Idk (short story)

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Envy smiles at Caroline. "I'm glad... That we got to spend time together." She reaches for Caroline's hand. "Yeah... Me too." Caroline smiles. "I never want this moment to end. I'm so happy that I met you." Envy's tail wags as she hugs Caroline. The Worker Drone hugs her back. "I love you."


"ENVY! PLEASE." Cleo yells. Envy looks at her brother. "Envy! Envy come on- Just- Just come back!" Mei begs. Envy sighs. She shoots the infected drones. "Go on without me guys..." Envy smiles. "ENVY. STOP-" Cleo screams. Cleo attempts to get out of the elevator just for Ammo to hold him back. "A-Ammo! Let go! I- I have to save her!" Cleo stares at his sister. "..Heh. You know... It's kind of funny. How you guys try to keep me safe. Now... Now it's my turn." Envy smiles sadly.

Caroline just stares. She couldn't move, scream, cry- She couldn't DO anything... Anything to stop her. "Bye guys." Envy aims for the rope that was holding the elevator. "It was a pleasure being here with you." She shoots. "ENVY!" Cleo and Mei screamed. Envy sighs and salutes. Caroline could finally move...


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