Allies & daniels story

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Monday 23 September 2013 07:59 am
Hi I'm Daniel im 19 years old and go st brooks the one of the expenzsivest colleges   (can't say it's good but it's bearable ) today is a different day we have been informed that there is a new student we don't know who yet but the guys are hoping that he turns out to be a dude we don't really have much girls in here so would be nice to have more girl classmates I have two friends brooks and Liam they are two absolute crackheads but it's fun spending time with them well school is calling I will finish this later

Friday 23 September 2022 18:05pm

Hey it seems like I've never finished this so I'll finish it now and tell you what happened further on okay let's get into it going all the way to 2013 Monday 23 September

It was a sunny morning I was getting ready for college as usual and I had an idea to start a book thing or something like that yes this book thing but let's keep going we had been given information that there will be a new student so everyone was exited as guys hoped for the new one to be a dude girls hoped for the new one to be a girl but for me I was on girls side you might ask why well it's because we have a lots of guys already in this college  and we need more girl classmates and it would be nice to have more girls in our class as we only have 4  as I was saying it was a sunny morning and of course college day I got ready and went to college  I get dropped off but it's not a surprise because everyone in my college gets dropped off in fancy cars because only the wealthy students get to go this college  I feel bad about the other students but I can't do anything about it as I got dropped off I met up with  my two friends as I mentioned earlier brooks and Liam yeah the same crackhead ones we messed around for a bit before the lessons started we had science,English,it and maths the lesson I will never forget you are probably wondering Daniel how can you not forget one lesson from that one day well I'll tell you why bc that's where I got to meet her as the teacher announced the new student my eyes took by surprise as she came into the classroom felt like my heart was about to escape my chest she had the most beautifulest blond hair and those blue eyes I think I fell for her there and then but then reality came back to me when brooks trew a basketball at my face (still want to pay Back that guy ) and that's how I ended up in the nurses office who told me to put on an ice pack typical school nurses what can I say as I was walking out the office I saw her with those beautiful ocean eyes and then she looked at me and I frooze yes like an idiot all my confidence disappeared in one blink of an eye but from nowhere I see Liam talking to her I thought surely a girl like her wouldn't talk to him not meant to be mean but that guy showers one time a month but no turns out he already best friended her for my shook she actually looked interested in being friends with him that was the time that I realised she is different than other girls here and I was standing there in disbelief but then Liam called her over to go and introduce her to me oh my god if you'd see the scene of that I was sweating like a dog am I really that nervously awkward my main goal was to not mess up well obviously Daniel what else you stupid geezer anyways I got carried away back to the story as she walked I felt stressed and nervous but she was very kind and talkative and so we all became friends we hung out together ate lunch together yeah yeah ok I will get to the main part be patient reader soooo it happened she developed feelings for me and I asked her out and yeah she became my girlfriend and now we forward to that one night she called me and asked me to come over to hers so I did we played games ate snacks and watched a movie and while watching the movie we kinda got carried away and....I think you already know yup by the time I woke up next morning we were in the bed and our clothes on the floor what a night 😅 one  day she was going to the bathroom because she felt sick and that wasn't the only day that happened so we went to pharmacy they suggested us to buy a pregnancy test I thought to myself that no she couldn't be pregnant we only did it once and we used protection so I thought it's just something else but boy I was wrong she comes out and on that test yup you guessed it 2 lines well my reaction....well obviously I was happy I was gonna be a father  but how in the world am I supposed to inform my mom about this imagine sending your son to a good college where he can get a good career but he comes back with some news that his girl is pregnant oh yeah at the right moment my flipping mom starts to call out of nowhere so now I'm actually stressing but I do pick up first thing she says is how are you doing how is school well I say it's going great and then she throws the news on I am supposed to get married tommorow to this rich chick someone tell me why wasn't I informed but that's that I tell my mom I have a girl and we are happy and this witch pulls the side note you don't want nothing to happen to Allie do you omg how bad I wanted to slap that woman at that time but I don't hit females anyways then I get a call from oh well guess who ofc my new bride couldn't get better then she threatens me and yeah I was young and dumb at that time so you know what I did I left my girl with a baby that I made and dipped like what was wrong with me well the main point was to protect her but she didn't take that well she told me to get out and forget about them yeahh watch how easy it is to ruin your life how well did I take it ? Well I did the most manliest thing ever cried in the park at dark yup and then I got a call from mother again saying to get home your bride is waiting lovely no rest from her at all I know her for ages already since childhood she never leaves me alone so I decided to move further and go difrent college I escaped her for a while until today but yeah I went home met her like I haven't seen her for 10k times stalking me but that's different let's jump to the interesting parts let's see hmm oh yeah Allie texted me apologising for being mean and gave a great plan so the next morning we packed our shit and dipped to another country basically I ran away from my wedding we got a house and everything we need after 9 months our beautiful son was born I had the honour to name him so I named him after my father at least he wasn't sadistic monster like my mother is but so was Charlie born holding him for the first time was the best thing ever moving on passed 4 years and it was Charlie's 5th birthday I got him this toy car on remote he loved it and the party was good too until I got a call from Mellisa saying I will pay for leaving her at the altar I didn't think much off it so we continued the party and then was the next morning I woke up and felt weird looked around and couldn't find nether Allie nether Charlie but I found a note

