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5 years later in Mississippi

V: Rock shut up!

Ivy: It's abundantly clear! You forgot us down here.

Rocky: Encore? Uh, no encore?

Ivy: Please, no. No, that's plenty.

V: Definitely stop.

Freckle: It's fine. We're fine.

Rocky: Eh, should I, eh, add a d-dance? Extra stanzas? There's more where that came from!

Freckle: Please don't ruin musical theater for everyone.

V: I'm pretty sure he's killing it in a bad way.

Ivy: I'm not sure lookouts are supposed to make such a ruckus anyway. Why don't you come down here and grab a shovel?

V: Agreed ether help us dig or be quiet.

Rocky: Alas, Miss Pepper. I was cursed, cursed with these spaghetti arms! So, I do what I can. I provide the a-!

(Rocky then lose his hat and try to catch it but falls down into a bush)

V: (laughs) ok now that was interesting. Do it again.

(As he falls out of the dish and on to the ground his hat falls and lands on freckle face and rocky just dust him self off and take his hat back)

Rocky: I provide the ambiance. Baby-Face provides the muscle. And V is are lock pic and seducer looks at them digging their way to martyrdom, the little go-getter! Now, how about a little rhapsody in G minor for company?

V: I will bust that thing over you head.

Rocky: um ok.

Ivy: Fine! If you're not going to help us work, you're going to have to double as the dirt rag.

(V shovel hits wood)

V: Alright I think we got something

Rocky: Ah!

Freckle: I think we fou-

Rocky: (cackling)

Ivy: Is that it?

Rocky: Well, if it isn't, we'll have some awkward explaining to do to the family of, uh.(struggling to read) Herman Hapfamschfeel?

V: Well let's load it up.

(horned owl calls)

Freckle: What was that? Did you hear something?

V: it a owl.

Rocky: It's all these unresting spirits! We're trespassin' on their turf. (over-the-top Irish accent) But there's naught ye can do about it, ye feisty devils!

V: Are you making fun of me accent.(he Irish)

Rocky: um no not at all.

Freckle: (sighs) I wish my mum was here.

Rocky: What? Blasphemy! That force of nature, she'd stop us dead.

Freckle: I know.

V: I think that was his point.

Rocky: Oh, Freckle. Don't tell me you aren't having a good time showing off your shoveling skills for hotsy-totsy over here.

V: wait what?

(Ivy rolls her eyes in disgust then a loud train horn goes off scaring all of them)

Rocky: (laughing) For a moment there, I thought it was your mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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