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"When the party's over"

- Billie Eilish


Ishan's POV

"You should better stay away from me" I said as I looked at Shubman's eyes while I was holding tears "Ishu-" before Shubman could say I walked away.

After few mins reached my class as I entered my classroom and went to my sit sitting next to Aditi "Why didn't attend the first two classes?" "I was not feeling to wake up earlier" I said
"Okay..You alright?" Aditi asked "Yeah" I said trying to smile "I know something is off tell me?" Aditi asked me "I have to stay away from Shubman" I said "Why is that so?" Aditi asked once again "I mean his about to get married it's better stay away from him and I don't want to cause trouble between him and his soon-to-be wife" I said as I sighed "I got that so..are you sure you can forget about all his feelings?" Aditi said "I will try you better help me to stay away from him" I said "Yeah.." Aditi as she side hugged me "Don't worry it will be alright" Aditi said as she let go of me "Yeah" I said as I sighed and Shubman entered the class and our eyes met I broke the eye contact as looked at the window, and after a while the class began.

(At 1:00pm)

Me and Aditi were to the canteen while discussing about Aditi's crush Abhishek
She was kept telling me that her and Abhishek went to amusement park and other things "So you are telling me he took you on a date?" I asked as smriks at her "No..I don't think so" Aditi said as she blushes "Obviously he did congrats girl!!" I said as I puts my arms around her shoulder "Shut up will you?" Aditi said "I won't" I said as I teased her

"Wooh..see he is the guy that spend the whole night with Shubman" a girl said "Yeah I also heard that he is whore" the other girl said they were whispering bad things about me "Don't mind bitches will keep barking but diamonds are going to shine anyway" Aditi said "yeah" I said as forced a smile "Let's go otherwise food will be gone" Aditi said "Yeah" I said as continuing walking to canteen and talking about some series & stuffs we entered the canteen and got our foods and sat down.

We were talking while eating but my mind was recalling those moments when the students called me a whore I just wanted to cry and lock my myself inside my room my mind was full those thoughts "Hey! are you listening to me?" Aditi said "Yeah" I said as came back to sense she continued talking.

I saw Shubman sitting next to Sara, He was smiling and talking while eating
I really hated the feeling him smiling for others rather than for me, no matter what I kept falling for me I just don't want it to be one-sided anymore I don't want him to play with my feelings it hurts alot will he ever love be back? No,right? Then why I kept falling in love for him more and more "Ishan are eating or not?" Aditi said as I quickly looked at her "Yeah.. I am" I said "Okay finish it fast" Aditi said "Okay" I said.

We completed our foods and out of the canteen. We saw Sara kissing Shubman's cheeks and Shubman not caring just scrolling his phone, "What the actually fuck" Aditi said as she looks them and they looked at us "what the heck you are doing over her just get a fking room to do it" Aditi as she holds my hands and drags me. We went to a empty room "Fck those deserve better" Aditi said I can't help but brush into tears now Aditi hugged me "You cry as much you want" Aditi said as she caress my back my head "I-I just don't it anymore" I said between my crying "I got that" Aditi said "Why is it always have t-to me?" I said as tears kept running down my cheek "Why do he kept playing with my feelings?" I said "Why? Just why?" I said "Ishan..listen to me I know you loved him for many years and I know he plays with your feelings, I think it's better to move on from him I know it's difficult but you can do it and you deserve away more better than that stupid if anything happens I am alway there for you just remember this" Aditi said "Yeah..thank you so much" I said as I wiped my tears "Yess..that's like my strong boy love you so much" Aditi said as she opened her arms for a hug " you too" I said as I hugged her "Let's go the class is about to began" Aditi said "Yeah" I said as we head back to our class.

MINE || Shubman Gill X Ishan KishanWhere stories live. Discover now