 658 asks "what's the matter?", 437 looks up at them before shakily turning the tablet around to face them and they froze up when they saw it too. On the slightly glitching screen showed both Titan Cameraman and Titan Speakerman laying motionless on the ground with G-man and the scientist toilets standing over their bodies with giant cursed smiles plastered on their faces, and in the middle of the screen supported in big red words:SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIBIDI.

Everyone looks at each other in silence before TVwoman feels a buzz in her head before looking in to thin air for a few seconds before looking back at everyone else and saying "girls, we gotta go!". The other 2 girls take her deeply serious tone as an emergency since they both just nod and walk up to the TVwoman, she grabs the both by the arms and all there fade away into a puff of black fog leaving the three guys behind.

"Well that sucks" Cameraman#423 says breaking the tension in the air, Cameraman#437 looks at the other and says "do you actually think it's true?" Referring to what was on the tablet screen. Everything is silent for a few seconds before they hear a faint "Skibidi, dop dop dop, yes! Yes!" In the distance, then at the end of the broken and cracked up road they see a giant Skibidi toilet with a metal armoured toilet and various rocket launchers on its sides. It looks in their direction with a giant sick grin before aiming its rocket launchers in their direction, both Cameramen suddenly feel a hand wrap around them as their vision fades to black. After a second or two their vision comes back to the real world as they then appear to be on a rooftop, they feel the hands slide off of them as they both look back to see TVman#658 standing there with a :) face displayed on his screen. 423 feels his face heat up a little bit as 437 just gives him a thumbs up.

All three look over the edge of the roof to see the giant toilet looking around confused wondering where his prey had disappeared to. "What now?" 423 asks as they all just look at each other, as far as they knew the titans were dead as well as how they have been left for dead, they had no weapons, no backup, no nothing. There was a giant armoured over powered toilet hunting for them and they were way too underprepared for any kind of battle.

They were as good as dead.

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