// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪-𝕤𝕚𝕩 //

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hiraeth - part sixty-six


       "S-Stay..?" Y/n muttered, freezing up under Black's cold gaze. His smile faded as he stared at her intently, as if letting her process his offer. Black knew Y/n far more than he was letting on, and knew exactly how each and every word he spoke affected her. He knew it was an offer that wouldn't be easy for her to turn down. After all, Y/n was supposed to be a "hero".

And he was right in his assumption. Y/n was finding it difficult to bring herself to say no, her voice escaping her. She would have to give up her life on Earth, forget about her friends and family, all of her loved ones. But it was her life, or the hundreds of lives still left on this planet. She knew if Goku or Gohan, or any of her friends were here, they'd tell her no, they'd say they could find a way for everyone to escape. But after how easily Black had managed to defeat all four of the Saiyans, Y/n was beginning to have her doubts about escape. How would they manage to get every single human away without Black attacking? They couldn't fight back. He was simply too strong for them right now.

"I see you're having trouble deciding," Black spoke up, slowly gliding towards her. Y/n could barely register his presence, buried under her thoughts and anxieties. She could see his dark gi before her, but something in her mind was pulling her away from reality. Black's cold touch ripped her out of her thoughts, his thumb under her chin as he pushed her head to look up and meet his eyes. "I could become him. I am just as much Goku as the original. You know that as well as I do."

His fingers moved from her chin to brush over her clothed neck, his touch making Y/n shiver. She couldn't move. Her fingers twitched as she tried to urge her body, force it to move, her mind begging and pleading for her to run for the hills. But she couldn't. Black smiled softly down at her, his kind smile fake and manipulating. He leaned closer, his body warmth identical to Goku's, wrapping around Y/n. Y/n stared into his eyes, unable to utter a single word, her e/c eyes begging him to stop. This wasn't Goku. Y/n knew that. And yet, that was all she could see, all she could feel.

Black gently pulled her closer, his hand pressing down on the mark connecting them. His hot breath hit her face as he sighed deeply, his eyes closing, shutting out Y/n's silent pleading. He pressed his lips against hers, his body suddenly lighting up as he could barely reign himself in, the shock and pleasure almost too much to bear. She was just as perfect as he had remembered.

Y/n had completely frozen, unable to breathe. She knew who Black was, she knew he wasn't Goku. And yet, with his lips pressed against hers, claiming her entirely, Y/n could no longer differentiate the two. She couldn't stop her hands as they pressed against his chest, gripping his gi tightly, scared to let him go.

Black pulled away with a chuckle as she clung to his body, unable to separate herself from him. Black pressed his palms against her cheeks, looking into her dark eyes. However, as he did so, something caught his attention. Something was different. There was something in her eyes, a presence.

As soon as the smile on Black's face faded, so too did his control over Y/n. Her eyes widened, realizing what had happened. Black could immediately see her senses come back to her, Y/n letting out a startled cry as she swung her arm, shoving Black back. Black looked up at her in surprise as her energy suddenly surged, Y/n gritting her teeth as she glared at Black.

"You're not Goku. I won't submit so easily to you!" She yelled, angered more at herself than Black that she was so easily manipulated.

Y/n charged at Black, the man's eyes widening as he shielded himself with his arms, Y/n's fist clashing against his arms. She let out a frustrated yell as she swung her leg, her boot crushing his arms and knocking him backwards.

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