kinky nagito n bunny hajime

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sigh... just take this draft i made a while back :(

i hate you guys

"im homee~!" nagito cheerfully walked into his shared home. he was a bit too cheerful...

"what's with the bags?" hajime asked, he was sitting on the couch. skeptical of nagitos behavior.

"oh? well~" nagito smiled at hajime in a cheeky manner. "i bought clothes for you!"

"what type of clothes?" hajime raised a eyebrow.

"well..." nagito pulled a whole ass bunny outfit that you would see in a stripper club or some weird shit like that.

hajime had absolute astonishment on his face.

"i- uh- are you serious?" hajime blushed and covered his mouth with the back of his hand.

"very." nagito smiled evilly.

"..damn you and youre stupid fetishes." hajime snatched the bunny outfit and walked away flustered into the bathroom. nagito waited outside of the bathroom.

tapping his foot, daydreaming, or whatever the fuck nagito does while waiting for someone.

and soon enough. hajime was done changing.

hajime walked out nervously, adjusting the chest part of the bunny outfit.

"i-is this okay..?" he muttered, blushing.

the bunny suit was black, a white collar with a small black ribbon/bow attatched to it. and because i said so, there was a white fluffy bunny tail in the back.

"wow~ it looks amazing on you!" nagito smiled, drooling a bit. (fucking weirdo)

"sh-shut up. lets just get this over with.. okay?" hajime mumbled, blush plastered on his face due to embarrasement.

"of course, anything for you~!" nagito smiled, no, he GRINNED bro😭 this mf planning sum devious!

anyway, he walked up to hajime and groped them fine delicious bakery buns the brunette gots in the back. "so, where you wanna do it?"

"wh-- the bed, obviously?! oh my god- did you want to do it on a fucking TV STAND?!"

"now i never muttered a WORD to make you think that..."

"ok wtfever lets just go to the bedroom already"


time skip bcuz hiiray ahahahaha im vrying i csnt do this abymore

"come here! my cute bunny-"

"what the fuck. never call me that again."

"sorry :3"

nagito was currently sat on the edge of the bed, which the brunette standing infront of him.

"hmm~ take a seat, won't you?" nagitos words seem to purr just right for hajime, making him blush furiously.

"i hate you so bad." hajime smiled nervously, his eyebrows furrowed as he began to sit on nagitos lap. feeling his boner.

"fuck." hajime let oit a brrath br didny know hr wad BTO MU DOG WONY GET OUY MY FACE

"ah.. i knew this would look good on you..." nagito licked his lips as he caressed hajimes sides, feeling the curves.

"damn baby you so curvy i could get a +10 points front flip on a motorcycle on you"



"nagito.. you know i hate foreplay."

"just let me enjoy this for a bit, mhm?" nagito kissed hajimes neck, as his hands seem to roam wherever on hajimes body. making the brunette let out a small breath when the taller boy would touch a sensitive part.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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