chapter 5

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Abhinav POV:

  It's been two days since I meet my pearl  since I kissed  her actually. I have been craving for her lips 'sigh' but I can't take things faster she's slowly started to know about the feelings. Look like I need to teach her a lot.
He smirked. His thoughts was interrupted by a message.


Arjun: Are you coming or not?

     Oh shit i totally forgot today was Arjun wedding anniversary.

Abhinav:on the way ...

Arjun: you better be ..

Oh god he was pissed off.... I got up from my chair. I was currently checking some files peacefully in my study room .

I ran to the shower and got ready.i wore a full black suit and came out of my closet and put on some  Dior perfume and some rings and a chain , combed my silky smooth hair. After checking myself in the mirror.

I headed out of my mansion and saw my car was already parked in front the door with my bodyguard standing outside. They bow once they saw me coming.

The car in the middle is flanked by two black cars in front and followed by two  more black cars behind.

I  just nodded with a stern face and got in the middle car . The driver starts the car as well as the others cars .

The cars started to move out of the drive way and soon

The car swiftly reached the bustling main road the highway lay still and desolate.

The quiet emptiness was a result of the passing convoy, which included the crown prince himself.

The atmosphere was filled with an air of anticipation and reverence, as the convoy's presence left a temporary hush in its wake.

As my family was already gone for party . They are present in the main hall

        I entered the party hall everyone turn around to see me . I just didn't care about their looks i started to search the couple Arjun & Anjali.

Dadu , arvind uncle and my dad are chit chatting and other side of the hall radhika aunty, Preethi ma and my mom was speaking obviously gossips i  rolled my eyes and started searching Arjun.

In this party every big shot was present today

The celebrities, ministers, the business people and of course the chief minister himself present here to honour the young business man in India or our childhood friend .

We grew up together. Soon I find Arjun was talking to Prashant and joined with them.

"Happy anniversary Arjun " i said in a monotone. He nodded.

The waiter served us drinks " Arjun give us some tips about marriage life "
I raised  my brow.

" Don't give that infamous look of yours , I'm asking for you only" the  corners of my eyes crinkled.

" For me " he nodded

" I don't need any advice, understand " i replied with stern face.

" Yeah you won't need anything, your wife grew up with you . You're their for her every ups and downs . "He took deep breath.

" Unlike me ..single for my whole life "
He finished in a sarcastic tone.

Arjun laughed and I glared both of them I was about to say but mom interrupted

"Arjun beta the function is about to start everyone is waiting for you " he nodded went to the stage . The lights got dim and the spot light focus the couple.

Anjali was coming down stairs with Anaya and my sisters Ishika & Aaradhya .

Our eyes met the world around us stop and eyes travelled to her body 'goddess' she was wearing a sliver sparkle long dress with a slight on her thigh

She  broke the eye contact and focus on the stage. I inhaled sharply my pants are getting uncomfortable.

Did she know what she is doing to me . I just want to bend her over and fuck her senselessly until she forgets her name.

"Earth to abhinav " Prashant was shaking the shoulders.

'what' i glared at him

" If you want to do some unholy things to her just do it " he teased

" Wth are  you talking " he laughed hardly.

" Dude just look at your face anyone can tell ". I glared at him . He stop abruptly

Soon the party finish we are having dinner in a private room in the long dinning table . My family and Anaya family has been seated Everyone was joking and laughing. Anaya excused herself and went to washroom.

I gave a worried look she just smiled and left..

*30 min later *

  It's been so long since she left but didn't come back . My mind felt uneasy something was wrong
I tried to call her but she left the phone in the table.

The stand up from the table everyone turned to look at my side . Seeing
face contorted with furrowed brows, wide, tense eyes, and a tightly clenched jaw, radiating a turbulent mix of anger and anxiety

the room become silent I took out my phone checked location her . Thank God I put a tracker in her necklace.

Her location was in a store room doesn't moving for a long  time something was wrong.

I run out of that room without responding anyone i can fell Arjun , Amarjeet, Prashant, prithvi running after me .

I reached the room there isn't any people around there and the room was locked. I kicked the door within 4-5 kicks the door burst open . My froze body when I  see my pearl was lying on the floor unconsciously.

The room was so dusty didn't have any windows there is no way the air can enter in this room.

I ran to her immediately put her in my lap and tapped her cheeks to wake her up "pearl please wake up don't scare me " my voice cracked. Tears started forming in my eyes but i refused to let it out.

Soon Arjun and others came "Arjun please tell her to wake up she will listen to you " my voice was cracking i can't even form any words .

Arjun tapped my shoulder " calm down Abhi nothing going to happen for her ...come we will take her out first. This room will be suffocating  for her " i nodded and carried her in a bridal style and went out of the room .

*At the hospital

" Doctor "i entered my hospital still carrying her in my arms .

The nurse and doctor came running with a stretchers. I lie her down on the stretcher . They take her to the ICU  . I followed them but  they told me to wait outside and closed the door .

Soon our family members came radhika ma started crying my mom Consoled her .

The doctor came out few minutes later "how is she doctor" i asked in a panicked tone .

" Nothing serious sir .Her breath grew shallow, then ceased altogether, causing her to collapse in a faint , she will get conscious in few hours "the doctor said .

  " God why would my daughter had to experience these many problems " her father cried.

" She's fine arvind she will make it don't worry "my dad consoled him.

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