*****dear Daniel it's Allie writing this letter right now by the time you are reading this we are already gone it's the fact that I never forgave you for that time and just get you to this country because me and Mellisa made a deal and she said she would pay a lot I'm not doing this because of money I'm doing this for Charlie's safety  as he needs a less toxic father figure don't come looking for us and live your life *****

At that time I didn't even knew what to think or do they really left me here and how could she be so heartless and lie to me for whole 5 years I couldn't get my head around it until I heard a knock I opened the door and saw Mellisa I gave her permission to come in and then she said something messed up she said that apparently it was her who wrote the letter and that Charlie and Allie were unalived and she had the audacity to tell me that she done it before I could say anything bunch off officers bursted in and took her so I was taken to the questioning one question after another came out off the officers mouth but I answered all of them I tried drinking to forget what happened and so I can move on but it never helped until 5 years later when I had already moved on and forgot most of it I was driving back from work and almost ran on to a person it was a woman at start I didn't see what she looked liked but when she picked her head up I saw the same copy of Allie I had to make sure that it was her actually not just some look alike so I remember that me and her got these matching tattoos on our hands so I needed a chance to see her hand but she seemed in a rush she apologised and was ab to leave but then out of nowhere I got a random idea to pull her by her hand and tell her to stay and I saw it I saw the tatto it really is her but how I saw with my clear eyes her on that table if she's alive that means omg Charlie must be alive too she looked at me weirdly like she doesn't recognise me yes I did change over them years and changed my looks but how could she not tell that it was me until she asked if I'm alright then I let her hand go and once again she left me got into a buss and drove away and I thought I will never see her again but at least she is alive I went home that evening trying to put everything together and how could that happen  until I was disturbed by a loud banging on my door I went to check what it was and I saw a little boy begging for me to let him in he looked scared so I let him in he told me that he's father got mad at him and he ran away he told me that his father hits him I allowed him to stay a bit so he could calm down and tell he told me his name I was in shock but didn't think much of it as lots of kids could have the same name he said he's Charlie and that he's 10 years old we talked for a bit and then there was once again knocking on my door swear to god people love my door a lot jokes aside I opened the door and couldn't believe my eyes it was Allie and she asked me to give her son back so the little boy really is my son I was so happy to see him but my mood changed once I realised in what situation they have been living in as I tried to start a conversation with Allie I saw her husband passing my street fully waisted shouting at everyone I managed to start a conversation with her and we talked I offered her to stay if she's not comfortable with her home she said that she doesn't want to stay at a strangers house but once I revealed who I am she agreed to stay but she said only for the night so I went to make us all a meal I returned and saw that Allie fell asleep on the couch looking so exhausted after everything that has happened I went to my room and saw Charlie asleep on my bed so now I didn't have anywhere to sleep so I thought to not sleep until Allie herself asked if I want to sleep on the couch and that we could share it so no time waisted I got in the couch with her and we slept all night it felt so great to have her by my side again I missed her so much at the morning I woke up and realised that she is gone I panicked and went around the house but I found her making some breakfast so I went up to her and asked her what she's making and she asked me a question and the question was if I still love her and of course I still love her there wasn't a day I went without thinking about her so instead of answering I just kissed her I thought she was going to push me away but she kissed me back I was so relieved and with that story ends Here
now I am 35 years old with a beautiful wife and a strong son and a wonderful daughter called Mia  I think I scored in life without even needing that college because what matters to me is only Allie,Mia  and Charlie my family oh if your wondering where Mellisa and my mother went oh boy I do have a story for that my mother was caught with fraud and Melisa was arrested for lying to police so as I say it is a happy ending indeed

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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