Chapter Nine

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Hey readers! :D

How are you all?

I hope you guys are doing great and enjoy this chapter! The song in this chapter for some reason I can't put it on the link above, so I'm sorry guys.

If you want to listen to it since it goes with this chapter well, the title is "The Scientist" By Coldplay.

Update; song should be up now, if not just search it on youtube or any other app

Anyway, I'll update soon guys!


Dean drove with such a speed I didn't know existed.

He sped down the roads, his hands clamped around the steering wheel, knuckles red from blood. My head spun from pain, it took an effort to blink without feeling my temples burning. The backseat of the unfamiliar car wasn't helping my discomfort. Why am I in the backseat? And not in the front with Dean?

"Dean," I mumbled, Dean turned his head, showing me his jaw bruised, purple and throbbing. I gasped, sitting up, pushing away the pain of my sore muscles. He twisted back around, focusing on the highway ahead of us. "Damn it, Dean look at me."

"We'll crash." He croaked, his voice turned scratchy, as if he had been crying or screaming.

"Then park,"

"I'm on the highway Ca-"

"I don't give a fuck," I snarled, "park."

Dean sighed, parking the car on the side of the road. He flipped around, showing me his bruised face. I shook my head, this was my fault. I brush my hand against his jaw, and he jerked slightly away, before leaning forward again. It was swollen, pulsing beneath my fingertips. His dark green eyes locked onto mine, specks of yellow in them, the yellow the shade of a haystack in the middle of spring. His freckles were more hidden underneath his flushed face. He seemed so out of order, out of control.

"Dean, what happened?"

"After he knocked you out, I got in an argument with him, lots of yelling, until we got into a fight." Dean responded, "I got you into the backseat of his car, and now here we are."

"This is all of my fucking fault." I whispered, pulling back, but stopped by a warm hand on my wrist.

"No, Cas, you simply had the guts I never had, and did the stunt I never would have done without you." Dean told me, placing a hand on the nape of my neck, he pulled me closer, until our foreheads were leaning against each other's for support.

"But it is my fault for messing up the relationship between you and your-"

"Are you kidding?" Dean asked softly, "He is always an asshole, an asshole I need to deal with."

"What?" I question, prying myself off him, "What the hell do you mean? You're done with him." Dean shook his head, rubbing his forehead.

"I didn't want to do this," Dean muttered, "Cas, I'm dropping you off at your house, and then I'm leaving."

I couldn't believe it.

I couldn't believe what Dean Winchester just said.

I pulled back, feeling his grip on my wrist tighten yet I yanked away from him anyhow. "What?" I asked, rage trembling in my words. I couldn't stop the tears that were starting to fall. I felt so empty, betrayed, I actually thought Dean knew better and actually cared for me. I felt as if I was ripped out of security and left out to be mauled, just to be left all by myself, with no soul to even think about dragging me back into safety.

I let out a shuddery breath, pushing against the car door, watching Dean staring at me with wide eyes.

"Don't cry Cas, you're supposed to have guts,"

"Oh shut up about me having fucking guts!" I yelled, my voice cracking from the edge of sobbing, "I'm not brave Dean! I'm far from that! I cower from my life too much, you are my only escape!" Dean's hand reached over but I slapped it away.

"Castiel, I'm sorry, I-"

"Do you even care about me?" I whispered, wiping my tears away furiously.

"I care about you as much as I care about Sammy. I just can't bring you into my messy life, I don't want to see you get hurt." Dean replied, eyes watering.

I was already hurt.

Can't he see that?

"The fact that you're leaving with that asswipe has already injured me Dean," I growled.

"I really like you Cas, I don't want to leave you."

"Then don't."

"I need to."

I let out a broken sob, feeling my chest blister from agony, the headache and sore muscles were nothing compared to the ache in my chest, expanding every time I take a breath.

I haven't cried this hard since...since a long time. I forgot how fucking terrible it feels, like your lungs are about to collapse at any moment, and that if you begin to speak, the sobs grab you and hold your words down your throat.

"Cas, please, baby," Dean started, I pushed my knees up to my chin and put my head on my knees, completely falling apart, chunk by chunk. I heard a clatter of objects until I felt arms grip around me, I couldn't even stay angry at that point, I didn't even care whose arms were around me. I just needed a hug.

I cried against Dean's flannel shirt, letting my hands link around his waist. My tears were clinging against the soft fabric, but I didn't care, I didn't care about anything at this moment. I just needed to let out all of the emotions that were battling inside of me.

I felt a hand enclose over mine, gripping me so tightly, as if I'll disappear in a second.

A Coldplay song plays in the background, and it was crazy that it exactly fitted what was happening.

(A/N: Song is either on here or on Youtube, Spotify, Pandora and other apps)

Nobody said it was easy

Its such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy

No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh take me back to the start

Dean cups my face in his hands, making me face him. he planted his lips against mine, giving me a passionate kiss, almost enough for me to forget what happened, the kiss managed to stop my tears. He pulled away, tears streaming down his face. "I never wanted to hurt you Cas." He stuffed his head between my neck, his breathes passing my collarbone. Then he started to sob against me, wet warm tears rolling on my skin. We become a sobbing mess, arms wrapped around each other, tears falling on top of each other.

We became broken together.

The Kid Who Has Guts|| A Destiel High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now