Chapter 3: *First Flight.*

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The sound of the pilot's voice coming through the intercom had pulled me out of my reminiscing and bitter thoughts and back to my unfortunate reality. I remember looking out the window and the sight that had greeted me had made my heart grow heavy with despair as the bitter truth that I was probably never going back home settled in.

The view outside had been breathtaking; I remember thinking it a pity it hadn't literary taken my breath away. Outside it had been stark night with thousands of lights glittering on the ground like fallen stars, we had reached Italy. I remember averting my eyes from the beautiful sight outside and looking at the lavish interior of the jet with resentment, partially hoping the jet crashed and I died. That at least, would have been a better fate than being stuck with murders and traffickers.

There had been a cream white leather seat with black leather armrests and a side table that sat empty in front of me while on my left the four seats-two pairs facing each other-had two girls whose names I had not known back then sitting comfortably with Rosy drinking champagne. I had known that behind me on the couches facing each other the six men wearing all black who are the bodyguards of the five Velastro brothers had sat comfortably chatting.

I had also been hyperaware of all the brothers' locations in relation to myself; two of the brothers had sat together by the door while the other three sat around a black glass table on black and white leather chairs inside the most beautiful lounge I still believe a private jet had no right possessing. They had been drinking whiskey and counting cash with guns close by as if they did not even know what it was to let down their guard down anymore.

Within the one week I had spent with them by then, I had come to realize that it was not that they do not trust each other that caused them to be always vigilant but rather that fact that they most probably had so many enemies that they could not afford to let their guard down because the price to pay would be too much. After being betrayed by the people closest to me it had suddenly become too easy for me to see the signs of caution against betrayal or simply misfortune by fault of letting one's guard down.

In the time spent with them I had learnt nothing other than that they were involved in illegal dealings and that there was most likely no one who could hold them against taking someone's life because they were among highest in the pyramid of power. After two days of being completely ignored, I had thrown aside any thought of trying to escape when they'd let their guard down, which I had realized they never did, and just beg them to let me go or at least explain to me why they had chosen me.

The answers I had received were worse than being told no and being left in suspense as to the reasons of being abducted.

It had taken me four days stuck in an apartment with three foreign men carrying guns in an entire floor reserved for the brothers of the man-said man included- who told the three men with guns to "keep me in line" to finally realize that I had not just been kidnapped by rich drug dealers or some sex traffickers reserving me for a specific client but members of an Italian Mafia family.

From the beginning I had known they were not on the right side of the law but after that truth came to light it became extremely hard for me to see a picture of myself free; not only because everyone knew that people with a lot of power did not like to lose their 'toys' but also because being free meant there was a walking victim who could testify to their illegal deeds and such a thing could never be an option.

As if he'd felt my eyes on them Antonio-second eldest after Nicholas-had looked at me from his chair on the lounge and smiled a bone chilling smile and winked at me while playing with his gun. I had been very aware that what he had been doing was being done with the intent of frightening me and unfortunately for me, it had worked.

Much to my mounting misfortune, he suddenly decided that the meeting he had been having with his brothers was boring and had come to sit on the empty seat across me. I remember being still as stone and feeling cold as ice as he settled on the seat right after fastening the seat belt around me.

The satisfied smile on his lips had revealed to me that my reaction had been exactly what he had wanted to see.

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