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"Hate You"

- Jeon Jungkook
of BTS


Author's POV

"Why don't you get? I love you!" Said Shahneel as tears rolling down from her eyes "I never thought you are a lesbian eww I hate this LGTBQ" Sara said in a disgusting way "What do you mean Sara? Are you a homophobic?" Shahneel asked "Yeah now let me go you lesbian bitch and better stay away from me!" Sara said as she harshly pushes Shahneel away and rans away from there,
Shahneel's head gets hitted by a pillar which make her head bleed and her vision gets blurred and she passes out there.

(At 6pm evening)

Shubman was rolling over his bed and kept scrolling his phone he wants to call Ishan so bad but he doesn't get that much encouragement to call Ishan he was stuck between should I call or not.

Shubman gets a call from
'Shahneel Di :)' He picks it up.

Hello, di?

Shahneel Di :) :
Hello, This is Virat over here!

Oh hi Virat bhaiya!!

Shahneel Di :) :
Shub can you visit 'The Lotus Hospital'
Actually Shahneel has got into accident
Please arrive here soon.


Shahneel Di :) :
Don't panic Shub, everything will be alright

I will arrive there soon

Shubman hangs up the call. He informs his parents and they went to the hospital.


They entered the hospital and went to the 3rd floor and saw Virat standing infront a room. Shubman rushed to Virat "Is Shahneel alright?" Shubman said as he panicking "Doctors are checking on her" Said Virat as he pulls Shubman into a hug "Don't worry she will be alright" Virat said as he caresses back of Shubman.
Shubman was lost in his thoughts he was too shocked his sister was in hospital he was scared to lose his sister he felt like crying.

Virat let go of Shubma, as Shubman's parents asked about how this happened
"Actually I was passing by a road as I saw Shahneel seemed like she was hitted by a pillar her head was bleeding so I took her to hospital a the contact you" Said Virat and other things Shubman was hearing it all while standing beside Virat he was all quiet and lost in his thoughts.

After a while Doctor came outside of the room, "Are you the patient's parents?" The Doctor asked "Yeah" Lakhwinder said "Well, the lady has got a severe injury in her head and also lost a lot of blood it will take 1 to 2 weeks to recover or she might get into coma we are not confirmed about it, we request you to fill the form in the so we can continue surgery" Doctor said "Thank you so much Doctor" Keart said as the parents went to fill the form.

Virat was confronting Shubman, "I heard you are getting married with Sara is that true?!" Virat asked in curiosity "Yeah" Shubman said "oh! do you wanna get married with her?" Virat asked once again "No" Shubman said "Acchaa..but is there a person whom you actually love?" Said Virat "No but I have this feelings towards that person and I don't know what kind of feeling is this" Said Shubman "Go ahead" said Virat

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