2.Not so rude

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Zoé POV:
Oh shit.

I am actually running in school hallway right now because am going to be late on my first class on the first day. All because of that stupid schedule , I got lost not knowing where is my class of chemistry.
I wanted to ask someone but am too shy.

While running i saw noah walking in the hallway. Thank god. I quickly run to him .
"Heyy" I say breathlessly.
"What" He said quite annoyed.
"Sorry to bother but could you show me where is the chemistry class please" I say giving him the puppy eye.
"Yesterday there was a school tour ,where were you small girl" He say without any care.
"Uh-uh hehe umm i didn't know until i came back from my little garden tour" I say quite embarrassed.
"You should have a tour of inside school not the garden idiot" He says.
I looked down sadly.He sigh and say" Let's go am also going there anyway and we are already 3 min late" He says.
I looked at him and smile while jumping of excitement.
He started walking so i quickly follow him and i saw a little smile on his face.
"Are you smilling?" I asked.
He quickly hide his smile "No" he said.
I shrugged it and continue to walk.

When we arrived to the class we both knock on the door and the teacher look at us .
"Already late on the first day of school " the teacher says annoyed.
We both enter the class and the student look at us weirdly and started to gossip.
"What's your name ?"the teacher asked.
"Am Zoé willwood" I say shyly.
"Noah rock" noah said.
Then the student started to gossip even more and some girl were even drooling over him.
"Okay both of you go sit in the back near the window" The teacher said.
We went to sit .
I started to take out my things for class but Noah just sit there .
"Aren't you going to take out your things" I asked curious.
"My your own business okay" He says rudely.
I pouted and started to take notes.
Then a brune girl with a sweet smile turn to me.
"Nice to meet you am cloé" she says.
"Hi am zoé" i say.
" "Our name match its kinda cute" she smie.
"Yeah its like were-" i was cut off by her.
"Each others half " She laugh.
"That's exactly what i was about to say"I squeal hapilly.
" I think were going to be besties" she says.
"Yeah" I say jumping with excitement.
"You there quite or detension"the teacher said.
We quickly shut up and start doing the classwork.

After class I went to the cafeteria with cloé she told me that we are now besties and she also wanted me to meet her gay friend. During class i tried to make a conversation with Noah but it was in vein .I wanted to be friends but i guess its gonna be difficult.

At the cafeteria we went to a table and talked until a boy with fluffy hair and an amazing style came to sit with us.
" Hello there "He says and kiss cloé's cheek.
"Hey"she says and hug him.
"And who might this cutie be?" he says.
"Its my now new bestie zoé,zoé this is greg " she introduced us.
"Well hello "he says .
"Hii" i say smilling.
We talked during the whole break aboug life , hobbies and etc..
I think i found my group.we exchange number and cloé made a group name the crazy bitches. I laugh at the name.The bell rang and we all went our ways since we have different classes.The rest of the day went quite well.

I am currently walking back to the dorm. When i heard:
"Yohh" a boy say standing in front of me with two girl.
" umm h-hey do you need anything" i stuttered.
" Actually yes we want you be our school servant" One of the girl say.
I looked down this can't be happening right not again.I gather all my courage and said"s-sorry i-i- can't do that "i say.
"What did you say?" The girl asked me looking me with a i dare you look.
"I-i said t-that-" i was cut off by a voice."she said no what didn't you understand" i look behind me to see Noah glaring at them.
"Listen boy this has nothing to do with you okay so back off" The boy said.
I was trembling with fear and tears in my eye." She's my friend so of course its my business " He said calmly.
I looked at him with wide eye did he just..call me... "friend".
"So what you gonna do " The boy said.
"Oh man you don't wanna know" He said coming closer and glaring at the boy.
"L-let's go" one of the girl said pulling the boy and walk away.
Noah then look at me and said" let's go its going to rain soon." I follow him quietly.

Noah POV:

My computer class just finished so i decided to head directly to the dorm.
While walking I saw a boy and two girl going to a girl,I didn't really gave attention so i continued walking but then i saw that they were talking to shorty(zoé). I don't really care about those thing but something in me forced me to go to them. So i walk there and heard one of the girl say " Actually yes we want you to be our school servant " I was like why her out of all people. Then heard zoé say " s-sorry i-i can't do that " she was stuttering like it reminded her of sonething. "What did you say?" One of the girl say like they were going to hurt her , so i decided to intefer " i-i said t-that " "she said no what didn't you understand " i say calmly and glaring at them. Zoé turn around and look at me.
"Listen boy this has nothing to do with you okay so back off" the boy told me.
He was right but something told to help her so i find an excuse .
" she's my friend of course its my business" I say keeping my temper. Zoé looked shocked when i said the word " friend" its not surprising though who would want to be friend with me."so what you gonna do ?"the boy said. "Oh man you don't wanna know" i say stepping closer to him and starting to lose my patience. "L-let's go" one of the girl said pulling the boy and walking away.'Coward'.
I looked at zoé and said" let's go its going to rain soon" and the we walked to the dorm.

Zoé's POV:

When we enter the dorm we both went to sit on the little couth of three seat.
I manage myself and say"Thank you".
He looked at me and nodded.
Then what he said came back to my mind i needed to ask him .
"U-ummm did you mean it when you called me friend".He didn't look at me this time.
"I just needed something to defend myself so i could help you" he says coldly.
"Oh" i said sadly and pouted while looking down.
"I don't think you want to be friend with me, everyone think that am a badboy "he said looking at the floor.
"I don't know about any of those rumor what does it say?" I asked curious.
" ummm they say that in high school i bully everyone that try to talk to me".
" But is it true" i say determined .

Noah's POV:

"But is it true" she says.
I quickly look up to her not believing what i just heard. No one ever asked me that.
"N-no" i said.
"Then i believe you because i have also experienced that" she says.
I look at her surprise.
" So let's be friends okay" she asked smiling like a little baby.
"O-okay" i say smiling a little.
"OMG did you just smile ?" She asked excited.
"N-no " i lied.
" anyway so what we gonna do?" She asked.
I looked at her confused."what?" I asked.
"What we gonna do am bored" she whined.
"I-i don't know " i say a little hesitant.
"OH i know " she squeal.
"What?" I asked .
" Let's watch a movieee"she screamed.
"Wait you want to watch a movie with me?" I asked.
" yeah thats what friend do they support each other and spend time together doing funny thing" she says in a 'duh' voice.
"But there's no TV" i say.
" Don't worry buddy i have a screen projector we could put it here and connect it to our phone and watch some movies i also have some snacks in my room" she says.
"Okay"I say.
She went to search the things and i sat
there thinking that i just made a friend and shes not like others girls she's special . I smile.

Later she came back and we watch some movies , talk, eat snacks and went to sleep after cleaning.
Well maybe this four years here are going to be fun i thought and went to sleep.

Well thank you everyone for reading.
They became friends ahhhh.
I wonder what wilm happen next let's see each other in the nexf chapter byeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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