Is that all I am to everyone?

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Am I just an object?

Something to take your built-up anger out on

Yelled at me as if the words went straight past me in an instant.

Insulted me as if I'd forget what you said by tomorrow?

Hit as if I don't feel the smallest ones pierce through me.

Thrown as if I don't and never will feel the pressure?

But of course I mustn't express my feelings of being hurt, for that would be absurd. Man-made, unwritten rules are established for such emotions and thoughts I may feel during said occurrences.

"I was just mad and didn't mean anything I did; I love you no matter how you act! and I wasn't angry because of you, so it's okay now, okay?"


How I act as in, this was all my fault and I'm the one to blame for your actions toward me?

I don't understand your thinking, but it's okay; I forgive you every time, any way.

I'll stay quiet and allow you to keep treating me how you wish since you do not deserve such bad imagery; there is no such thing as apologies for you, and there never will be.

I will continue hurting for you since it seems to bring you joy, even if you may not believe me when I say so.

- V.

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