1.First meeting

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Zoé's POV:


"MMMMMHMHM" I complained.I woke up and head to the bathroom,I did my little business ,brush my teeth,take a bath,did my skin care and tie my hair in a ponytail .I walk out of the bathroom and head staight to my closet ,after a long time of choosing i choose to wear a knee level cut white drees and a light blue pullover .


I downstairs and see my gorgeous mom making breakfast

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I downstairs and see my gorgeous mom making breakfast.
"Morning Mom" I said and kiss her cheek.
"Morning Honey" she said with a smile.
"So ready for this first day of college?"Mom asked
"Yeah but-" I said but she cut me off.
"There's no but you should go to the dorm maybe you could make some friend and discover life more" she said.
"But i don't need friend i already have you" i whined
"Honey you make some friends of your age " Mom said.
" but you will be all alone" I said trying to convince her.
"Zoé i was always alone since your dad left us when you were born but i have you now and am a grown up woman i can take care of myself okay" she said.
"Okay " I said. I really hate my dad for leaving us when i was born .
"What's for breakfast" I asked.
" Your favorite pancakes "she says.
"Mom your the best "i said squeling in happinest.

I ate my breakfast , washes the dishes and am ready to go . My mom will drop me to  college .Am gonna miss her."Honey you ready "My mom asked .
"Yes "i said.
"Okay let's go " Mom says coming towards me.
"M-Mom" I stuttered with tears in my eyes.
"My baby it's gonna be okay yiu can always come here during the weekend and vacation"she said comforting me.
I nodded.

POV:at college

"Okay " I say taking a big breath.
I looked at my mom and hugged her with tears in both of our eyes
"Take care of yourself okay and if someone bully you come to me or teachers okay? Do not stay quiet like last time and the other student had to tell me" she says.

"Uh huh" I nodded remembering the torture of highschool.I shake my head and said Bye to my mom.
"Bye "i said
"Bye honey "she said .
I couldn't let hergo withuut annoying her one last time.
I smack her ass and run inside.
"YOU LITTLE- "she says and then laugh and go away.

I was laughing while walking inside everyone was eyeing me up and down like i was crazy so i stopped laighing and head to the receptionist.

"Hello" i said politely.
"Hello do you need anything" she asked kindly.
"Yes am new here and am here to know in what dorm i am" i said.
"Okay what's your name?"she asked
"My name is zoé willwood" i said.
"Okay so you are in dorm 501 on the third floor" she says smiling.
"Okay thank you" i said and head to the elevator.
I waited for 15min but it wouldn't open so i headed to the stairs.My eyes widen and at the sight of the stairs it was so long . I take all my courage and walk up the stairs . In the middle of the stairs that tiktok came to my mind 'never backdown never what never give up' i smile and walk up it till i arrived at the third floor."GOSH it was exhausting" i said taking my breath and starts to to search foe my dorm .I've heard that here even boys and girls share dorm. Well this school is quite unique .

After searching for 5min I finally found it .I take all mycourage and open the door and wow it was so beautiful but anyway.I enter the room and start to explore and  the i see a tall handsome guy with curly hair,veiny hand and a cool clothing style sitting in one room.
He look up to me the look back at his phone. "Rude" i thought and pouted.
I head to the other room undid my luggage and then i decided to present myself to mr coldy.

I knocked on the door of hisroom after 2 min he opened the door and stare at me with his cold eyes.
"H-Hello am zoé willwood " i said.
"Am noah rock "he said coldly.
"Cool umm i just wanted tk infroduced myself as we are roommate"i say .He nodded .
"Okay so am going bye nice to meet you " i say smilling and head out to explore the campus.

'Well this is not going to be very funny here'I thought to myself.

Thank you very much for reading .
This is my first history .
I will update when i have time.
It seem interesting we will soon discover what will happen next
Byebye lovely🤗

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