Twisted Scars.

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I don't mind being hurt if it means I'll receive it from you.

For any touch received from you, whether loving or cruel, is like experiencing the warming touch of an angel from the Heavens itself delicately hold my cold, undeserving body.

I want it to burn and sting as if a flaming torch is burning inside the depths of my intensities.

To be hit that it will leave ever long lasting bruised patches of skin as if they were memorial tattoos.

I want you to sink your pretty, sharp teeth into my disgusting flesh for your very own sick desires.

I want to bleed because of you, only you, forever lasting.

I'll let you hurt me until it can't hurt anymore.

And after my entire body is nothing but a twisted reflection of the mistakes you've made in life, you'll remind me one last time that I was never anything since the start before you finally leave.

My only selfish wish would be for the scarring to never leave my body so easily like how you did that day.

And while our story didn't end on a happy note, it still remains my favorite story of them all for you were in it from beginning to end.

- V

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