Bestfriend inlove 22.

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Friday morning
No cosmetology school .

I woke up with my bestfriend laying between my legs with the blanket covering her face .

Holding onto my waist . I slowly pulled the blanket back . Staring at her for a while , her mouth was slightly opened .

My leg was wet from her drooling . I massaged her scalp rubbing the side of her face .

My voice was a little harsh . Yes , of course it , it is I'm just now waking up .

{ Nunu }
Grand rising bestfriend .

She turned her head gripping my side hugging me in her sleep .

I kept massaging her scalp then massaging her face leaning back laying right back down . I don't have school today , depending on today . I might fly back home with my bestfriend to see my brother .

She mumbled in her sleep pulling the blanket back up to her neck .

I don't understand anything she said , her voice is so soft and angelic .I glanced at her grabbing my phone off the nightstand .

Text messages

Grand rising pretty girl >3
delivered 5:30am

I exited out of Laurens messages about to text my brother .

Then Lauren responded to my message.

Everything ok ?
Read 5:34

I slowed down on rubbing my bestfriend face . Texting Lauren back with one hand .

Yes Lauren lol . Why wouldn't everything be okay?
Read 5:38

Because it's literally 5 something in the morning nunu
Delivered 5:40

I started to text her back . But something about her energy through text through me off .

I locked my phone sighing putting it on the nightstand face up . My bestfriend kissed my stomach . Looking up at me rubbing her eye .

Her eyes was light brown .

{ Nunu }
Have your eyes always been like that ?

Like what?

She said sitting up between my legs putting the cover over us . While I sat up leaning back against the headboard .

So that she is able to lay on me . I wrapped my arms around her , she turned around looking up at me .

{ Nunu }
Uh like they changed colors according to your mood . Like for example in the morning you're eyes are always light brown beautiful . Sometimes light blue when you're calm or relaxed . Then like glac

She chuckled rubbing my hand grabbing them interlocking our hands together kissing my hand .

{ 💙 }
I just try not to think about it tooo much . 2 days ago ty said that exactly same thing except he said , he thinks I might be an vampire . I just took his tv away he watch too much tv .

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